5-04-99 tb,pcMay 4, 1999 On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The following Board Members were also present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, Robert Jensen and Bruce McConoughey. William Fogerty/Minor Subdivision Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the Minor Subdivision to William Fogerty, 8500 215th Street, Forest Lake, MN 55025. Part of Govt Lot 4, Section 29, Range 20. To divide 14 acres into three parcels on the grounds that the proposed split meets the current density standards of the township and the county. Conditions are: 1)Washington County reviews and approves the soil treatment areas for each parcel; 2)a common driveway easement is established to provide access for each parcel;3)a drainage and utility easement is dedicatedtothe Township around the delineated wetlands as shown on the survey;4) all exterior debris removed;and 6}dedicate 33 feet from the center line on Maxwill to the township for road purposes. Findings are it is an allowed use under the current zoning ordinance. Robert Jensen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation for the William Fogerty/Minor Subdivision. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Kevin Nickelson/Conditional Use Permit Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the Conditional Use Permit to Kevin Nickelson, 11262 Scandia Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 17, Township 32, Range 20. To operate a golf range with 12 hitting stations and to construct a one-story building up to 600 square feet for a period of one year on the grounds that it meets all township ordinances. Conditions are:l)the applicant agrees to alter the site plan if necessary to comply with Final Zoning Ordinance when officially adopted by the township;2)the hours of operation shall be from 7:00 a.m. to dusk;3)there shall be no lighting on the site except what is necessary for security and safety;4)the applicant agrees to pave all parking and driveway areas within three years from the date of conditional use permit approval; 5)the applicant receives access off of Scandia Trail(Hwy 97) from MN Dept of Transportation;(6 a security equal to 1250 of the cost of the landscaping is provided to the Township prior to the issuance of a building permit to guarantee the completion of the proposed landscaping;7)the site will not have a public address system, be allowed to obtain a liquor license, or prepare food;8) eighteen parking spaces, 9x1811,will be provided and one handicapped space;no parking on Hwy 97;to be constructed of class 5 limerock;9)one building of up to 600 square feet will be allowed;l0)chain link fence along sides of range would be page 2 allowed;ll)grading permit be obtained when applicable; and 12)expansion to within 150 feet of property line allowed. Findings are this is an allowed use under the draft township zoning ordinance. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to recommendations. Robert Jensen adopted unanimously. accept the Planning Commission seconded the motion and motion James and Sandra Continenza/Variance Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variances for the construction of a deck to existing building for James and Sandra Continenza, 17708 Kinsbury Circle, Lakeville, Mn 55044. Anderson Big Lake Addition 2nd Addition. 1)lot size 1.5 acres to 14,016 square feet;2)lake frontage 150 feet to 30 feet;and 3)road frontage 150 feet to 65 feet, on the grounds that it is a permitted use and denial would cause unnecessary hardship. Robert Jensen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendations for the variances to construct a deck for James and Sandra Continenza. Michael Peterson/Dealer License Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to sign the Minnesota Dealer License as part of the Conditional Use Permit on the grounds that it is consistent with their existing CUP. Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendation for Michael Peterson for a Dealer License. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Scandia Four Seasons It was noted that a new owner of the business on the corner of Hwy 97 and a Conditional Use Permit as there is Permit. Z re� Peter on Scan 'a Township Clerk Scandia Four Seasons Olinda Trail must apply for no existing Conditional Use