10-20-99 tb workshopOctober 20, 1999
A Workshop Meeting was held on the above date with the
Fire/Rescue and Public Works Building Committee and the Town
Board. The following Board Members were present: Dennis
Seefeldt, Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Robert Jensen,
Michael Hinz. Absent, Bruce McConoughey.
Robert Russek, of Bonestro Engineering stated the plan is to have
all the information to bid the second week of November and open
December 16, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. Robert Russek shall contact
fifteen (15) contractors and would like to have at least 10
contractors to bid the project.
Mr. Russek stated there would be 3 alternates as follows:
(1) To add face brick on the south elevation. The added
cost $90,000.00 to $100,000.00. The base bid will
be painted precast concrete with brick accents.
(2) To a color sealer with traction grit. The added cost
would be $15,000.00
(3) To add painted walls and ceilings in rooms 201-203 at
a added cost of $5,000.00 to $10,000.00
The plan for construction should start approximately May 1, 2000
and should be completed by December 2000. During construction,
Bob Russek and Gary Peterson of Bonestro Engineering will be
contacts for the Engineering Firm and Paul Rasmussen contact
person from the Town Board.
The site plan and site work is done by a separate contractor,
covered by Tom Peterson and this shall be bid in February or
March, 2000.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to authorize Robert Russek of
Bonestro Engineering to advertise for bids the second week of
November for the construction of the New Scandia Township
Fire/Rescue and Public Works Building and the bid opening to be
at 2:00 p.m. on December 15, 1999. Robert Jensen seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Minutes taken and submitted by Paul Rasmussen