2-01-00 tb,pcFebruary 1, 2000 On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The following Board Members were also, present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, Robert Jensen and Kevin Nickelson. Michael A Bialke/Variance Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to property owner, Joseph M. Magill, 647 Dorland Road, St. Paul, Mn 55119 and applicant, Michael A Bialke, 12695 Eldorado Court N. E. Blaine, MN 55449. Lots 18 and 19, Block 4, Bliss Plat 2nd Division. 1) Lake setback 100 feet to 36 feet;2)lake frontage 150 feet to 100 feet;3)road setback 40 feet to 15 feet;4)road frontage 150 feet to 100 feet;5)lot size 2.5 acres to .218 acre. A hardship has been proven and the reasonable use of the property would be denied due to circumstances beyond the owner's control. With following conditions: 1) There shall be a compactor test on the property;2)no deck with railings or patio;3)remove the shed and no additional outbuildings be permitted;4)hook up to the 201 system be approved or septic on site;5)setback from lake be 36 feet to straighten the house. The owner is entitled to reasonable use of his property and this will not create a precedence for this road, because this property is larger than other lots on the street. Kevin Nickelson made a motion not to accept the Planning Commission recommendation and to deny the variance request for property owner, Joseph M. Magill and applicant Michael A Bialke. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion. The following discussion was held by the Town Board. 1) The lot is not big enough to house a dwelling;2)it could be possible if the owner owned all three lots;3)problems with shoreline erosion;4)the Gerald Moe property was a larger piece of property; 5)is it possible to purchase lot 20; 6)it has been assessed as a non buildable lots;6)it was assessed for the road project and this party did not protest the assessment. Findings: 1)The township is not denying the reasonable use of the property;2)the lot is to small to house a dwelling;3)the Township Board does not see a hardship;4)this will present a problem with shorelind erosion. Kevin Nickelson, Paul Rasmussen, and Dennis Seefedlt voted yes, Michael Hinz and Robert Jensen, opposed, motion carried. 19 New Sandia Township Clerk