5-24-00 specialMay 24, 2000 On the above dated New Scandia Township had a Special Meeting to review the bids for the Seal Coating Project that was bid with Washington County Public Works. The following Board Members were present: Dennis Seefeldt, Chairman, Michael Hinz, John Martineau, and Kevin Nickelson. Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman was absent. The following Bid Price for the Total Project from Allied Blacktop is $127,009.52. A memo was sent from Tom Peterson stating he had made an error figuring the Crack Sealing in the amount of $22,155.00. The board reviewed the streets that were included in the bid and Dan Schluender stated he had inspected the streets on the bid list and that the following streets could be deleted. 1) Kirk Avenue; 2) 236"' Street; 3) 237t' Street; 4) Novak. The following figures were submitted: Bid Price $127,009.52 Seal Coat _ 22,155.00 Kirk Ave _ 3,111.70 236' _4,135.10 237' _ 3,392.40 Novak 802.50 Total Seal $ 93,412.82 Crack Seal 3,040.76 Total Project $ 96,463.58 Kevin Nickelson made a motion to accept the Seal Coat Bid from Allied Blacktop in the amount of $93,412.82 and the Crack Sealing Bid from Allied Blacktop in the amount of $3040.76. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Lawn Sprayer Michael Hinz made a motion to purchase a Lawn Sprayer from LeRoux All Lawn and Sports, as the sprayer quoted by Greene Implement was not adequate. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to adjourn. Dolores Peterson 44S-c�ania To nship Clerk