3-01-01 cap impMarch 1, 2001 Capital Improvement Committee Minutes The Capital Improvement Committee met on this date. In attendance were Dennis Seefeldt, Paul Rasmussen, Nancy Madded, Peter Schwarz, Steve Spence, Bob Jensen, Arden Johnson and Colleen Firkus, Joe Moriarity and Skip Stromberg were absent. The final committee report from April 21, 1998 was reviewed. The following short range (1-5 years) goals had been accomplished: 1) provide an adequate water for the Fire Department; 2) build a new fire hall; 3) increase Maintenance Department storage and improve their work area; 4) remodel community center kitchen; 5) replace grader; and 6) replace pumper truck for Fire Department. The only short-range goal left to be completed is to repair the old fire hall roof and septic system. Several long-range (6-20 years) goals had also been accomplished or partly completed: 1) New maintenance facility at new location; 2) Changed police protection by contracting with the County for a full-time deputy; 3) Provided more decorative streetlights and sidewalks in Village Center with County Road 3 project; 4) Expanded community center parking via a maintenance partnership with the church's new lower parking lot; and 5) Acquired a future recreation area by acquiring a small parcel of laird by the Hay Lake School Museum. It was also noted that the new Zoning Code requires streetlights and sidewalks for plats in the Village Center and that the Town Board changed the Wind in the Pines status to an official park status. The Town Board acted on the Recommended Option # 1 by the committee by purchasing land (8 acres), building a combination fire hall/public works facility, drilling a test well and a large well that delivers more than 500 gpm, building a kitchen addition with an additional meeting room, bathrooms and a new roof on the community center, and purchasing a grader. The only item in Option #1 not acted upon was using the old fire hall for storage. Additionally, the Town Board created a Capital Improvement Fund by requesting legislation to allow the township to levy for capital improvements. After a tour of the maintenance garage and the old fire hall, the Capital Improvement Committee recommends the following goals: Short-range (1-5 years) 1. Paint outside of Community Center and repair soffits near door to old kitchen. 2. Repair old fire hall roof and septic system. 3. Use old fire hall for storage and future office space. 4. Sell and remove old maintenance garage. This will also expand community center parking and improve the aesthetics of the area. 5. Provide fire protection via a water supply in the southwestern corner of the township, such as water storage tanks. Possibly something in conjunction with the County as they develop their new park area off of 185th Street. 6. Participate in the Minnesota DOT'S study of Highway 97 with particular attention to access from Manning, Lofton, Oakhill by the school, and Ozark. 7. Replace 1990 plow truck in the year 2002. Long-range goals (6 — 20 years) 1. Provide access to Highway 97 from Oakhill by extending Ozark Avenue. 2. Consider ways and means to provide adequate fire protection to parts of township yet to be developed. 3. Continue to look for opportunities to develop recreational areas based on recommendations from the Park Committee. 4. Continue to evaluate police protection needs. 5. Continue to evaluate emergency medical services. 2