5-02-00 tb,pcMay 2, 2000
On the above date New Scandia Township Planning Commission held their regular
monthly meeting. The following Town Board Members were also present: Dennis
Seefeldt, Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Michael Hinz, John Martineau
and Kevin Nickelson.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the following variances
to Richard Burton, 7997 Woodpark Blvd, Woodbury, Mn 55125 . Seasonal home at
12624 182nd Street, Marine, MN 55047. Legal: Part of Govt Lot 5, Section 33,
Township 32, Range 20 and Lot 9 of Big Lake View 3rd Addition. 1) Lot Size 2.5
acres to .68 acres; 2) Lake Setback 100 feet to 33 feet; and 3) Wetland Setback 75
feet to 50 feet, on the grounds that the new addition will come no closer to the lake
than the existing structure, the height of the new structure will come close to or match
the heights of the neighbors' homes, and this is a reasonable use of the property. The
variances are required to improve and add on to the seasonal home at 12624 182nd
Street, Marine, MN, and to run a sewer line under 182nd Street in the event a backup
drainfield is needed on the parcel across the street. Conditions are the properties are
to be combined and never be separated and the wetland be delineated on the parcel
across the street. Findings are this will not alter the essential character of the locality.
recommendationPaul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Planning Commission
secondedMichael Hinz the motion. Kevin Nickelson expressed his concern
about the encroachment on Big Marine Lake. Michael Hinz, yes, John
Martineau, yes, Dennis Seefeldt, yes, and Paul Rasmussen, yes. Kevin
Nickelson opposed.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the following variances
to Merrill Nelson, 18975 Layton Avenue North, Marine, MN 55047. Legal: Lot 25,
Block 1 and Lot 4, Block 3, Holiday Beach. 1) Lot Size 2. 5 acres to .27 acres; 2)
Road Setback 40 feet to 30 feet; 3) Road Frontage 150 feet to 50.10 feet; 4) Lake
Frontage 150 feet to 49.959 feet; and 5) Road Frontage for garage on a separate lot
150 feet to 50 feet, on the grounds that the amount of impervious surface closet to the
lake will decrease, entryway does not encroach further towards the lake, and all
variances requested are all existing non -conforming conditions. Conditions are the
shed, deck, driveway and sidewalk are removed, there is a deed restriction in place to
prevent the separate sale of either lot, and exterior of the garage to match the house.
Findings are this will not alter the essential character of locality.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the Planning Commission for the
variances • a addition to existing • and consturction •' a garage `•r
Merrill • Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted
Meeting adjourned.
Dolgres Peterson
New Scandia'Township Clerk