12-21-99 tbDecember 21, 1999
New Scandia regular Town Board meeting was called to order by
Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were also
present: Dennis Seefeldt, Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Vice
Chairman, Michael Hinz, Robert Jensen and Kevin Nickelson.
The Oath of Office was administrated to Kevin Nickelson,
appointed Supervisor, by Clerk, Dolores Peterson. Mr. Nickelson
will hold office until March 14, 2000.
Consent Agenda
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the consent agenda with
the following corrections: Minutes have been presented for
November 2, 1999 Planning Commission and December 7, 1999 Town
(1) Call to order
(2) Clerk's minutes have been presented for 11/02/99,
Planning Commission and 11/16/99 and 12/07/99
Town Board
(3) Approval of Treasure's report:
Balance November 1, 1999 $1,256,715.65
Receipts 129,270.40
Expenditures 162,813.67
Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted
Park and Recreation/Mike White
Mike White reviewed the hours for the skating facility, hourly
wage, fee schedule for hockey teams that was proposed by the
Skating Advisory Board. Mr. White also reviewed the possibility
of acquiring the land by Hay Lake School from Washington County
after the completed construction of Olinda Trail.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion on the following proposed by the
Skating Advisory Board. Hours: Monday -Friday 4:00 p.m. to 9:00
p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday and Holidays,
noon to 10:00 p.m. Saturday reserved for pleasure skating from
noon to 10:00 p.m. Sunday reserved for pleasure skating from noon
to 10:00 p.m. Two attendants shall be on duty Friday, Saturday,
Sunday and Holidays from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Wages: new
employees $7.25 and existing employees $7.50. $20.00 per head
for the season for hockey teams. Authorize the purchase of a ice
edger not to exceed $500.00. The extra hose and reel shall be
furnished by the Fire Department. Michael Hinz seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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Weed Control/Ballfields
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the weed control with
Chemlawn for the season of 2000 for the ballfields. Kevin
Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Township Engineer/Tom Peterson
Mr. Peterson, presented a bid tabulation of the five low bids
received for the construction of New Scandia Fire/Rescue and
Public Works Department.
Contractor Base Bid Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt3
Rochon Corporation
ECI Building Contractors
Mark Haug Construction
Shingobee Builders, Inc.
Frerichs Construction Co.$1,130,000
The low bidder on the project was Rochon Corporation with a base
bid of $1,107,000. However, in the event that anyone of the
alternates is accepted, the engineering first recommends the
project be awarded to ECI Building Contractors.
Michael Hinz made a motion to award the bid with the three
alternates to ECI Building Contractors in the amount of
$1,179,486.00. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Resolution Providing For The Issuance and Sale Of Bonds
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve Resolution No. 12-21-99
for the Issuance and Sale of $1,200,000 General Obligation
Building Bonds of 2000 on January 18, 2000. Michael Hinz seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Drivewav Specifications
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the revised driveway
specifications. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion
approved unanimously.
Final Payment For 1999 Road Project
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the final payment to W. B.
Miller in the amount of $51,204.64. Paul Rasmussen seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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Strioina of Township Collector Roads
It was agreed to contract with Washington County for the striping
of township collector roads, except the collector roads that were
striped with the 1999 Road Project. A list will be submitted for
review at the January 4, 2000 meeting.
Uptown Sewer System
Tom Peterson reported he had spoken to Mike Peterson/Peterson
Excavating and he stated that approximately 150 feet of
drainfield has been installed at the Uptown Sewer System site,
and that it appears there is room for another 200 feet of
Pumper Bid For New Scandia Fire/Rescue Department
There was only one bidder for the pumper truck and that was
Custom Fire Apparatus in the amount of $242,480.00. There was a
option that the pumper could be used for a demo with a discount
of $7,500.00.
Robert Jensen made a motion to accept the bid for the pumper
truck for New Scandia Fire/Rescue Department without the discount
for the demo in the amount of $242,480.00. Kevin Nickelson
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Charles Schwartz_/Tri Star Trucking
Mr. Schwartz presented the inspection report for the spray booth
from the State Fire Marshall Division and the inspection has
complied with all the requirements.
Paul Rasmussen stated the board feels that Mr. Schwartz has
complied with all the requirements for the of Tri-Star Trucking,
and it appears to be very neat. Mr. Schwartz has furnished the
information from the State Fire Marshall.
Tom Obst/Taco Days Committee
Tom Obst requested that the township consider a stirring
committee for the Taco Days Celebration in September of 2000.
This will be discussed at the April, Town Board meeting.
Turnback of Quinnell/County 53 to New Scandia Township
A discussion was held regarding the turnback of Quinnell/County
53 from Washington County to New Scandia Township. The township
office was directed to contact Doug Fischer, Washington County
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and request that Washington County Commissioners consider to
delay their decision until after the Town Board meeting January
18, 2000. Tom Peterson, Township Engineer was directed to
inspect culverts, ditches and road conditions. This information
shall be submitted by a written report for the January 18, 2000,
Town Board meeting.
Kevin Nickelson Questions Regarding Public Works Department
Mr. Nickelson impressed is concern about a written statement
regarding the problems Mr. Jemelka has with his back, and
questioned if he should have a independent medical evaluation.
Mr. Hebert stated, because of the labor negotiations it would be
impossible to request that evaluation.
Mr. Nickelson informed Road Supervisor, Michael Hinz to remind
the Public Works Department not to drive over 25 miles an hour
with the snowplow.
Mr. Nickelson expressed his concerns regarding acquiring land for
turnarounds for Ostrum and Pennfield.
Sound System For Board Room
Robert Jensen informed the township office to secure a bid for a
sound system in the Board Room.
201 Connection Policy
A letter was received from Al Goodman, Building Official
regarding the connection policy for the 201 Septic System on Big
Marine Lake. The letter stated the system was not designed to
accommodate new development, and allowing small vacant lots to
connect to the system. A Policy for 201 Sewer Collector
Connections was also presented and Washington County suggested
the township adopt this policy. This item will be on the
Planning Commission meeting for January 4, 2000.
Certificate of Compliance/C McCoin
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Certificate of
Compliance for Cameron McCoin, 22351 St Croix Trail, Scandia, MN
55073. For a home occupation consisting of acupuncture treatment
and personal health management. Kevin Nickelson seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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E. H. Renner Pav Reauest
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the pay request for E. H.
Renner for the test well and water well construction in the
amount of $26,939.81. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Michael Hinz made a motion to adjourn, Paul Rasmussen seconded
the motion and meeting adjourned.
Dolores Peterson
New ,Seanrd: Township Clerk