1-07-99 tb specialJanuary 7, 1999 On the above date New Scandia Town Board held a Special Meeting to discuss and review the questions and concerns the residents have in the Bliss/Holiday Beach Addition about the assessment costs for the bituminous surfacing for the 1999 Road Improvement Project. The clerk read the Notice of the Special Meeting which also contained that the Town Board may also consider the Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans For The 1999 Road Improvement Project. The following Board Members were present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Kevin Nickelson, Robert Jensen and Bruce McConoughey. The following were representing the Bliss/Holiday Beach Addition: Jeff Dahlberg, James Conlan and J. Lee Swenson. The representatives for the area had the following concerns: Tax fairness, TIF monies and assessment formula. A history of the road projects was presented by James Conlan and he stated that in 1989 the assessment was on road frontage and not by buildable lots. Mr. Conlan was corrected as the township has never assessed by the road frontage. Mr. Swenson stated he has a problem with the formula and if the township would put all the collectors together using the 25o the assessment for collectors would be $863.00 and using the residential roads at 75% the assessment for residential roads would be $1221.00. He stated this would bring down the cost of residential roads and this would be a more fair assessment as the residents on collector roads pay a much lower assessment with the township policy. A two thirds and one third assessment was also addressed. Mr. Nickelson stated he felt every resident benefits from the bituminous surfacing and that the collector roads receive so much more traffic then the residential roads. This has been the township policy for bituminous surfacing and he directed the question to the township attorney if we could consider changing the policy or add more roads to maybe help reduce the costs of the residential roads. Mr. Hebert informed the Town Board that this is not feasible as the township would have to redo the whole project with reports, resolutions and public hearing and this process would slow down the new project, so therefore the bidding for the project would be late in the year. If the township bids the project late in the year the bids would be definitely higher. page 2 Mr. Dahlberg asked if the Washington County Parks could be assessed on 185th Street, Department of Natural Resources and New Scandia Township. Mr. Hebert felt the parks could be assessed, but had some concerns about the lake accesses. The representatives expressed their desire to continue with the project and they wanted the bituminous surfacing, but how is it going to be fair and fair to the residents in the future. Mr. Seefeldt expressed his opinion that this assessment policy worked in the past and the board should follow the policy. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to use the existing policy and the way it is applied. To review the Washington County Park land, Department of Natural Resources land and New Scandia Township land to whether or not these parcels maybe assessed. Direct, Tom Peterson, Township Engineer to prepare a Long Range Plan for future projects. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Resolution Ordering Improvement And Preparation Of Plans For The 1999 Road Project Robert Jensen made a motion to approve and sign the Resolution Ordering Improvement And Preparation Of Plans For The 1999 Road Project. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to adjourn. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion, meeting adjourned. Dolores Pete L New Scandia ip Clerk