11-07-00 tb,pcNovember 7, 2000
The New Scandia Town Board Planning Commission meeting was called to order by
Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following board members were also present: Vice
Chairman Paul Rasmussen, Kevin Nickelson, Mike Hinz and John Martineau.
Peter Nora/PN Products — Conditional Use Permit
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation to approve the Conditional, Use Permit for PN Products/Peter
Nora, 21060 Olinda Trail, Lot 8, Block 1, Hawkinson Business Park, to build an 80 x
150-foot building for warehousing and a 40 x 30-foot office space building on the
grounds that this is a reasonable use of the property. Conditions are: 1) New septic
be approved; 2) Drainage approval be obtained from town engineer; 3) Class
5gravel on back parking area; 4) Blacktop front parking area by year 2002; 5) No
exterior storage; b) Landscape per landscape plan submitted; 7) Outdoor lighting
for security purposes; 8) All previous conditions remain in force; 9) Color as
presented to Architecture Committee — old section to match new in front; and 10)
Wainscoting on bottom half (new and old) along Ozark Court. John Martineau
seconded the motion and the motion passed with Dennis Seefeldt, Paul Rasmussen,
Kevin Nickelson and John Martineau voting yes. Mike Hinz abstained.
David Haselbauer — CUP Violations
John Martineau made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation to allow expansion of David aselbauer's Conditional Use Permit
for the owner and four employees at the machine shop at21360 Manning Trail.
Mike Hinz seconded the motion. Discussion followed regarding a commercial business
in an AG zone. The business does not meet the requirements for a home based business
because of the extra employees. The definition of home occupation has been broadened
to include accessory structures. Although the County denied the request in 1990, the
township did grant the CUP initially by bending the definition. Kevin Nickelson made a
motion to amend the motion on the grounds that this is an exception to the Home
Occupation ordinance and this is not to be considered precedent setting, and the
town board did approve it in October 1990, therefore, should still allow the
business. Conditions are the business is reviewed in two years, the CUP is approved
for 5 years then must apply for renewal, and the operation is not expanded in size or
number of employees. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the amendment and the amended
motion passed unanimously.
Kevin Nickelson -Ironwood Golf Range CUP Violations
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Planning Commission
recommendation to approve an expansion of the CUP for Kevin Nickelson's
Ironwood Golf Range to allow 15 tee stations as he has adequate parking planned
for the expansion. Mike Hinz seconded the motion and the motion passed with
Dennis Seefeldt, Paul Rasmussen, Mike Hinz and John Martineau voting yes. Kevin
Nickelson abstained from discussion and vote.
November 7, 2000
Town Board/Planning Commisson
Page 2
Conditional Use Permit Reviews
Jean Womack, Automotive Transmission Shop, 23200 Paris Avenue — The town
board discussed that this is not a commercial enterprise but retail, which is not permitted
under the Home Occupation ordinance. The town board directed clerk to invite the
Womacks to the December 5th meeting to clarify zoning and permission from the county.
Tom's Landscaping,16306 St. Croix Trail — The town board directed the clerk to send
a letter requesting clarification of their plans for the landscaping business.
Trails End Restaurant/Bar, 16297 Scandia Trail — Contact the County to see if a sign
permit was issued and discuss at next town board meeting.
Tri Star Trucking — Clerk was directed to send a certified letter stating the fence should
be completed by November 30, and the outstanding bill is to be paid within 10 days or
the CUP will be revoked.
Colleen Firkus
Deputy Clerk