3-13-01 annualMarch 13, 2001
On the above date New Scandia Township held the Annual Meeting. Chairman, Dennis
Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, John Martineau, Kevin Nickelson were also
present. Michael Hinz was absent.
The Clerk called the meeting to order and asked for nomination of a Moderator for the
meeting. Blair Joselyn was elected.
The Clerk read the Notice of the Annual Meeting and Election regarding the following:
(1) One Supervisor for a term of 3 years for Seat One
(2) One Supervisor for a term of 3 years for Seat Two
The minutes of the 2000 Annual Meeting were read. The Clerk reported the expenditures
for the fiscal year was $3,156,557.48 and the Treasurer reported the revenue for the fiscal
year was $2,957258.41. Michael White made a motion to accept the minutes of the 2000
Annual Meeting and the Clerk and Treasurer report for the year of 2000. Motion
Planning Commission Report/Charles Ellis
Charles Ellis, Chairman of the Planning Commission reported on behalf of the Planning
Commission. Mr. Ellis reported the township processed 28 variances approved at 9 sites
and 3 variances denied at 2 sites. Five (5) Minor Subdivisions and One (1) Plat, Larson
Meadows approved. Eighteen (18) Conditional Use Permit site visits and renewals.
Three CUP's expanded. Echo Baken, PN Products and Ironwood Golf Range. All
CUP's sites visited in September, October and November as part of a new process of
reviewing all CUP's every two years. One hundred thirty one (131) Building Permits
issued of which 21 were new homes.
New Scandia Fire Rescue/James Finnegan Assistant Chief
James Finnegan, Assistant Chief of the Fire and Rescue gave the following report: In the
year of 2000 the Fire and Rescue Depmrtment responded to 198 emergency calls. 130 of
these calls were medical or rescue assistance and 68 were fire or emergency service
related. The Carols Avery Edge Fire was a fire that stands out and reminds us of the
impact that fire can have on one's home and life. Rlm volume continues to increase in
double digits with 2000 showing an 11 percent increase over 1999. The department
added one member to its rooster: Bill Boyd. We had two members resign: David
Hawkinson with 20 years service and Lisa Starkey with 3 years. We currently have
28 members and will be conducting a recruitment drive in the spring.
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2000 was a very busy year of the department with the construction of a new Fire Hall, the
purchase a new Pumper and the drilling of a high volume well. Mr. Finnegan expressed a
thank you on behalf of the Fire Department and Chief, Steve Spence to the Town Board
and residents of New Scandia Township for their continued support.
Parks and Recreation[Mic ael White
No report was given by the Park and Recreation for the year.
Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau
Brian Alm thanked New Scandia Township for past support on behalf of the Forest Lake
Youth Service Bureau and asked for continued financial support from township. For 25
years the Forest Lake Area Youth Serv'c Bureau has been a resource for youth and
families from New Scandia Township. May of these youth have had a brush with the law
or experienced behavioral difficulties at school. Others find it hard to cope with family
stress or violence.
Old Business
Mr. Kermit Granberg questioned the final cost of the Skating Facility well; size of well
casing and that an informational news article sent to residents of the township would be
of interest to residents. The clerk, informed Mr. Granberg the township office would
supply him with the information on the well.
George Lindgren made motion to increase the Gopher Bounty to the amount of $2.00 per
gopher. Motion seconded and adopted.
John Martineau informed the citizens that the 201 Project would be upgraded with funds
from Tax Increment Funds.
Dennis Seefehdt informed the citizens that 188t' and Norell would be reconstructed in the
year of 2001 with some curb and gutter and improving water quality of Big Marine Lake.
This project will also be funded by Tax Increment Funds
Michael White made a motion to reconvene the Annual Meeting to August 21, 2000.
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