7-18-00 tbJuly 18, 2000
New Scandia Town Board regular meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The
following Board Members were also present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul
Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, John Martineau and Kevin Nickelson.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the following consent agenda with corrections on the
June 20, 2000 Town Board meeting.
(1) Call to order
(2) Clerk's minutes have been presented for 6/20/00 Town Board meeting
(3) Balance June 1, 2000 $2,197,158.92
Receipts 29,486.58
Expenditures 82,284.17
Balance $2,144,361.33
(4) Adjournment
Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion with corrections and motion adopted unanimously.
Fire DevartmentlSteve Spence
Tom Tuccitto presented the yearly report for the New Scandia Fire and Rescue Relief Association. He also
presented the paid out benefits per year of service for surrounding Fire Departments. New Scandia
Township was one of the lowest in the area.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to increase the paid out benefit for New Scandia Fire and Rescue to
the amount of $1350.00 per year of service. John Martineau seconded the motion. Dennis Seefeldt,
yes, Paul Rasmussen, yes, John Martineau yes, Kevin Nickelson, yes. Michael Hinz abstained.
Motion adopted.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion that New Scandia Township approve $10,000.00 for funding as part
of the State Aid for New Scandia Fire and Rescue Relief Association. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Township Engineer/Tom Peterson
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve Payment No. 3 for ECI Building Contractors in the
amount of $212,396.25. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the final payment to E. H. Renner and Sons in the
amount of $22,874.57. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
notes For Drainage Problems On Pilar and 181" Street
Tom Peterson presented information regarding the correction of the drainage problems on Pilar and 181 st
Street and stated he had received only one quote for the project. The clerk read the quote from Scandia
Trucking as follows: Pilar Road, $13,615.50 and 181st Street $2,080.50.
Laura Grunzinger and Scott Graven residents on Pilar Road voiced their concerns about the drainage
problems and the corrections.
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John Martineau made a motion to accept the quote for the Drainage Problem on Pilar Road and
1815t Street for the total amount of $15,696.00. Paul Rasmussen seconded and motion adopted
Alarm System /Lift Station SCADA System
Tom Peterson presented the quotes for the Autodialer for the Bliss Addition and the North Big Marine Lift
Station as follows: (1) SY/COM Inc. $2,100.00; (2) System Control Services,$3,190.00; (3) Total Control
Systems, $5,015.00.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to award the bid to SY/COM Inc. for one Autodialer for the Bliss
Addition in the amount of $2,100.00 to be completed in 30 days. Kevin Nickelson seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Meadowbrook and Lofton Court
Tom Peterson would contact Mr. Archie Forsell, property owner on Meadowbrook about the erosion on
Meadowbrook and also contact Dennis Larson, Comfort Lake, Forest Lake Watershed Organization about
the erosion problem on Lofton Court.
Harold Johnson/Questions Regarding Road Project 1999
Mr. Johnson stated he thought all buildings that were on road -right-of-way would have been removed with
the Road Project of 1999. He also stated that bituminous surfacing was put on his property and that is not
part of the road. He was also requesting that parking be made available on the streets in the area of Bliss
Addition and Holiday Beach. Mr. Johnson also stated that nothing was addressed from the letter dated
October 1, 1996. Mr. Johnson also expressed the concerns about not stripping the roads in the area and if
the centerline could be marked. He quoted on a collector road that is striped there are 68 homes in 7 and
3/10 mile the Bliss Addition and Holiday Addition is 2 and 2/10 miles with 76 homes and sub -standard
roads with a high traffic area.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion that Tom Peterson, Township'Engineer, Michael Hinz, John
Martineau, and Mr. Johnson appoint five (5) residents from the area to view and review this issue.
Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Dianna L. Phillips Schriber/Certificate of Compliance
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Certificate of Compliance for Dianna L. and Phillips
Scriber, 16190 220th Street, Scandia, MN to install a woven fence with special conditions on the
permit. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to wavier the fees for the Certificate of Compliance for Dianna L.
and Phillips Scriber, 16190 2201h Street, Scandia, MN. John Martineau seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
Downspout Installation on Community Center
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to install downspout on the Community Center by ABC Seamless,
Peterson Construction, in the amount of $1303.00. Ms. Jyncen Thatcher from Washington Soil and
Water view the area before the installation regarding the wetland area north of the building.
Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion.
Mr. Bruce Swenson stated he felt there would be a problem with the drainage to the east and also with the
downspouts freezing in the winter and suggested the area have drain the installed due to the grading
problem in the area.
Paul Rasmussen withdraw his motion and the Town Board would view the site at 6:45 p.m.on August 15`h
Rental Fees For Scandia/Marine Lions Fundraisers
It was agreed that Scandia/Marine Lions would not be charged a rental fee for fundraisers due the Lions
funding so many projects for the community and also with the large donation of approximately $8,000.00
of equipment to the Community Center Kitchen.
Appointment of Election Judges
Paul Rasmussn made a motion to appoint the following Election Judges for the Primary and General
Election: Judy Rydeen, Kathy Carlisle, Shirley Ahlm, Gary Hogle, Vivian Westermeier, Donna
Larson, Patti Funni, Nancy Hermes, Judy Woodhouse, Dalene Waskey, Edith Hadlich, Richard
Hadlich, alternate Berverly Pratt and Mary Huleman. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the 3.2 percent malt liquor license for Scandia Marine Lions
for Taco Days on September 9, 2000. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted
Buried Telephone Cable On 2051h Street
John Martineau made a motion to approve the buried telephone cable for GTE Phone Company on
205`h Street. Paul Rasmussen.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia To ship