3-16-99 tbMarch 16, 1999 New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order by Clerk, Dolores Peterson. Ms Peterson gave the Oath of Office to Supervisor, Michael Hinz at 7:00 p.m. before the payment of vouchers. The following Board Members were present: Michael Hinz, Robert Jensen, Paul Rasmussen and Paul Rasmussen. Absent Bruce McConoughey. Clerk, Dolores Peterson called the Town Board Meeting to order. The order of business was to elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman for the year of 1999. Dennis Seefeldt was elected Chairman and Paul Rasmussen was elected Vice Chairman. CONSENT AGENDA Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the following consent agenda: 1. Call to order 2. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 02/16/99 and 03/02/99 Town Board and 03/02/99 Planning Commission 3. Approval of Treasurer's report Balance February 1, 1999 $1,366,071.6-9 Receipts 10,991.60 Expenditures 180,030.84 Adjustments 7,600.00 Adjustments 100,018.50 Balance February 28, 1999 $1,315,650.95 Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Fire Chief/Steve Spence Mr. Spence reported that the Fire Department's ISO Insurance rating did not change and the rating is #7. Park and Recreation/Mike White Kim Hough representing Forest Lake Area Athletic Association presented Mr White a check in the amount of $2,500.00. The donation should be used for safety benches, safety fences, storage shed and field maintenance. Mr White requested a amount of $1500.00 from the township for the sound system at the Skating Facility and stated he could raise matching funds to have the system installed by Hurricane Sound of Scandia. He also informed the board that Mr Boraas has donated time and underground material when the building was constructed. page 2 Paul Rasmussen made a motion the township pay a maximum of $1,500.00 for the Sound System for the Skating Facility. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion. Michael Hinz, yes, Dennis Seefeldt, yes and Paul Rasmussen, yes. Robert Jensen voted no, motion adopted. Land By Hay Lake School After Construction of Olinda Trail Robert Jensen made a motion to send a letter to Washington County Commissioners informing the commissioners that the township have a interest in the ownership of the land by Hay School after the construction of Olinda Trail (County 3) for park purposes and possibility of a bike rest area. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and the motion adopted unanimously. The Town Board directed the Park and Recreation Committee to explore the cost of new bleachers for the lighted ball field and report the information at the April 6, 1999 meeting. Resolution For Kevin Nickelson Mr Seefeldt read a resolution and presented the resolution to Kevin Nickelson. Mr Seefeldt commended Mr Nickelson for all the years of service to the township and serving as road supervisor and different committees over the years. Kevin Nickelson Building Committee Chairman Mr Nickelson reported on behalf of the Building Committee for the proposed Fire Hall/Maintenance Building. Mr Nickelson suggested the building add a extra 20 foot bay as the building would be full the day it opened with the proposed size. The cost estimated by the engineering firm for the drawing presented on February 16, 1999 is $1,426,830.00. The committee is proposing a referendum sometime late this summer. It was agreed by the board that Mr Bob Russek from Bonestroo should attend Building Committee meetings. Disability Insurance For Employees David Hebert reviewed the disability insurance for Brian Jemelka, John Morrison and Dolores Peterson. He stated the premiums are $147.00 per month for a disability of $1,000.00 per month after 90 days or a premium of $246.00 per month for 60 of the monthly salary. Mr Jensen stated this insurance should be available through the Union. It was agreed the township request a verification on the disability insurance from the Union. page 3 Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the disability insurance for Brian Jemelka, John Morrison, and Dolores Peterson for the monthly premium of $147.00 for a disability of $1,000.00 per month after 90 days. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Insurance For Building Inspector/Alan Goodman Robert Jensen made a motion that the township provide liability insurance through the League of Minnesota Cities for Building Inspector/Alan Goodman and to decrease the plan review fees from 100% to 90% in lieu of insurance premium. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Well Usage By Elim Lutheran Church Mr Hebert presented the following information regarding water connection issues: (1) Town liability for failure to supply (2) Town liability for contamination (3) Town responsibility to furnish water to other entities -discrimination -without a municipal utility plan in place (4) Use of public facility for private purpose (5) Effect on life span of well -recouped in water charges? (6) Health Department regulations re ground water contamination (7) DNR regulations re water appropriation, etc (8) Engineering questions re supply, pressure and compliance with state regulations (9) Contamination to system as a result of one or more hook ups (10) Economics of cost of hook up and charges for drilling of private well David Hebert, Attorney stated his opinion that the township can legally do this, but.the Town Board should consider the above information. Bruce McConoughey and Michael Hinz would meet with the engineering firm to discuss this issue. Mr Seefeldt read a proposal from Scandia water Company regarding the sale of the Scandia Water Company well to the township. The engineering firm was directed to see if this is feasible. page 4 Township Engineer/Tom Peterson The following is a list of bidders for the Ornamental Street Lighting Project: (1) A.A. Hanson Electric $132,672.75 (2) Abel Electrical 127,528.00 (3) Arcade Electric 117,827.00 (4) Collins Electric 142,020.00 (5) Collins Electric Const 125,093.00 (6) Jay Brothers Inc 151,200.00 (7) Killmer Electric Co 120,906.50 (8) Peoples Electrical Const 104,257.25 (9) Polyphase Electric Inc 122,952.00 (10) Specialty Electric 128,165.00 (11) Egan McKay Electric 137,800.25 Mr. Peterson informed the board the lowest bidder for the Ornamental Street Lighting Project is Peoples Electrical for $104,257.25. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to award the Ornamental Street Lighting Project to Peoples Electric in the amount of $104,257.25. