1-16-01 tbJanuary 16,2001
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following
Board Members were also present: Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, Kevin
Nickelson and John Martineau.
l . Call to order
2. Clerk's minutes have been presented for Town Board 12/19/2000 and
Planning Commission 01\02\2001
3. Balance November 30, 2000 $797,660.74
Receipts 542,910.86
Expenditures 79, 593.03
Adjustments Void Check 411.02
Balance $1,261,290. 19
4. Adjournment
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Michael Hinz seconded the
Steve Spence/Fire Chief
Kevin Nickelson stated he had received a call from Deputy Jamie Jackson questioning the
possible use of New Scandia Fire/Rescue and Public Works Building for an office. Mr. Spence
stated all the office rooms are filled and that the Deputies stop and use the building all the time.
It was stated that the township has provided an office at the Skating Facility. The Board directed
the clerk to contact Commander McGlothin and this issue will be discussed on February 20,
Pay Equity
David Hebert reviewed the Pay Equity Report which is required, every 3 years by the State of
Minnesota for all Government Employees.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Pay Equity Report for the Department of
Employee Relations. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion.
Employee Policy
David Hebert presented the Employee Policy with changes that where requested at the December
19,2000 Town Board meeting.
Township Engineer/Tom Peterson
Tom Peterson Township Engineer presented the plans and specifications for the road construction
on 188th and Norell. He stated that with the construction the township is required to use curb and
gutter and that the sewer system would be installed before the road construction.
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A informational meeting shall be held on February 8, 2001 for residents on 188th Street and:
Road Striping
John Martineau made a motion that New Scandia Township contact with Washington
County to strip the following roads: 205th Street from Mayberry, Oldfield from Oren North
to 2401h Street, Oren from Olinda to 230th Street, 230"' west of Manning, the hill from
Larkspur to Layton and the s curve on Layton Avenue North. Michael Hinz seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Road Supervisor/Michael Hinz
Michael Hinz stated that he is reviewing a sweeper for the township roads. The board directed
the Clerk to instruct Brian Jemelka to slow down when he is plowing and that he should not drive
over 25 miles an hour.
Dale Bahn/Pull Tab Sales at the Trails End
Mr. Bahn stated that the State of Minnesota has not provided a Charitable Gambling Report and
that there should be one available in March. John Martineau stated that New Scandia Township
should receive all the funds for Pull -Tab Sales at the Trails End and that someone from the area
should be involved.
Rasmussen made a motion to approve the operation of the selling Pull -Tabs at the Trails
End for the year of 2001. -Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion. Michael Hinz, yes.
John Martineau, yes, Kevin Nickelson, yes and Paul Rasmussen, yes. Dennis Seefeldt
opposed, motion adopted.
Zoning Ordinance Meeting
The date of Febi nary 27, 2001 was set for to review the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance:
February 27, 2001.
Planning Commission Appointment
Michael Hinz trade a motion to appoint Charles Ellis for another two year term to the
Planning Commission. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Appointment of Election Judges
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to appoint the following Judges for the Township Election
on March 13, 2001. Jerome Fearing, Gary Hogle, Patti Eunni, Mary Benson, Kathy
Carlisle, Judy Rydeen, Florence Daninger, Judy Woodhouse. Alternates, Shirley Ahlm and
Dalene Waskey. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
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OSHA Compliance Safety Training
Kevin Nickelson made a motion to AM the contract with Anoka -Hennepin Technical
College for OSHA Compliance/Safety Training and add Bill Poidinger to the contract.
Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Fire Fall and Old Township Maintenance Garage
A decision was held regarding plans for the old Fire Hall and old Maintenance Buildings. It was
agreed that the Capital Improvement Committee meet on March 1, 2001. The Town Board also
appointed Peter Schwartz to serve on the committee.
Pay Scale for Employees
The pay scale was reviewed for Township Employees with the possibility of a 3.50% increase for
all employees with exception of Bill Poidinger whose salary will be reviewed at a later date.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn.
Dolo es Peterson ...
New Scandia Township Clerk