12-11-01 road hrgDecember 11, 2001
On the above date New Scandia Township held a Public Hearing for the 2002 Road Project. The
following Board Members were also present: Chairman, Dennis Seefedlt, Vice Chairman, Paul
Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, and Nancy Madden. Absent, John Martineau.
Residents voiced there objections to bituminous surfacing on many of the non -collector streets
and they said their roads were seldom traveled. Residents on non -collector roads were concerned
about the estimate of $2,745.00 per parcel. The main objections came from residents located on
207"' Street, Kriby Avenue North, Manning Court and Manning Lane.
Ms. Sue Lenz expressed concerns that Newgate Avenue that Newgate is classified as a non -
collector road. Mr. Gerald Moe 18280 Norrell was concerned about the turn -around onNorrell
Residents also questioned the boards decision to bituminous surfacing and who makes these
decisions. They were informed it is the goal of New Scandia Township to have all roads
bituminous surfaced by 2009 and the Road Committee has a plan what streets shall be bituminous
surfacing from 2002 to 2009. The Town Board makes the final decision under Minnesota State
Statue 429 provides for the procedure and residents have a five (5) year payment for the
This project encompasses 8.2 miles at an estimated cost figure of $1,280.986.
Meeting adjourned.
D ores Peterson
New Scandia ownship Clerk