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Tom Peterson gave a update on the 1999 Road Project. He stated to date 8 bidders have plans for the project and the estimated cost is $892,000.00. The bid opening is March 19, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. The bid will be awarded on April 6, 1999. Mr. Peterson presented a overall inventory and Long Range Plan of all township roads. This inventory was necessary to plan for future paving of residential and collector streets. There are still nearly 30 miles of gravel street remaining to be paved (not including the 1999 Road Project). Based on previous project size and cost, it will take four more road paving projects to complete all the streets. Using the current spacing of two years all the roads should be paved by the year of 2009. Hazel Gronquist/Swedish Monument Ms Gronqust requested a flag pole and flags for the Swedish Monument site that is owned by the township for the amount of $410.00. Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the installation of a flag pole and the purchasing of two flags in the amount of $410.00 for the Swedish Monument site that is owned by the township. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. page 5 Ms Gronquist requested that the Town Board wavier fees for the usage of the Community Center for the Washington County Historical dinner in April. Robert Jensen made a motion to wavier the fees for the Washington County Historical Dinner at the Community Center in ,April. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Donald Coury/Road Limits Mr Coury requested the Town Board to consider to wavier the road limits on Pilar Road, so Mr Coury could dig a basement for his new home. This would be only a 2 to 3 day span for material needed to be hauled. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to allow Peterson Excavating to use Pilar Road for construction materials for Mr Donald Coury and Mr Peterson post a bond in the amount of $3,000.00 for possible road damage. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Committees For Township Supervisors For The Year Of 1999 The following Board Members were assigned the following Committees for the year of 1999: Paul Rasmussen Park and Recreation Committee, Michael Hinz, Architectural Committee and Road Supervisor, Robert Jensen. The Mail Box Policy was discussed due to the number of mail boxes that were destroyed during the last snow storm and Mr Seefeldt stated that the mail boxes were not hit by the plow. It was stated the township should require all mail boxes be installed per township specifications before the township would reimburse the residents for damages as many of these mail boxes are not installed correctly as the snow it the cause not the plow. This item would be discussed by the Road Committee. Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the donation of $4,500.00 to the Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Resolution For Sales Tax Exemption Robert Jensen made a motion to sign the Resolution to repeal the sales tax on local government purchases. Dennis Seefe dt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. page 6 Scandia Softball Association/Malt Liquor License Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Malt Liquor License for Scandia Softball Association for May 7, 8, and 9, 1999 and that insurance is provided and the Softball Association clean up the ball park after the tournament. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Driveway Permit For Elim Lutheran Church Robert Jensen made a motion to approve driveway permit for Elim Lutheran Church and wavier the $500.00 deposit payable to New Scandia Township in the form of a cashier's check. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Resolution Ratifying The Dissolution Of The NEWMO Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign Resolution No# 3-16-99-2, Ratifying The Dissolution of the NEWMO Water Management Organization. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Ekdahl Estates Easement David Hebert, Township Attorney, made reference to the Ekdahl Estates Easement to obtain, establish and maintain a flowage, drainage and ponding easement on, over and across the property owned by Gregory Amundson. The easement to be obtained shall be conveyed to New Scandia Township but the drainage, ponding, flowage facilities shall be maintained by the Home Owners Association. Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the Ekdahl Estates Easement. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Swenson Recycling Agreement Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the Swenson Recycling Agreement for the year of 1999 with a increase of $60.00 per week to $75.00 per week. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Task Force To Study Incorporation Of Scandia As A City David Hebert, Township Attorney informed the Town Board that before a Task Force Committee become to involved in this issue that the committee contact, Washington County Planning and Metropolitan Council. He stated the Metropolitan Council is not in favor of cities without sewer and water. page 7 Robert Jensen made a motion to appoint the following Task Force Committee to study the possibility of incorporation of a city: Blair Joselyn, David Brown, Bruce Swenson, David Hebert and Michael Hinz. This committee should only submit preliminary information. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Weed Inspector For 1999 Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to appoint John Morrison as Weed Inspector for the year of 1999. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Depository For The Year Of 1999 Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the following depositories for the township: County Bank, Security State Bank, and U.S. Bank. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Legal Paper For The Year Of 1999 Robert Jensen made a motion to designate the Country Messenger as the legal paper for the year of 1999. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Sidewalk Cooperative Agreement Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign the Washington County Cooperative Agreement with New Scandia Township for the construction of sidewalks with the construction of Olinda Trail (County 3) in the amount of $19,448.00. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Approval Of Buried Telephone Cable/GTE Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the installation of buried telephone cable for GTE Telephone Company on Parish Avenue. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and meeting adjourned. Z or—P erson Sca is Township Clerk