10-16-01 tbOctober 16, 2001 New Scandia Town Board regular meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz and John Martineau. Nancy Madden was absent. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda. Consent Agenda 1. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 09/18/01 and 10/02/01 Town Board and 10/02/01 Planning Commission. 2. Approval of Treasurer's Report Balance September 1, 2001 $1,240,996.21 Receipts 27,423.05 Expenditures 162,670.40 Banks Charge - 2.00 Balance September 30, 2001 $1,105,746.86 3. Approval of payment of vouchers Michael Linz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Fire Chief/Assistant Chief Peter Nora Mr. Nora reported the Fire Department has purchased an Imaging Camera. Mr. Nora expressed his heartfelt thanks from the Fire Department for all the donations to make this purchase possible. Township Engineer/Tom Peterson Mr. Peterson reported that the Plat of St. Croix Heights has offered to pave six tenths of a mile of 240t" Street. This would only be the base course of 240ti' Street. The final bituminous would have to be applied with the 2002 Road Improvement Project. It was agreed New Scandia Town Board and Franconia Town Board meet and review this item. Mr. Peterson presented the Feasibility Report for the 2002 Road Improvement Project. The estimated cost for the project was $1,268,198.00. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Feasibility Report, and Calling A Hearing On Improvement, Resolution Number 10-16-01-1. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Mr. Peterson reported the retaining walls will be built on 188th Street and Norrell and this project shall take approximately 2 to 3 weeks and after the walls are completed the hill of 185tt' Street shall be bituminous surfaced. Mr. Michael White stated sewer connections have been installed for unbuildable lots and twice as many sewer stubs have been installed. Mr. Peterson was directed to eliminate the unnecessary sewer stubs. New Scandia Town Board Page 2 Road Sunervisor/Michael Hinz Mr. Hinz reported the issue of dust control on Morgan Avenue due to report by Melinda and Tom Boynton, 23383 Nolan Avenue whose daughter had a accident coming from Morgan Avenue in Chisago County and onto Morgan Avenue on New Scandia Township road. Mr. Hinz reported the cost benefit issue of applying dust control and stated the Township shall have all the bite vinous surfaced by 2009. Dale Bahn/Pull Tabs for Trails End Paul Rasmussen made a motion to renew the Pull Tab License for Trails End operated by Lakes Area Recreation Association from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002. Michael Hinz seconded the motion. Paul Rasmussen voted yes, Michael Hinz voted yes, and John Martineau voted yes. Dennis Seefeldt opposed. Motion adopted. The Town Board advised Mr. Balm that Chisago Lakes and Lindstrom use the Skating Facility and expressed concern that New Scandia Township should receive more funding from Lakes Area Recreation Association. Marc Hugunin/Met Council Mr. Hugunin reported on the Regional Growth Strategy and stated 50 per cent of Metro Council is rural. The Met Council is in the process a Draft Policy for Agricultural Areas. Cory Slagle/Landscape Plan Mr. Slagle reported on the proposed Landscape Plan for CSAH 3 (Olinda Trail). The plan showed the areas where the plantings -are proposed and the County will come back at a later date regarding the types of plantings. Plan For Sand And Salt Coverage For Public Works A plan was submitted by Dan Booren for sand and salt coverage for the Public Works Department. The approximate cost was $25,000.00. All the Board Members were opposed to the proposal due to the cost figure. Purchase Of Schroeder Property 185th Street John Martineau made a motion to send a letter to Schroeder's whose property is on 185`" Street and the Township was to acquire the property for a drainfield to expand the 201 Project. The letter shall state that New Scandia Township has withdrawn any negotiations for purchase of their property to expand the drainfield for the 201 Project. The letter shall also state the information stating the way they could subdivide the property at the June 19, 2001 meeting will no longer be in effect. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. New Scandia Town Board October 16, 2001 John Martineau made a motion to approve payment of $500.00 to Duane Thompson for writing specifications for painting of Community Center and Old Maintenance Garage and also for his inspections on site. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Building Inspector Contract A discussion was held regarding a provision of providing a phone and voice mail for the Building Inspector. It was agreed the Building Inspector must provide his own phone and voice mail, but the township would pay for the installation of a new line to his office. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Agreement for Building Inspections Services with John Ludwig effective January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002. John Martineau seconded the motion. Dennis Seefeldt voted yes, Paul Rasmussen voted yes, and John Martineau voted yes. Michael Hinz voted no. Motion adopted. Old Fire Hall Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the purchase of paint for approximate $100.00, refrigerator for $320.00 plus tax, and floor covering for $2062.00 plus tax for the Old Fire Hall. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn. Dopres Pete-rfson New Scandia Township Clerk