12-19-00 tbDecember 19, 2000
New Scandia Township Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following
Board Members were also present: Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Michael Hinz, John Martineau and
Kevin Nickelson.
Consent Agenda
Call to order
Clerk's minutes have been presented for 11/21/00 and 12/05/00, Town Board and
12/05/00 Planning Commission
Approval of Treasurer's Report
Balance November 1,2000 $1,063,355.51
Receipts 8,408.99
Expenditures 274,103.76
Balance November 30,2000 $ 779,660.74
4. Approval of December Vouchers
5. Adjourmnent
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the consent agenda with corrections by Mr. Nickelson and
Mr. Rasmussen. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Fire Chief/James Fannigan Assistant Chief
Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt read a letter from Steve Spence, Fire Chief thanking the Town Board to
compensate the two Assistant Fire Chiefs, James Fannigan and Peter Nora.
Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt informed the Town Board that May Township approved the $16,252.00 amount
for the Fire Contract with New Scandia Township for the year of 2001. The Town of May also authorized
to enter into agreement that provides for automatic renewal for years 2002 through 2005 for the fee of
Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt informed the Town Board that Franconia Township proposed to pay the same
amount as last year for the Fire Contract with New Scandia Township the same amount as last year which
was $1500.00 and reimburse the township $500.00 per fire call. The board directed the Clerk to set a date
with Franconia Township to review this issue.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to enter into a contract with May 'Township for Fire Protection and
that David Hebert, Attorney draft the new contract. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
James Fannigan stated that New Scandia Fire Department has billed the DNR for the helping with the fire
at the Carlos Avery Game Reserve in the amount $26,000.00. He also stated he would like to commend all
the Fire Fighters that worked endless of hours for the fire at Carols Avery Game Reserve.
Parks and Recreation/Michael White
The problems of the well located at the Skating Facility was discussed. The cut off valve has been replaced
and locks for the facility have been changed as it appeared that someone was turning off the switch so
therefore Elim Church and Community Center did not have water supply.
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Paul Rasmussen made a motion to increase Olaf Bakken, Skating Attendant, and Supervisor to $8.00
per hour. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion that all new employees receive $7.25 per hour and other employees
be increased $.25 per hour a year. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted
Kim Hough requested what type of improvement the ball fields needed; such has lighting and safety
fences. Michael White, Parks and Recreation, Chairman stated the Park Committee would provide
Ms. Hough with the information.
David Hebert, Attorney/Employment Policy
Mr. Hebert discussed the Employment Policy and the Town Board advised Mr. Hebert to review whether
employees might be required to take compensatory time in lieu of additional wages for overtime work.
Tom Peterson/Township Engineer
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the pay request for Scandia Trucking in the amount of
$5423.55. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the pay request for the Site Imporvement for the New
Scandia Fire/Rescue and Public Works Building in the amount of $1225.93. Motion seconded by
Dennis Seefeldt and motion adopted unanimously.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve and sign the Certificate of Compliance with ECI
Construction for the construction of the New Scandia Fire/Rescue and Public Works Building.
Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Rate Schedule for the Township Engineer for the
year of 2001 in the amount of $100.00 per hour for General Engineering this increase would be
approximately $1250.00 per year for the Township Engineer. To also approve other classifications
on the rate schedule. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Colleen Firkus/Treasurer/Amendin2 the 2000 Budget
Colleen Firkus presented the amended 2000 Budget. After reviewal of the budget, Mr. Hebert questioned
the necessity of amending the budget. Ms. Firkus stated this recommended by David Stein the Township
Auditor. Mr. Hebert suggested Ms. Firkus discuss procedure with Mr. Stein.
Dale Bahn/Lakes Area Association
Mr. Balm stated the profit for the Pull -Tabs at the Trails End is approximately $ 10,000.00 to $12,000.00
this year and that the sales are low for the year of 2000.
Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to approve the sale of Pull -Tabs at the Trails End to January 31,
2001. John Marinteau seconded the motion with the addition Mr. Bahn must present a Compliance
Report from all the sites that Lakes Area Association sell Pull -Tabs. Motion adopted unanimously.
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Township Clerk/Dolores Peterson
Ms. Peterson presented a letter to Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt informing the Town Board that she would be
retiring as New Scandia Township Clerk effective, April 15, 2001. Ms. Peterson did inform the Township
Board she had not spoken to PERA Pension Plan as of this date and there could be a possibility of a
different date.
A Workshop was scheduled for January 22, 2001 at Too p.m. to discuss job description, replacement and
advertising for the position.
Road Supervisor/Michael Hinz
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to purchase a locator for the Public Works Department in the
amount of $825.00. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Forfeited Land
John Martineau made a motion to make application for the following Parcel Numbers in New
Scandia Township: 33-032-20-11-0014, 33-032-20-11-0016'and 33-032-20-11-0003 for additional land
for sewer that would connect to the 201 Sewer Project. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
John Martineau made a motion to make application for the following Parcel Numbers in New
Scandia Township: 31-032-20-14-0022,31-032-20-14-0023,31-032-20-14-0024,31-032-20-14-0025,
31-032-20-14-0026 and 31-032-20-14-0021. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Ordinance Number 68/Operation of Snowmobiles
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to sign and approve Ordinance Number 68, An Ordinance
Pertaining To The Use And Operation Of Snowmobiles Within New Scandia Township. Kevin
Nickelson seconded the motion. Dennis Seefeldt, yes, Paul Rasmussen, yes, Michael Hinz, yes and
Kevin Nickelson, yes. John Martineau, opposed. Motion 'adopted.
201 Svstem Operation and Maintenance Agreement
John Martineau made a motion to approve the Community Wastewater Treatment System
Operation and Maintenance Agreement for the 201 System. The term of the agreement ,is extended
for three (3) years. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Plaque For New Scandia Fire/Rescue and Public Works Building
Paul Rasmussen presented the background color for the plaque that shall be installed at the New Scandia
Fire/Rescue and Public Works Building.
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the background color for the New Scandia Fire/Rescue and
Public Works Building. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Township Clerk