5-12-98 tb specialMay 12, 1998
On the above date New Scandia Township held a Special Meeting to
discuss and review the Capital Improvement Committee Report
Draft. The following Board Members were present: Dennis
Seefeldt, Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Robert Jensen,
Kevin Nickelson and Bruce McConoughey. The following Committee
Members were also present: Arden Johnson, Steve Spence, Joe
Moriarity and Skip Stromberg.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to acquire 5 to 20 acres of land and
proceed with drilling a test well. Combine option one and two and
do the first two phases. Two supervisors proceed with number
three in Option #1 and number three in Option #2 and meet with
Colleen Firkus regarding township finances. Robert Jensen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Paul Rasmussen, Robert Jensen, Steve Spence, and Skip Stromberg
shall negotiate land purchase for the project.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn, Robert Jensen seconded.
New Scandia Township Clerk