8-03-99 tbAugust 3, 1999
The regular Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman,
Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were present:
Dennis Seefeldt, Chairman, Robert Jensen, Michael Hinz and Bruce
McConoughey. Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen was absent.
Marie Steele/Subdivision
Robert Jensen made a motion to wavier the Minor Subdivision
requirements for Marie Steele for Lot 1 and 2, Block 3, Merrywood
2nd Addition, subject that Parcel A is a buildable lot with the
required second back-up septic system and that the wetlands be
delineated. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted
Roderick Negus
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the temporary water
structure requested by Roderick Negus on Bone Lake. Bruce
McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Resolution Determining The Necessity For The Issuance Of
General Obligation Bonds
Michael Hinz made a motion to sign the Resolution Determining The
Necessity For The Issuance Of General Bonds in the amount of 1.2
million. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion.
Robert Jensen questioned the amount of 1.2 million and favored
the 1.5 million as he did not approve of taking the township
reserves. Michael Hinz stated that the township still will have
a 500-. reserve. Robert Jensen stated he felt the citizens that
vote for the bond issue would not have a problem with 1.5 million
verses a 1.2 million.
Michael Hinz withdrew his motion.
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the partial payment of
payment No. 2 to W. B. Miller in the amount of $177,526.65.
Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Appointment To Planning Commission
Robert Jensen made a motion to appoint Peter Schwartz to the
Planning Commission to complete the term of Mary Lanz. Bruce
McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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Proposed Budaet For The Year Of 2000
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the proposed budget for the
year of 2000 for the presentation to the citizens at the
reconvened Annual Meeting on August 17, 1999. Dennis Seefeldt
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Resolution For Bond Issue
Michael Hinz made a motion to table the Resolution For The Bond
Issue until August 17, 1999. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Robert Jensen made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Michael Hinz,
meeting adjourned.
Dolores Pete-r-son
New Scandi Township Clerk