2-15-00 tbFebruary 15, 2000
The regular meeting of New Scandia Town Board was called to order
by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were
also present: Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman,, Michael Hinz,
Robert Jensen and Kevin Nickelson.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the following consent
1. Call to order
2. Clerk's minutes have been presented for Town Board
01/18/00 and 02/01/00 and for Planning Commission
3. Approval of treasurer's report
Balance January 1, 2000 $1,547,188.45
Receipts 56,825.44
Expenditures 419,221.90
Auditors Adjustment 28.87
Balance January 31, 2000 $1,184,762.62
4. Approval of February vouchers
5. Adjournment
Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted
Dennis Larson/Forest Lake Watershed
Mr. Larson was in attendance representing Forest Lake Watershed
and reviewed the status of the Watershed District. He discussed
various permits that will eventually be required and stated a
Citizens Advisory Committee will be formed.
Steve Spence/Fire Chief
Mr. Spence reviewed the formula for Fire Contracts with May and
Franconia Township. The fees in the contracts for fire
protection for the two townships need to be increased due the
construction of the new building and the purchasing of the fire
truck. New Scandia Fire/Rescue, service 9 1/2 sections in May
Township and 2 1/2 sections in Franconia Township. Mr. Spence
was concerned if the fees have a large increase the township
could contract with another department. New Scandia Township
receives State Aid from Franconia and May Township and then New
Scandia would lose the funding. The following were appointed to
a committee to review this issue: Kevin Nickelson, Paul
Rasmussen, Steve Spence and Colleen Firkus on February 24th at
7:30 p.m. Dennis Seefeldt and Steve Spence would attend a board
meeting with both townships to review the contracts for the year
of 2000.
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Brian Jemelka/Bill For Ear Problems
Mr. Hebert reviewed the billing that Mr. Jemelka had submitted
for ear problems. This bill could not be paid by the township
and if Mr. Jemelka feels this should be paid it would have to be
submitted to Workers Comp. Workers Comp would require a overview
of occupational noise exposure. Dolores Peterson had spoken to
the instructor of the safety meetings that are attended by our
employees and he stated he had never stated that OSHA requires
the township to pay for this problem. The office staff shall
review Mr. Jemelka's Med Flex for the year of 1999.
Tom Peterson/Township Engineer
Tom Peterson presented the following bid tabulation for the Site
Improvement for the New Scandia Fire/Rescue and Public Works
(1) ECI Building Contractors $162,339.38
(2) Glen Rehbein Excavating 165,879.00
(3) Tower Asphalt Inc. 166,072.70
(4) Don Zappa and Son 168,443.00
(5) W B Miller Inc. 177,630.75
The low bidder on the project was ECI Contractors with a base bid
of $162,339.28. This is 4.5o higher than the engineer estimate
of $155,000.00. Mr. Peterson recommended that the project be
awarded to ECI Building Contractors.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to award the Site Improvement
Project to ECI Building Contractors in the amount of $162,339.38.
Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Contracting For Seal Coating With Washington County Contract
Mr. Peterson presented a proposal for Seal Coating and Crack
Sealing which included ten residential streets and four collector
streets in the estimated amount of $132,761.86.
Michael Hinz made a motion that Mr. Peterson submit the
information to Washington County to bid with the county contract
for the year of 2000. Robert Jensen seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Mr. Peterson informed the board that he had attended a meeting
with Washington County Department of Health and Land Management
regarding the SCADA for the 201 Project. The county stated that
each township shall represent their own community and the
township will have to contact with a contractor to service the
201 Project.
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Final ADDroval of Ouarry Avenue/Croix Crest Plat
Mr. Peterson stated Quarry Avenue in Croix Crest Plat can be
accepted contingent that the shoulders that were seeded last fall
will be satisfactory.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept Quarry Avenue/Croix Crest
Plat, contingent the seeding is satisfactory and that all fees
are submitted to the township. Michael Hinz seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Material For Sanding Roads
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to elevate the trap rock for the
sanding of roads and only use the sand and salt that the township
purchases from Washington County Public Works Department.
Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
E. H. Renner Partial Payment
Robert Jensen made a motion to approve the partial payment to E.
H. Renner in the amount of $17,982.87 for the well for the New
Scandia Fire Rescue/Public Works Department. Paul Rasmussen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Erickson Cartway
Mr. Hebert stated he had received the petition from Edward and
Elizabeth Erickson to establish a cartway of at least 20 rods for
access to 20 acres of his property. The Town Board shall meet
had 6:15 p.m. to view the property and a Public Hearing shall be
scheduled for 8:00 p.m. on March 21, 2000.
3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Retailer's Off Sale
for 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License for Mesiters Bar and Grill.
Robert Jensen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Big Lake School Site
A letter was received from Laurie VanElsberg stating she was
interested in purchasing the Big Lake School site.
Robert Jensen made a motion not to consider selling the Big Lake
School site as this could be used as a water storage site for the
fire department, park, rest area, etc. Michael Hinz seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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Transfer of $100,000.00 From Road and Bridge to Community Center
Robert Jensen made a motion to transfer $100,000.00 from the Road
and Bridge Fund to the Community Center Fund. Paul Rasmussen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Insurance For Public Works Employees
It was agreed that Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz and David Hebert
meet before February 29th to discuss and review salaries and cost
of insurance for Brian Jemelka and John Morrison. The office was
directed that to contact Mr. Jemelka and Mr. Morrison regarding
the family portion cost of insurance and written evidence of
At this point of the Town Board meeting was closed to discuss a
letter of compliant regarding employee, Brian Jemelka. After
much discussion Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt asked if the incident
warranted any discipline action. A roll call was taken
whether to discipline and the roll call was as follows:
Seefeldt, Rasmussen, Jensen and Nickelson, yes. Michael Hinz,
The meeting was now open to discuss what type of discipline
action should be taken. Mr. Nickelson stated a written letter be
placed in Mr. Jemelka's file with the information pertaining to
the incident and he must refrain from this type of action and the
board will not tolerate this type of action as a employee of New
Scandia Township. Mr. Seefeldt stated he would suggest a weeks
suspension without pay. Mr. Jensen agreed with the same type of
discipline action as Mr. Seefeldt.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion a letter be written of reprimand
regarding this incident and that New Scandia Township will not
tolerate this type of behavior while employed by the township and
placed in Mr. Jemelka's file. Michael Hinz, Kevin Nickelson and
Paul Rasmussen voted yes. Robert Jensen and Dennis Seefeldt
voted no, motion adopted.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn, Kevin Nickelson seconded
the motion and meeting adjourned.
D or s Pet son
e Scandia ownship Clerk