10-03-00 tb,pcOctober 3, 2000
The New Scandia Town Board held their regular Planning Commission meeting on this date. Chairman
Dennis Seefeldt called the meeting to order. Also in attendance were Vice Chairman Paul Rasmussen,
Mike Hinz, Kevin Nickelson and John Martineau.
The Planning Commission recommended to the Town Board that they approve the variances requested by
William Berglund for Lot Size from 2.5 acres to 10,800 square feet, Road and Lake Frontage from 150
feet to 50 feet on the grounds that it is an existing lot of record and not the making of the applicant.
Conditions are: 1) all new construction not exceed 2,700 square feet or 25% of lot size; 2) construction of
lowest level be at 945 feet above the OHW 3) remove the existing cabin and shed prior to new
construction; and 4) allow for a four season porch conversion of the deck. Findings are the variance meets
the general intent and purposes of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance, and the lot is a legally
existing lot of record and may be used for the legal purpose for which it is zoned. Nancy Madden
seconded the motion and the motion carried. John Martineau made a motion to accept the Planning
Commission recommendation. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and the motion passed
The Planning Commission recommended to the Town Board that they approve the final plat of Larson
Meadows with the following conditions: 1) a landscape allowance of $2,000 be added to the development
agreement with the Township, instead of planting trees, and the development agreement be signed; 2)
drainage easements be dedicated to the Township 3) septic areas are approved by the County; 4)
drainage, grading and erosion control plans be approved by the town" s engineer; 5) driveway permits be
obtained from the County; 6) road right-of-way be dedicated to the Township for Oxboro Avenue; 7) trail
easement be dedicated for the Gateway Trail on the east side in lieu of park fees; and 8) obtain a title
opinion. Peter Schwarz seconded the motion and the motion carried. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to
accept the Planning Commission recommendation with an amendment to charge $2,000.00 in park
fees as well as dedicate the easement for the Gateway Trail. John Martineau seconded the motion
and the motion passed unanimously.
The Planning Commission recommended to the Town Board that they grant the variance request of
William H. Carroll, Jr. for building a garage closer to the road than the house and for Lot Size from 2.5
acres to 23,600 square feet. Jim Malmquist seconded the motion and the motion carried. Paul Rasmussen
made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendation. Mike Hinz seconded the
motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Nancy Madden made a motion to recommend to the Town Board that they renew the Conditional Use
Permit for Tri-Star Trucking for one year to September 1, 2001. Peter Schwarz seconded the motion and
the motion carried. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
David Haselbauer, Machine Shop, 21360 Manning Trail — 1) All conditions met except for increase
from one to four employees, Does not produce enough waste to need permit from the MPCA. Has a
Hazardous Waste Generator License from the County. Shop is well maintained and clean. Planning
Commission recommendation. Upon request by owner, change CUP to allow for four employees.
Area is zoned Agriculture and this is a nonconforming use. No longer a home occupation with four
employees. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to invite Mr. Haselbauer to the November 7th Planning
Commission meeting to discuss this further. Mike Hinz seconded the motion and the motion passed
October 3, 2000
Town Board/Planning Commission
Page 2
John Fraley, Echo Baken, 22570 Manning Trail — 1) In compliance with conditions. Has not started on
expansion granted earlier this year. Owner states that Washington County claims final authority for
expansion by accepted Scandia Township minutes to issue permit (Washington County required a
Certificate of Compliance as well as the town's CUP). As of visit, permit had not been received (building
pen -nit issued 9/26/00). Overall Echo Baken's appearance is somewhat neglected. It is hoped that once the
expansion work is completed the entire operation will be spruced up. Planning Commission
recommendation: Letter to owner requesting he advise the Township when the work is completed at
which point another inspection should be scheduled. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the
Planning Commission recommendation. Mike Hinz seconded the motion and the motion passed
Kevin Nickelson, Ironwood Golf Range, 11480 Scandia Trail — 1) All conditions met except that there
are two more than the allowed 12 tee stations. 2) Parking and driveway is not paved as yet, but owner has
until May 2002 to complete this. Overall the operation is very well maintained, clean and attractive.
Planning Commission recommendation: Upon request by the owner, change CUP to allow for 14 tee
stations. Mike Hinz made a motion to invite Mr. Nickelson to the November 7th Planning
Commission meeting to discuss further the need to expand parking to accommodate additional tee
stations. John Martineau seconded the motion and the motion passed with Dennis Seefeldt, Paul
Rasmussen, Mike Hinz and John Martineau voting yes. Kevin Nickelson abstained.
U.S. West New Vector Group (Verizon), 12160 Scandia Trail — 1) All conditions met. This is a cellular
phone antenna tower. No Planning Commission recommendations.
David & Joan Crawford, Dog Kennel, 13723 205t" Street 1) All conditions met. At present three
adjust dogs. This is an exceptionally well -run kennel. In the words of one commission member: "...a
wonderful example of what can be done when all assets and talents are applied to an enterprise... if it were
any cleaner, I would recommend psychological help". No Planning Commission recommendations.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission for U.S.
West New Vector Group and David & Joan Crawford. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and
the motion passed unanimously.
Colleen Firkus
Planning Commission Secretary