6-15-99 tbJune 15, 1999
New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman,
Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were present:
Dennis Seefeldt, Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Michael
Hinz, Robert Jensen and Bruce McConoughey.
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the consent agenda and
void the check to Abrahamson Nursery for the trees that where
planted at the lighted field as the board gave permission for the
tree planting, but had not agreed to pay for the trees.
1. Call to order
2. Clerk's minutes have presented for 05/18/99 Town Board
3. Approval of Treasurer's report
Balance May 1, 1999 $1,259,288.56
Receipts 47,156.36
Total Expenditures 80,251.04
Adjustments cashed 201 C-D's 13,842.50
Voided checks - 518.90
201 certificate of deposit 26,922.67
Balance May 31, 1999 $1,266,440.15
4. Adjournment
Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted
Tom Peterson/Township Engineer
Tom Peterson reviewed the issue of the filling on the Harold
Johnson and Gary Wilcox property during the 1998 Bliss Addition
Street Improvement. R. E. Peterson, Contractor, placed the fill
per the property owners directions and both areas have been
stabilized and we feel there is no detriment to the environment.
Ron Tetu, 19159 Layton Avenue stated he felt the area that was
filled is a big improvement in the area. Cindy Johnson, 18599
Langley, questioned why the filling on the road is o.k, but not
on private property.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the memo from Ann Twerdo
of the Washington County Land Management/Land Survey Division and
the township shall submit a grading permit for the Harold Johnson
and Gary Wilcox property. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
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Tom Peterson reviewed the 1999 Road Project and informed the
board that 220th Street, Pomroy and Peabody have the completed
bituminous surfacing and due to the project on Manning Trail the
township project has been delayed.
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the partial payment for
W.B. Miller for the 1999 Road Project in the amount of
$143,496.99. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted
Tom Peterson stated a sketch for the improvement on the Goose
Lake Landing has been presented to contractors for quotes.
Tom Peterson would review and engineering of the connection of
the Community Center septic to the Uptown Sewer System so this
system would be ready to connect if the existing system fails.
Tom Peterson stated the contracts are signed for the new well at
the New Scandia Fire/Public Works property and that drilling
shall begin this week.
Dennis Kroll/Architect
Mr. Kroll presented the tabulation of the following bids for the
addition to the New Scandia Community Center:
(1) Braden Commercial Construction $175,260.00
(2) Cobra Construction Inc 153,000.00
(3) GA Construction 185,520.00
(4) Mark Haugg Construction Inc 170,000.00
(5) Nordling Construction Inc 178,653.00
(6) TDJ Construction Inc 165,400.00
Mr. Kroll reported that Cobra Construction is the lowest
responsible bidder and also stated the bids include new shingles
on the Community Center.
Robert Jensen made a motion to award the bid to Cobra
Construction Inc for the addition to the Community Center in the
amount of $153,000.00. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Shirley Nagle/Brush Trimming In The Bliss Addition
Ms. Nagle expressed her concerns about the brushing in the Bliss
Addition and asked the board to retire the brush machine. Ms.
Nagle reported that her wild flower garden was cut down and she
does not want that machine on our roads. Mr. Rasmussen stated he
agreed with Ms. Nagle and he was just as upset as Ms. Nagle with
the brushing on 195th Street with the cutting of red pines and
norway pines.
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Dennis Seefeldt stated the township needs to brush the road sides
for safety factors and the reasons there are problems with the
brushing is that the areas have not been brushed for years. This
problem should improve when the township will be able to brush
the road sides twice yearly.
It was agreed the Road Supervisor and Assistant Road Supervisor
schedule a meeting and discuss this issue with John Morrison.
Vern Larson/Problems With Noise and Traffic During Construction
Vern Larson expressed his concerns about the excessive traffic
and dust on 195`th Street and Mayberry during the road
construction of Olinda Trail. Mr. Larson also had concerns about
the noise with the crushing of bituminous on Olinda Trail in
conjunction with the project.
Mr. Larson was informed the trucks are able to take Manning Trail
due to the resurfacing and the township would contact Captain
McGloughin regarding the excessive speeding on 195th Street and
Adoption Of Zoning Ordinance
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Summary of Ordinance
No. 64 and a Resolution 6-15-99-1 allowing the Summary to be
published in place of the entire ordinance. Robert Jensen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Development Code/Zoning Ordinance
Michael Hinz made a motion to adopt New Scandia Township
Development Code/Zoning Ordinance. Paul Rasmussen seconded the
motion and motion adopted.
Funding For Referendum
Paul Rasmussen questioned if the township could fund educating
material for the referendum election on September 14, 1999 for
the construction of the New Scandia Fire Rescue/Public Works.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion allow monies in the amount not to
exceed $2,500.00 for Building Information regarding the promotion
of the construction of the New Scandia Fire/Rescue and Public
Works Department. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Paul Rasmussen discussed the amount of the bonding for the
construction of the New Scandia Fire/Rescue and Public Works and
expressed the desire of the Building Committee not to exceed the
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amount of 1.2 million. This subject will be discussed at the
July 6, 1999 Town Board meeting.
Curbside Recycling Grant Distribution
Robert Jensen made a motion to sign the Curbside Recycling Grant
Distribution Agreement with Washington County Department of
Health. Bruce McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn. Brrce McConoughey
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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New Scandi Township Clerk