11-07-00 tbNovember 7, 2000 The New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following board members were also present: Vice Chairman Paul Rasmussen, Kevin Nickelson, Mike Hinz and John Martineau. 213TH STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY ti Thomas and Joanne Benick made a request to vacate the township easement along 213tn Street. A public hearing would be required to vacate the easement. The Benick's fence was moved on the west portion of the easement, but not the east part. NSP has buried cable in the right-of-way and the township has asked NSP to halt work. The easement was viewed on site by Paul Rasmussen, Dave Hebert and the Benicks. It was determined that the best access to Highway 97 was the current access and that the road bed should be built up to give a better sight line for entering Highway 97. Another site meeting was scheduled for Thursday, November 9, at 1:30 p.m. with the Hansens and Benicks. STRIPINGON OAKHILL ROAD The County has proposed a less expensive fix for the solid striping on Oakhill Road north of Highway 97. Blasting or grinding off the paint would remove the seal coat put on there this year. Therefore, the town board consented to wait until next summer when the County will seal coat over and repaint the stripe where it should be a dotted line for passing. TROY BUEGE — ANIMAL CONTROL EXPENSES John Martineau made a motion to approve a refund of $148.92 to Troy Buege for animal control expenses incurred by Sherrill Reid and paid by Mr. Buege. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. TREASURER/DEPUTY CLERK COMPENSATION Paul Rasmussen made a motion to increase the Treasurer/Deputy Clerk's salary by $2.00 per hour retroactive to August 15, 2000 to present, or whenever the Clerk returns to her position full-time. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. COUNTY GROUNDWATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to sign a letter of support to sponsoring Kevin Nickelson as a member of the Washington County Groundwater Advisory Committee. Mike Hinz seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. John Martineau made a motion to adjourn and the meeting adjourned. Colleen Firkus Deputy Clerk