5-18-99 tbMay 18, 1999
New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman,
Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz,
Robert Jensen and Bruce McConoughey.
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the following consent
1. Call to order
2. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 04/20/99 Town
Board, 05/10/99 Special Meeting with Building Committee
and 05/10/99 for Special Meeting after the Building
Committee Meeting.
3. Approval of Treasurer's report
Balance March 31, 1999 $1,302,891.33
Receipts 27,935.69
Expenditures 94,262.37
201 Check account closed 9,012.51
201 CD'S cashed 13,711.40
Balance April 30, 1999 $1,259,288.56
4. Approval of vouchers
Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted
Steve Spence/Fire Chief
Mr. Spence stated the following persons from the Fire/Rescue
Department have been appointed to the Truck Purchase Committee:
Steve Spence, Peter Nora, Bill Havener, Ron Boesel, James
Finnegan and Kent Swenson.
Mr. Spence reviewed information regarding specs and price quotes
for the purchase of a fire truck. The Fire Department had sent
specs to six (6) vendors and visited two (2) manufacturing
Mr. Spence report that Custom Fire Apparatus with a Commercial
Cab meets suits the requirements for the township.
Robert Jensen made a motion to authorize the Fire/Rescue
Department to prepare bids for the bidding procedure based on all
the resources and information from the Fire Department for a
Commercial Cab. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion with the
following addition: Based on the fact the board can trust the
judgement of the Fire Department and the two Supervisors. Motion
adopted unanimously.
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Mike White/Park and Recreation
Mr. White reported a carpenter had been hired to complete the
project of repairing the bleachers for compliance at the lighted
ballfield. The material was changed, but the price was the same
as quoted by Mr. Morrison and the labor fee was $320.00.
Mr. White stated Washington County Historical Society were also
interested in the possible excess right of way on CSAH 3 by the
Hay Lake School. Mr. White stated he hoped the Township and
Historical Society could work together for possibilities for the
excess right of way.
Janelle Kendrick presented information and plan for playground
equipment for the lighted field that would be donated in memory
of her parents, Sharon and Winston Lindberg. Ms. Kendrick
questioned if the township would consider grading and sand for
the equipment.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the generous donation of
the play ground equipment for the lighted field and the township
provide for the grading and sand for the equipment. Bruce
j McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Mr. White informed the board he had spoken to Douglas Streitz
regarding the trees Mr. Streitz had been promised by the township
at the Goose Lake Landing many years ago when the township
removed some very old trees and installed the hydrants for the
Fire Department. Mr. White also informed the board that the
engineer should view the culvert area by the lake.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the purchase of 6 to 8
spruce trees approximately 36 inches high for planting at the
Goose Lake Landing. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Tom Peterson/Township Engineer
A discussion was held regarding the condition of 185th Street and
the road should be surfaced with class 5 or lime rock A cost
comparison was made between class 5 and limerock. Tom Peterson,
Township Engineer stated the lime rock would be the best for
Robert Jensen made a motion to resurface 185th Street with lime
rock on 185th Street. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
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It was agreed for the addition of four street lights to installed
on Oakhill Road.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept a change order for the
handhole at the SE corner of Olinda Trail and Oakhill Road.
Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion seconded
and adopted unanimously.
Brian Jemelka/Public Works Department
Mr. David Hebert reported on the closed meeting that was held
regarding the allegations against a township employee. Mr.
Hebert reported two (2) charges against, Brian Jemelka, township
employee. (1 Mr. Jemelka left work on the morning that Mr.
Morrison resigned his position and the left the township without
a employee on May 10;(2 Mr. Jemelka took the brush cutter out on
May 12, and he had been informed by Mr. Nickelson he was not to
use the brush cutter. Mr. Jensen asked Mr. Jemelka to return to
the township garage with the brush cutter and meet him in the
board chambers at which time there was a verbal confrontation
followed between Mr. Jemelka and Mr. Jensen. The insubordinate
discipline was discussed at the closed meeting and Mr. Jensen
stated Mr. Jemelka should be given a 90 day suspension without
pay due to the above charges.
Mr. Jemelka stated he would accept the 90 day suspension without
pay from the job, but informed the board that Mr. Jensen is very
hard to work for and the wage problem has been a issue. Mr.
Jemelka stated the union contract states if a employee is
requesting a week of vacation at one time the employee must
submit this in writing, but does not state if a employee wants a
day of vacation at a time that it must be requested before the
employee takes vacation. Mr. Jemelka stated he didn't know he
was still banned from the brush cutter. Mr. Jemelka was informed
Mr. Nickelson had instructed him not to use the brush cutter and
this is in his file.
Mr. Rasmussen stated that a 90 day suspension without pay was
very strong for the allocations but, there should be some type of
disciplinary action.
Mr. Hebert reviewed the issue and stated Mr. Jemelka has been a
employee for the township for 23 years and there have other
incidents in the past, but these incidents must be in the file
and there is not much information in Mr. Jemelka file. Problems
regarding work and anecdotal incidents have been noted over the
years, but the Town Board has not followed the correct steps in
the past to merit harsher discipline. Mr. Hebert explained that
the Discipline Policy is outlined by the following steps: (1 Oral
reprimand;(2written reprimand;(3suspension without pay. Mr.
Hebert stated that these steps should be followed, before a
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ninety (90) day suspension without pay is approved.
Dennis Seefeldt stated that former Town Boards have not taken any
disciplinary action when problems have incurred, so therefore
this board must take the required steps in the Discipline Policy.
Paul Rasmussen and Dennis Seefeldt suggested a registered letter
should be sent to Mr. Jemelka outlining the problems that have
occurred on May 10 and May 12 of 1999. Daivd Hebert was directed
to prepare the letter regarding the problems that the township
has incurred with Mr. Jemelka. A copy of this letter shall also
be sent to Tim Connors, Representative for International Union of
Operating Engineers Local No. 49.
Paul Rasmussen stated there appears to be a lot of animosity
between the Public Works Department and the Road Supervisor, so
therefore perhaps the township may need a change in supervision.
Robert Jensen stated that he had no problems resigning as Road
Robert Jensen made a motion to appoint Michael Hinz as Road
Supervisor until the reorganization meeting in March of 2000 and,
Dennis Seefeldt, Chairman of the Board will help Mr. Hinz if any
problems arise. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Referendum Committee For New Scandia Fire and Rescue/Public Works
Proposed Building
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to appoint the following to the
Referendum Committee: Donnette Yehle, Steve Spence, Sharon Lund,
Paul Rasmussen, Bruce Swenson, Fran Martineau, Kevin Nickelson
and Blair Joselyn. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Resolution Awarding The Sale of $750,000.00 General Obligation
Road Improvement Bonds For 1999.
Robert Jensen made a motion awarding the sale of $750,000.00,
General Obligation Road Improvement Bonds for 1999 to Security
State Bank of Marine. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Part Time Employment
Dennis Seefeldt reported that William Podiginer is working part
time for the township doing ground maintenance.
{ Robert Jensen made a motion to adjourn, Michael Hinz seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Dolores Peterson, New Scandia Township Clerk