9-15-98 tbSeptember 15, 1998
The regular monthly New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to
order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members
were also present; Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman,
Paul Rasmussen, Robert Jensen, Kevin Nickelson. Absent, Bruce
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the following consent
(1) Call to order
(2) Clerk's minutes have been presented for Town Board
8/11/98, 8/18/98 and 9/1/98. Planning Commission
(3) Approval of Treasurer's Report
Balance August 1, 1998 $1,509,215.10
Receipts 11,358.00
Expenditures 87,982.27
Balance $1,432,590.83
(4) Approval of September vouchers
(5) Adjournment
Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted
Mike White/Parks and Recreation Committee
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the skateboarding rules
as amended changes on number five (5). Robert Jensen seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Mr. White stated the Park and Recreation Committee has two
vacancies and the township shall advertise for Rink Attendants.
Mr. White informed the Town Board that the Park and Recreation
have requested land in lieu of fees on the Bluffs of the East
Bay. The land requested borders along Olinda Trail, County Road
#3 and the use shall be for a wayside rest.
David Hebert/Township Attorney
Planning and Zoning Conflicts with Comprehensive Plan
Mr. Hebert reviewed the Planning and Zoning Conflicts with the
Comprehensive Plan. The Town Board agreed there was no need for
a moratorium ordinance and if the proposals meet the requirements
of the county ordinance, the Town will be relatively well
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Capital Improvement Fund/Resolution No. 9-15-98
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Resolution 9-15-98 to
establish a Capital Improvement Fund for New Scandia Township.
Dennis Seefeldt and Paul Rasmussen shall meet with Jane Krantz
and the newly elected Representative. Robert Jensen seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Building Inspector Agreement
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve and sign the Building
Inspector Agreement with Al Goodman. Kevin Nickelson seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Update on Union Negotiation
Mr. Hebert stated a final offer was submitted two to three months
ago to the Union Mediator. It was agreed to send it again and
making it very clear that this is the final agreement and inform
the Mediator to discuss this with the Union Representative.
Dan Boyum/Township Engineer
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve pay request No. 1 for
R. E. Peterson, Inc. in the amount of $57,760.00 for the Bliss
Upgrade and the Clerk send a pay request to TIF for
reimbursement. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve partial payment to Scandia
Trucking in the amount of $4,202.80 for the contract in the
placement of a catch basin on Orwell Avenue. Kevin Nickelson
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Robert Jensen made a motion to install street lighting with the
1999 Olinda Trail/County 3, Road Project at estimated cost of
$109,000.00 and review the street light locations on Oakhill Road
in the vicinity of Mesiters Bar and Grill. Kevin Nickelson
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Mr. Dan Boyum informed the Town Board that the Feasibility Report
for the 1999 Road Project will be presented at the October 6,
1998 Town Board meeting.
Mr. Dan Boyum gave a update report on the Patch and Sealcoating
Project. The township office was instructed not to release the
pay request until Mr. Jensen meets with Allied Blacktopping and
dicuss the problems with the Community Center Parking Lot.
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the buried telephone cable
on Novak Avenue for GTE Telephone Company. Paul Rasmussen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve Mallard Avenue in the
Plat of Bone Lake Estates. Kevin Nickelsonsecondedthe motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Kevin Nickelson/Road Supervisor
Mr. Nickelson informed the Town Board Tom Prew and Mr. Nickelson
viewed all the roads in the 1997 Road Project and with the
additional shouldering to be completed the Project will be
Mr. Nickelson informed the township office to advertise for
members for the Road Committee with the ad for the Park
Mr. Nickelson reported quotes for a snowplow for the pick-up
truck. The quotes ranged from $3050.00 to $3150.00. Mr.
Nickelson agreed to contact another firm for a quote.
Bluffs of East Bay/Roger Humphrey
Mr. Humphrey presented a Preliminary Plat drawing of Bluffs of
East Bay. He stated the following had or shall be completed.
1) soil testing is submitted and approved; 2) a complete
preliminary plan is submitted including new lot lines, driveways
and cul-du-sacs; 3) a drainage plan is submitted and approved; 4)
Washington County Department of Public Works approves driveways;
5) the two smaller sheds on Lot 2 are removed, but the barn and
silo may remain; and 6) a right-of-way is dedicated to the
township for a 120 foot diameter cul-du-sac on Lot 5.
A discussion was held regarding the number of docks to be allowed
in the plat. Mr. Humphrey stated they have meet with the
Department of Natural Resources regarding this issue and it had
been recommend to have a conservation easement along the water
Mr. White stated the Park and Recreation Committee was requesting
land in lieu of Park Fees for the plat. Ms. Elinor Cronk stated
she lives across the proposed Wayside Rest and objected to the
rest area. The board agreed not to pursue land in lieu of Park
Kevin. Nickelson made a motion to approve the recommendation of
the Planning Commission in paragraph one under Bluffs of East
Bay. With the following additions: 1) approval of a Conservation
Easement, 2) enter into a Development Agreement. The letter from
the Rural Landscape Committee be part of the file on Bluffs of
East Bay. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted
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Marine -On -St -Croix WMO Joint Powers Agreement
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve signage by Clerk, Dolores
Peterson, Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt for Final (Version 5.2)
Marine -On -St -Croix WMO Joint Powers Agreement and reaffirm
support for the agreement. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Vacant Home On 15905 Quality Trail
Due to problems with the vacant home at 15905 Quality Trail, Mr.
Hebert, Township Attorney was directed to send a letter to the
Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation, Foreclosure Department.
Proclamation For Country Messenger
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the Proclamation for the
County Messenger expressing our appreciation and wishing the new
owners success. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Letter From Fred Heinonen/Destructive Subdivision
Mr. Heinonen sent a letter to the Town Supervisors expressing his
Concern about the certain destruction of the character of our
community of Scandia by the methodical automatic subdivision of
existing properties. The Board directed Mr. Hebert, Township
Attorney to draft a answer to Mr. Heinonen's letter.
Malt Liquor License
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the Malt Liquor License
for New Scandia Fire and Rescue Department on November 20, 1998
for a benefit for Mr. Simons. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourned. Robert Jensen
seconded and meeting adjourned.
Dolores Peterson
New Scan is Township Clerk