9-01-99 Informational Mtg.September 1, 1999 Informational Meeting New Scandia Township held an informational meeting on this date to disseminate information on the proposed combination Fire/Rescue-Public Works facility. In attendance were town board members, referendum & building committee members, fire fighters, and architectsRobert Russek and Gary Peterson from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik& Associates. Approximately 15 residents were in attendance in addition to the above. Kevin Nickelson, chairman of the referendum committee and past township supervisor opened the meeting by introducing the Building & Bond Referendum Committee members and the Bonestroo architects Bob Russek and Gary Peterson. Dennis Seefeldt, Town Board Chair, reviewed the role and findings of the Capital Improvement Committee in the decision making process. Steve Spence, Fire Chief, explained the fire department's past, present and future needs. Kevin Nickelson, as former road supervisor, reviewed the space needs for the public works department. Bob Russek gave an overview with drawings of the proposed building and indicated the township would save approximately $100,000 by constructing the combination building now, rather than adding a,public works garage later. The meeting was opened for questions from the public and discussion. 1. Were heat exchangers considered? A larger building would be needed to recover the cost for such a system. 2. Gordon Rydeen asked about using mutual aid water. 3. Surrounding communities have multiple wells that provide over 500 gpm. 4. Why do down to Mt. Simon for 500 gpm when it's a pristine water supply? Would rather see multiple wells than go to the Mt. Simon. DNR recommends water allotment of 10,000 gal per day and we wouldn't get near that supply. Also, the well could be used for city water system in future. 5. Why heat the utility area of public works garage. Why don't we keep our equipment outside? 6. Will current public works garage be used for township storage? Would probably sell it and have a smaller shed for lawn mower, etc. The community center needs the parking space. 7. What would happen to old fire hall? Township doesn't know. May be used for office, storage or sell it. 8. Does the $1.2 million include land and wells. Both will be paid out of reserves. 9. Old fire hall is 3,220 square feet— wiry not remodel and use for public works storage. 10. Thinks we're jeopardizing a new fire hall by adding public works garage. 11. Rydeen - A larger fire truck would hit low hanging branches at homes causing the firefighters to stop and cut them down, so a larger truck may not be a good idea. 12. How many fires are structure fires out of 44. Answer — five or six. 13. The financial priority seems to be Well #1, Building #2, and Fire Truck#3. 14. There will be a big increase in taxes between the Township, School Bond and the County. With the low return on AG land it will drive more farmers out, as taxes will be too high for the return on their land. We're not rural anymore. Growth is coming. 15. Will there be a reduction in fire insurance rates on homes with the new well and fire truck? Answer — We're at a 7 rating now. A 6 rating would only impact a radius around the fire dept. 16. What's going to happen in 20 years — is the building expandable? Answer — Yes, one bay on each side. 17. What does fire dept. think of adding the maintenance building? Won't it sink plan for the new fire hall? Answer — Building both now is the best way for the township's long-term needs. There may be substations in the future, maybe joint ventures with adjoining towns/cities. 18. Would bond be paid down quicker with new people coming in? Answer — No, but tax impact would be less each year the tax base grows. 19. Is the current labor market affecting cost? Answer — Yes, making small projects not attractive and resulting in higher bids. The goal is to bid at a time when more bidders are available. The meeting adjourned.