6-02-98 tbn
June 2, 1998
The regular meeting of New Scandia Township Board was called to
order by Chairman, Dennis Seefedlt. The following Board members
were present: Dennis Seefedlt, Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Vice
Chairman, Robert Jensen, Kevin Nickelson, and Bruce McConoughey.
Marine -On -St -Croix Water Management Joint Power Agreement
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to sign the Joint Powers Agreement
for the Marine -On -St -Croix Water Management, on the grounds that
this is a Water Management Organization and if the Township have
any problems the Township could withdraw from the Organization.
Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted
Signage For Community Center and Skating Facility
Mr. McConoughey presented the two following quotes for Signage
for the Community Center and Skating Facility: 1) North Signs,
price per sign $1090.00; 2) Northland Signs, $985.00 per sign.
Mr. McConoughey informed the board the signs from North Signs are
a better quality sign.
Robert Jensen made a motion to purchase the signs from North
Signs in the amount of $1090.00 each and contact the brick
work/pillars with Jim Schneider at the quote of $236.00 per pilar
for total bid of $944.00. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
TIF Monies
Kevin Nickelson reviewed projects that could benefit from the TIF
Monies. He stated the priority projects are the Bliss Upgarding
in the amount of $209,000.00 and 188th Street to Newgate to
Norell in the amount of $100,000.00. The board agreed the
following would be prioritized as follows: 1) 196th Street, West
of Maxwill in the amount $29,300.00; 2) Lakamaga Trail, West of
Maxwill in the amount of $34,200.00; (3 Norell Avenue, South of
185th Street in the amount of $31,900.00; (4 195th Street,
Mayberry to Olinda Trail in the amount of $13,300.00.
Tower Ordinance
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the Title and Summary of
the Tower Ordinance 6/2-98-1 and the summary be published in the
township legal paper. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn and Robert Jensen
seconded the motion.
Dolores Peterson, New Scandia Township Clerk