1-18-00 tbJanuary 18,2000 The regular New Scandia Township Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were also present: Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Michael Hinz, Robert Jensen and Kevin Nickelson. Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the following consent agendas 1. Call to order 2. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 12/21/99 Town Board and 01/04/20 Planning Commission 3. Approval of Treasurer's Report Balance December 1, 1999 $1,223,172.38 Receipts 543,791.45 Expenditures 219,736.88 Bank Charges -38.50 Balance December 31, 1999 $1,547,188.45 4. Approval of January vouchers Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Captain McGlothin/Washington County Sheriffs Department Captain McGlothin reviewed the letter that was sent to Sheriff James Frank regarding the Washington County Dispatch to discontinue its current practice of sending First Responders to all levels of medical calls. Captain McGlothin explained the calls are classified as ABCD. A level calls are routine transports and minor injuries, and B level calks are also non - emergency, but require a prompt response. C and D level calls are considered emergencies, and require a rapid response. Sergeant Morency was asking the Fire Chiefs to consider revising their response policies, not requiring a change. It is the Washington County Sheriffs Department desire to provide high quality and efficient emergency services to all communities and there is a need that all Departments be uniform. Custom Fire Apparatus, Inc. Contract The contract for Custom Fire Apparatus, Inc. was signed with the change of delivery date to 200 days instead of 100 days. Mike White/Park and Recreation Committee Mike White discussed acquiring the land on Olinda Trail by Hay Lake School for park purposes. Park and Recreation stated the best use of the property would be for parking, rest stop for bikers, soccer field or softball field. page 2 Monte Eastvold/Bond Sale For New Scandia Fire/Rescue & Public Works Department Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve Resolution No. 01-18- 2000, Awarding the Sale of $1,200,000 General Obligation Building Bonds of 2000; Fixing Their Form and Specifications; Directing Their Execution and Deliver; and Providing For Their Payment to Dougherty Summit Sec. LLC. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Tom Peterson/Township Engineer Tom Peterson reviewed the proposal of the turn back of County 53, Quinnell Avenue from Washington County to New Scandia Township. Mr. Peterson recommended a lump sum to be paid by Washington County in the amount of $83,500.00. It also states in the agreement of transfer that the County shall perform routine maintenance on the road until May 1, 2002. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the recommendation of Township Engineer, Tom Peterson to sign the Agreement For The Transfer Of County 53 To New Scandia Township with a lump sum payment of $83,500.00 and the County shall perform routine maintenance on the road until May 1, 2002. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the Site Improvement Plans for New Scandia Fire/Rescue and Public Works Department and advertise for bids with bid opening on February 11, 2000. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Mr. Peterson stated he had filed a application for wetland filling on 188th and Newgate for road construction in 2000 and that this project shall be funded by TIF Accounts. Mr. Peterson stated he would contact Pete Genzel regarding the extension of the 201 Septic System on 188th Street. This also would have to be included in the road construction if approved. Pat Vruno/Bituminous Surfacing Petition Pat Vruno presented a Bituminous Surfacing Petition for the following roads: Nolan Avenue, 23Gth Street, Morgan Avenue and 238th Street. Ms. Vruno was informed the next project is scheduled for the year of 2001. page 3 James Lindberg/Fencing For Lighted Ballfield James Lindberg presented a quote from D B Fence Inc for two protective chain link fences for the lighted ballfield in the amount of $4065.00. Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the quote from D B Fence Inc in the amount of $4065.00 for the installation of a chain link fence at the lighted ballfield. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Final Payment Cobra Construction Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the final payment for Cobra Construction in the amount of $62,553.39. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Paul Rasmussen/Change Orders For Fire Rescue/Public Works Building Mr. Rasmussen reviewed the possibility of change orders in the construction of the Fire Rescue/Public Works Building and questioned if a change order occurs what amount could he approve before referring it back to the Town Board. Michael Hinz made a motion to grant permission to Paul Rasmussen that he may approve change orders for the Fire Rescue/Public Works Building not to exceed $3000.00. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Salary Reviews The following persons were appointed to review salaries for the year of 2000, David Hebert, Paul Rasmussen and Michael Hinz. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adjourned. Dolores P New ScanfSia Township Clerk