1-19-99 tbJanuary 19, 1999 The regular meeting of the New Scandia Town Board was called to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were also present: Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Robert Jensen, Kevin Nickelson and Bruce McConoughey. Consent .Agenda Robert Jensen made a motion to accept the following consent agenda; (1) Call to order (2) Clerk's minutes have been presented for 12/15/98, 1/5/99, 1/7/99 Town Board and 1/5/99 for Planning Commission (3) Approval of Treasurer's Report Balance December 1, 1998 $1,329,405.27 Receipts 530,470.68 Expenditures 146,355.62 Bank Charges 36.00 Balance $1,713,484.33 Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Fire Chief / Steve Spence Steve Spence presented the Budget Report for the New Scandia Fire and Rescue Department for 1988 and the Treasurer's Report for 1988. Mr. Spence also distributed compensation information comparing the old pay scale of $5.00 per call and the new pay scale of $10.00 per call and $12.00 for officers. The $10,000.00 added to the Fire Department budget at the July 31, 1998 budget hearing covers the additional compensation expense. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to confirm the pay increase of $10.00 per call for firefighters and $12.00 per call for officers based on the written contract submitted at this meeting by Steve Spence. Bob McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Mr. Spence indicated the Fire Department is spending significant amounts of money on repairs for the pumper truck, and holding off on some repairs as it is scheduled to be replaced in the year 2000. Mr. Spence will present cost estimates for a new pumper at the July Budget Hearing. Regarding the November 16, 1998 minutes from the Forest Lake City and Township merger talks, Mr. Spence and the Town Board confirmed that New Scandia Township has not requested fire coverage from Forest Lake Fire Department and has not requested a merger with Forest Lake Fire Department. January 19, 1999 Page 2 Attorney / Dave Hebert Dave Hebert reported: the Nickelson property has been purchased the closing has occurred; the medical and dental compensation has been set for 1999 for the Public Works Department; a letter has been sent to Northsigns regarding the signs ordered for the Community Center and Skate Facility with no response - Mr. Hebert suggested the Town take the matter to conciliation court. Parks & Recreation / Mike White Bob Jensen made a motion for continuation of broadleaf control for ball fields with TrueGreen Chemlawn in 1999 at a cost of $447.30. $100.00 to be paid by Barton Memorial Park for the ball field at the park. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and the motion adopted unanimously. Mike White requested land in lieu of park fees for Sherwood Acres plat for trail purposes. Mr. White indicated he hoped to eventually connect up with a landlocked park to the southeast. Mr. White stated there would be no land request for Croix Crest. Bids for a sound system at the skate facility were presented. $3,680 from Kingdom Sound and $1,550 from Music Connection. The Town Board directed Bruce McConoughey to work with Mike White to determine what exactly is needed and to shop around. Engineer / Tom Peterson Tom Peterson requested and received approval from the Town Board to present the 1999 road project plans February 16, 1999, have the plans approved and to authorize bids. Bids to be open March 24, 1999, and awarded at the April 6, 1999 meeting. Kevin Nickelson requested the engineer keep the TIF costs separate for the upgrade and subgrading expenses on the 1999 project. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the third and final payment to Allied Blacktop for $2,792.30 for patching and seal costing in 1988. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and the motion carried. The placement of the street lights on Olinda Trail and Oakhill Road were reviewed. Bob Jensen made a motion to approve the street lights plans and advertise for bids. Bids to be awarded March 16, 1999. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and the motion carried. Richard Foster reviewed his recommendations from his January 18, 1999 letter for water supply for fire protection. Mr. Foster recommended Alternative #2 to drill a four inch test well prior to constructing a larger fire supply well. The smaller well would then be for domestic water supply. However, a site plan would need to be drawn up before a test well is done. Bob Jensen made a motion to appoint Kevin Nickelson, Steve Spence and Tom Peterson to draw up a site plan for a Fire Hall and Public Works building. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and the motion carried. January 19, 1999 Page 3 Ken Kopka Ken Kopka presented the Board with revised plans for an addition to his dwelling on Big Marine Lake. Bob Jensen made a motion to approve the revised plans for Ken Kopka's addition to his home. Findings are a hardship exists as it is the only practical location for building on the lot and Mr. Kopka is entitled to a reasonable use of his property. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and the motion was adopted unanimously. Capital Improvements Dennis Seefeldt reviewed the Capital Improvement Committee's recommendations to accomplish the following within the next five years: l) water supply/well for Fire Department; 2) purchase property for a fire hall and public works building; 3) remodel the community center kitchen because of safety issues; and 4)purchase a new graded, which was done in 1988. The Town Board directed Bob Jensen, Bruce Swenson and Tom Peterson to come back to the next meeting with plans and cost estimates for kitchen remodeling. Board also directed Bruce McConoughey, Bob Jensen and Steve Spence to come up with a time line for Fire Department needs. Road Supervisor / Kevin Nickelson Kevin Nickelson gave three alternatives for storing the new pickup truck. The Board decided to let Brian Jemelka take the truck home, be on call, but park the truck in maintenance garage when the new tractor arrives and there's more room in the garage. The borrowed tractor with back hoe will be gone then. The Board discussed the snow plow policy and problems with residents plowing their snow into the streets. The Board directed staff to send out a letter from Kevin Nickelson as needed. Kevin Nickelson reported he rode with both snow plow operators and thought they were doing a good job and not going over 30 mph. Several mailboxes were knocked down by snow, not the plow, when Mr Nickelson was riding in the plow. Mr. Nickelson has directed Brian Jemelka to slow down to 20 to 25 mph. Mailboxes will be replaced only if they are hit by the plow. Gopher Bounty The Board discussed Washington County's intent to eliminate the County gopher bounty. No action was taken. Bob Jensen made a motion to adjourn. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and the motion carried. Colleen Firkus New Scandia Township Treasurer for Dolores Peterson, Clerk