7-07-98 tb,pcJuly 7, 1998
On the above date New Scandia Township Planning Commission held
their regular monthly meeting. The following Town Board Members
were also present: Dennis Seefeldt, Chairman, Robert Jensen,
Kevin Nickelson, Bruce McConoughey. Paul Rasmussen, Vice
Chairman, absent.
Bernard Winkelman
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant Mr.
Bernard Winkelman, 12810 182nd Street, Marine, MN 55047, Lot 6
Big Lake View 2nd Addition the following three variances to
construct a garage, on the grounds it is a reasonable use of the
property. 1) Lot size 1.5 acres to 30,782 square feet; 2) Road
frontage 150 feet to 80 feet; 3) Garage closer to the road than
the house. Conditions are owner must remove one of the two
existing accessory buildings. Findings are the buildings are
well screened from the road and the -re were no negative comments
from the neighbors.
Robert Jensen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Jeffery Youngquist
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
variances to Jeffery Youngquist, 2560 Stillwater Road, Maplewood,
MN 55119, Lots 9 and 10 Erickson 2nd Addition, street location
18430 Norell Avenue. 1) Lot size 1.5 acres to 23,535 square
feet; 2) Road frontage 150 feet to 100 feet; 3) Lake frontage 150
feet to 105.4 feet; and 4) Lake setback 100 feet to 58 feet. On
the grounds that the addition will be almost 100 feet from the
lake, the second story will be on the new addition, the addition
will bring the house from two bedrooms to three bedrooms, and
there is an existing home. Conditions are the deck is to come no
closer to the lake than the existing house, the building will be
three feet above floodplain, and the foundation be inspected and
found structurally sound. Findings are while neighboring homes
may be upgraded and ultimately could be moved further from the
lake, Mr. Youngquist may be able to utilize this building and the
neighbors do not object.
No motion was made by the Town Board, so the motion was denied.
William-Fogerty/John Savageau
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to deny the
Minor Subdivision request for Mr. Fogerty, 8500 215th Street,
Forest Lake, applicant and owner, John Savageau, 2030 145th
Avenue, Ham Lake, MN 55304. On the grounds that there is no
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July 7, 1998
hardship and the subdivision would create one or two
nonconforming lots from one conforming lot. The ordinance
forbids this. We have an ordinance for a reason.
Bruce McConoughey made a motion to accept the Minor Subdivision
and this is over the lot size for the zoning. Mr. Hebert,
Township Attorney informed the Township Board this Minor
Subdivision does not conform to the ordinance and no hardship
exists. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion. Bruce McConoughey,
Kevin Nickelson yes, Dennis Seefeldt, no, Robert Jensen, no.
Motion failed.
Wind In The Pines Preserve
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board that they
designate Winds In The Pines Preserve as park status on the
condition the Park Committee submit an overall town park plan
within six months.
Robert Jensen made a motion to remove the motion regarding the
Park off the table. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion. Motion
adopted unanimously.
Robert Jensen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation and adopt Ordinance No. 62, dedicating certain
property of the Town as Public Park. Bruce McConoughey seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Gravel Pit Inspections
Mr. Seefeldt reported on the gravel pit inspections. There was
little activity at Dresel Pit, the grass was growing on the
slopes and there was no encroachment on the wetlands. There was
no activity at Barton. There were trees planted at the Bracht
Pit , but the paved section of 185th Street is not in good shape.
There was some hauling at the Zavoral Pit.
Dolores Peterson
New Scan-ia Township Clerk