9-07-99September 7, 1999
On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their
regular monthly meeting. The following Board Members were also
present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul
Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, Robert Jensen and Bruce McConoughey.
Howard Hochule/Variance
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
following variances to Howard Hochule, 18829 Layton Avenue/
1484 18th Avenue NW, New Brighton, MN 55112. Lot 8, Block 1,
Holiday Beach. 1)Lot size 1.5 acres to .11 acres; 2)Lake
frontage 150 feet to 49.8 feet; 3)Road frontage 150 feet to
55 feet; 4)Road setback 40 feet to 0 feet; 5) Lot coverage 28.90-.
(259,5 or less required);and deny the original request for a
sideyard setback variance of 10 feet to 5.1 feet, on the grounds
that this is a reasonable use of the property and the need for
variances on lot size, lake and road frontage are no owner
created. Conditions are the shed in the roadway and the
boathouse is removed. Findings are this is a reasonable use of
the property.
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the Planning Commission
recommendation for the variances for Howard Hochule. Bruce
McConoughey seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Girl Scout Council Of St. Croix Valley/CUP
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Conditional Use Permit to the Girl Scout Council of St. Croix
Valley, 400 South Robert Street, St. Paul, MN 55107. That part
of the S 1/2 of Govt. Lot 2 and part of Govt. Lot 1, Section 29,
Township 32, Range 20. The street location in New Scandia
Township is 12303 Lakamaga Trail. To allow improvement of
facilities on the grounds that it is a reasonable use of the
property and will create minimal impact to surrounding lands.
Conditions are: 1)all necessary permits from the Carnelian -Marine
Watershed District are obtained; 2)Washington SWCD review plans
to determine wetland permit needs; 3)grading,erosion and runoff
control measures are approved by the township engineer; 4)septic
information on the installation of an on -site sewage disposal
system must be submitted to the township; and 5)all landscape is
installed according to submitted plan. Findings are the request
meets the conditions of the Zoning Ordinance.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Planning Commission
recommendation for the Conditional Use Permit for the Girl Scout
Council of St. Croix Valley. Michael Hinz seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
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James and Nancy Stratton/Minor Subdivision
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Minor Subdivision to James and Nancy Stratton, 12255 205th
Street, Marine, MN 55047. Legal description Lot 4, Block 1,
Maxwill Bay. For a Minor Subdivision on the grounds that Big
Marine Lake is a Recreational Development Lake and requires
a 2.5 acre minimum lot size with 150 feet minimum width at the
Ordinary High Water level. Conditions are: 1)a revised survey
showing the original lot, proposed lots, the contours of the
drainage easement and the ordinary high water mark;2)buildable
area on the parcels and the proposed building pad;3)drainage
grading and erosion control plans are to be submitted with the
building permit;4)any wetlands delineated;and 5)soil testing and
letter of approval submitted for the installation of a new on -
site sewage disposal system. Findings are the revised survey
shows lots meet all requirements of the Shoreland Ordinance.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Minor Subdivision
for James and Nancy Stratton. Michael Hinz seconded the motion.
Dennis Seefeldt, Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz voted yes, Robert
Jensen, no and Bruce McConoughey voted no. Motion adopted.
Charles Schwartz,Tri-Star Truck and Ted Harms/CUP
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the
Conditional Use Permit for Charles Schwartz, Tri-Star Truck,
21239 Olinda Trail, Scandia, MN. Legal description Lot 49,
County Auditors Plat No.6. To operate a auto repair, truck
repair, body work and welding shop at 21239 Olinda Trail, on the
grounds that it is a permitted use. Conditions are: 1)Completion
and implementation of all eight recommendations in Thomas
Borchardt's septic system report of August 27, 1999, and
inspection thereof by Mr. Borchart or other certified MPCA
official and written verifications and approval is submitted to
the township;2)Completion and implementation of all July 28, 1999
recommendations by town planner, Meg McMonigal, and inspection
thereof by Ms. Meg Mc Monigal and written verification and
approval thereof is submitted to the township;3)That Mr. Charles
Schwartz/Tri Star Truck receives a Washington County Hazard
Generator license and a copy thereof is submitted to the
township;4)That the Tri Star Truck paint spray booth is approved
by a state certified Fire Prevention Engineer and written
verification thereof is submitted to the township;;5)Parking
requirements are met in that a total of four parking spaces are
allowed -two on the north side and two on the west side, not to
block the overhead door;6)There is no outside storage. All trash,
barrels, equipment and other outdoor items are removed from the
site. The oil tanks must be removed by January 1, 2000. Waste
refuse and garbage
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must be kept in an enclosed building or properly contained in a
closed container and fully screened. All structures and grounds
shall be maintained in an orderly, clean and safe manner;7)All
hazardous materials to be used including oil and gasoline storage
of over 2,000 gallons and above ground tanks, comply with all
County and State regulations and receive the appropriate permits
for such use. A drainage system for collection of any hazardous
material run-off must be installed, subject to approval by the
Washington County Hazardous Waste Department;8)The entire site,
other than that devoted to structures and landscaped areas, shall
be an impervious surface and maintained for control of dust,
erosion and drainage;9) No vehicles shall be parked on the
premises other than those utilized by employees, customers
awaiting service or as allowed through a conditional use permit.
Storage of inoperable, salvage or vehicles and equipment for sale
or rent shall be prohibited;10)A landscape plan is submitted by
October 15, 1999 meeting the requirements of the Ordinance;
11)If the existing sign is replaced, a sign permit must be
applied for and issued by the Township separate from the
Conditional Use Permit;12)Inspections shall be conducted every
three months by the New Scandia Building Official and reports
submitted to the township in writing by the building official.
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the Planning Commission
recommendations for Tri-Star Truck/Ted Harms Conditional Use
Permit. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion. Dennis Seefeldt,
voted yes, Paul Rasmussen, yes, Michael Hinz, yes, Robert Jensen,
yes. Bruce McConoughey voted, no. Motion adopted.
Bill Clapp -Minnesota Land Trust
Mr. Bill Clapp, 19955 Quinnell Avenue North, Scandia, gave a
short presentation as a representative of the Minnesota Land
Trust, a non-profit organization that accepts conservation
easements and enforces conditions of the easements. Mr. Clapp
stated he would like New Scandia Township to consider the
Minnesota Land Trust as a co -holder of conservation easements for
newly platted land. The Land Trust would develop easement
language, prepare base line property reports, do annual
inspections, and pursue violations by landowners through the
courts all at the expense of the Land Trust. A co-owner
relationship would also deflect political pressure from the
township if landowners were to violate agreements or town
officials were to receive pressure to develop dedicated open
space. The Land Trust asks for a $2,000 donation from landowners
that voluntarily place their land in a conservation easement.
This donation is placed in a endowment/stewardship fund for
enforcement costs. When a conservation easement is required by
the zoning ordinance, the Land Trust requires a $5,000 payment
from the landowner or developer plus a $1,000 fee. This
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arrangement places the burden on the developer rather than the
taxpayer to protect these easements. Mr. Clapp questioned if the
Township or county would provide these services for protection
conservation easements at no cost to the taxpayers.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia Township Clerk