2-20-01 tbFebruary 20, 2001 The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were also present: The following Board Members were also present: Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, Kevin Nickelson and John Martineau. CONSENT AGENDA Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda: 1. Call to order 2. Clerk's minutes have been presented for Town Board 01/16/01 and 02/06/01 3. Balance December 31, 2000 $1,262,390.68 Receipts 113,450.36 Expenditures 76,631.70 Duplicate Deposit -20.52 Balance January 31, 2001 $1,298,188.82 4. Adj ourrunent Michael Hinz seconded the motion with corrections. Motion adopted unanimously. Auditor David Stene/Eide Bail ff LLP Mr. David Stene, Auditor for New Scandia Township presented the Annual Financial Report for the year ended December 31, 2000. Mr. Stene informed the Township Board that the report is very favorable and the fund balance should be at least one-half of the expenses in reserves. The Community Center Fund Balance is in a deficit, but a transfer should be made from another account so as not to show a deficit in the balance and the Fire Fund Balance shows a low balance of $16,146.00. The Watershed Fund should also be reviewed. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve payment to the New Scandia Fire and Rescue Department in the amount of $200.00 for Beer License Permit and Insurance required for the Firemen's Ball. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Peter Nora reported a connector for domestic water supply needs to be installed by a plumber and the installation of a pressure switch for the well needs to be installed. The estimate cost is approximately $900.00 for both items. Mr. Nora was directed to have both items installed and the billing be forwarded to New Scandia Township. Page 2 Paul Rasmussen made a motion to direct the clerk to contact Gary Peterson from Bonestro Engineering and review the retainage item of $4,000.00 as there should be a credit to the township account in the amount of $4,000.00 for plates with hooks for the Fire Rescue Department and Public Works Department. The check in the amount of $56,109.63 shall be held until this item is corrected. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Township Engineer/Tom Peterson The Informational Meeting for 188th and Norell Avenue North was set for March 8, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Peterson stated the permits have been submitted to the DN1Z and the planting, ponding, etc. shall be in twelve (12) different segments. Mr. Peterson has spoken to Ms. Gloria Hawkinson regarding an easement on her property, which is approximately 4800 square feet. Kevin Nickelson made a motion to approve the payment to Scandia Trucking in the amount of $337.43. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Road Supervisor/Michael Hinz Michael Hinz informed the Town Board that Bill Poidinger had questioned the salary increase. Mr. Hinz stated Mr. Poidinger felt his hourly rate was low and had expected at least a $2.00 an hour increase. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to increase Mr. Poidinger from 13.00 per hour to $13.33 per hour. John Martineau seconded the motion for discussion. Mr. Martineau stated the increase was low on the scale. Mr. Rasmussen withdraw the motion. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to increase Mr. Poidinger hourly wage to $13.84. John Martineau seconded the motion. Mr. Seefeldt stated Mr. Poidinger shall receive cost of living like other employees when salaries are reviewed as this is a significant increase over a period of two years. Dennis Seefeldt, yes, Paul Rasmussen, yes, Michael Hinz, yes and John Martineau, yes and Kevin Nickelson opposed. -*Motion Ln a Helen Beimert/Questions Regarding Subdivision Ordinance The family of Helen Beimert questioned the present zoning and would like to divide the approximate 44 acres into three lots, which would be over 10 acres in size. The ordnance states agricultural lots must be 2. 00 to 3.00 acres in size, or 20.00 acres or greater and this land could be divided into 3 smaller lots and one large lot. The Beimerts were informed there is no hardship defined by the ordinance for this piece of property. Page 3 Excluded Dingo For Scandia/Marine Lions Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Excluded Dingo for Scandia/Marine Lions. Kevin Nickelson seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. P.A. System For Community Center Kevin Nickelson made a motion receive a quote from Hurricane Sound to update the P. A. System for the Community Center and the Civic Club shall match the quote with approximately $700.00 to $800.00. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. David Hebert reviewed the letter received from Kevin K. Shoeberg regarding Dual Jurisdiction Resolution and Amending Chapter One, Administration, Section 2 of Washington County Development Code. The Town Board's opinion to these two items was that neither of these items were of interest to New Scandia Township. Communily Development Grant Paul Rasmussen made a motion to instruct the Clerk to notify Martina Johntz, Planner for the Community Development Grant Program that New Scandia Township will not be accepting any funding through the Community Development Grant Program at this time. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Jackson Density Allocation Agreement Mr. Hebert reviewed the Jackson Density Allocation Agreement for the Jackson Subdivision. Parcel A, was divided into 3 acres of 20.75 acres and Parcel B, contains 71.94 acres. The total acreage in the two parcels was 98.69 acres. Since the original combined parcel would have yielded ten density units, Parcel B should be assigned seven units. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Jackson Density Allocation Agreement. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Kevin Nickelson/Old Fire Hall and Maintenance Duildin Mr. Nickelson expressed his opinion regarding the Fire Hall on Oakhill Road. He stated the township should sell the Fire Hall and the monies received from the sale should be allocated for road construction to connect Ozark to Oakhill Road. Page 4 Dennis Seefeldt/Recognition For Ann Bancroft Dennis Seefeldt suggested that the board and town have some type of recognition for Ann Brancroft to honor her achievement. It was agreed Mr. Seefeldt would prepare a resolution on behalf of the Town Board and the resolution frained in form of a plaque. Representative For flighwgy 97 Study It was agreed that Peter Schwartz and James Malmquist' members of the Planning Commission represent New Scandia Township for the Highway 97. Custom Meat Processing Ordinance David Hebert reviewed the proposed Ordinance Regulating Custom Meat Processing. Mr. Hebert stated the ordinance would prohibit the processing of meat and meat food products for retail sale in the connection of the operation of a grocery store and should the ordinance be that restrictive. Mr. Hebert would revise the ordinance to allow the processing of meat food products for retail sale in the connection of the operation of a grocery store. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn. rew�es Sc andia oiship Clerk