3-20-01 tbMarch 20, 2001 New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order by Clerk, Dolores Peterson. Ms. Peterson gave the Oath of Office to Supervisors, Nancy Madden and Paul Rasmussen. The following Board Members were present: Nancy Madden, John Martineau, Paul Rasmussen and Dennis Seefeldt. Michael Hinz was absent. Cleric, Dolores Peterson stated the first order of business was to elect a Chairman, and Vice Chairman for the year of 2001. Dennis Seefeldt was elected Chairman and Paul Rasmussen was elected Vice Chairman. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the following consent agenda. (1) Call to order (2) Clerk's minutes have been presented for Town Board 02/02/01, 03/06/01, 03/08/01, Planning Commission, 03/06/01 and Capital Improvement 03/01/01 (3) Balance February 1, 2001 $1,298,208.85 Receipts 16,782.50 Expenditures 442,377.98 Void Checks 1,239.80 Balance February 28, 2001 $ 871,273.57 (4) Approval of March Vouchers (5) Adjournment John Martineau seconded the motion. Dennis Seefedlt made the correction on the February 20, 2001 minutes. Motion adopted unanimously. Commander McGlothlin Commander McGlothlin presented the 2000 yearly report for Police Service. The chart showed a sufficient increase of Police Service over a five (5) year period. Commander McGlothlin stated the department would present these reports quarterly as of this date. James Finnegan/Assistant Fire Chief Mr. Finnegan stated the problem with the well for the Scandia Fire Rescue and Public Works Building has been solved. Page 2 Parrs and Recreation/Michael White It was reported the Township had received a $1,000.00 donation from Lakes Area Recreation. John Martineau stated that the donation was a disappointment and the township should have received a larger donation. Dennis Seefeldt stated that he was in agreement with Mr. Martineau regarding the donation. Fire Contract/May 'Township Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept and sign the Fire Contract with May Township. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Stan Wager/Bone Lake Estates Mr. Wagner presented a concept to change Lot 6 and 7 of Bone Lake Estates. Mr. Wagner purchased the farm site, which is Lot 7 and also owns Lot 6 of Bone Lake Estates. Mr. Wagner is proposing to add Lot 6 to the farm site and create another Lot of 2.52 from the farm site. Mr. Wagner stated this would create less of an impact on Bone Lake. Mr. Wagner was directed to work with the township office for the process of a Replat of Bone Lake Estates. Sherrill Reid/Animal Control Ms. Reid reviewed the problems she has incurred with residents contacting her to catch wild animals within the township and the need for cages, because of this date she has been using the City of Marine's cages. Ms. Reid expressed her concern regarding being called to the Scandia School requesting her to pick up stray dogs. It was agreed the Scandia School should purchase their own cages. Nancy Madden made a motion to authorize the township office to purchase four (4) cages to be used for Animal Control. John Martineau seconded the motion. Dennis Seefeldt added the following to the motion: The only person to use the cages shall be Sherrill Reid. Motion adopted unanimously. Carnelian -Marine Watershed District Managers Paul Rasmussen made a motion to inform the Washington County, Office of Administration that the 'Township of New Scandia is requesting the reappointment of Richard Bohrer to the Carnelian -Marine Watershed District Managers. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Page 3 Certificate of Compliance/Terry Pittman Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Certificate of Compliance for Terry Pittman, 21366 Olinda 'frail, Scandia, MN 55073. The Certificate of Compliance is for a home occupation consisting of an office for a heating and cooling business with minimal sheetmetal fabrication. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Tri-Star Trucking Violations The township office had been instructed to schedule a Public Hearing for the revoking of the Conditional Use Permit for Tri-Star Trucking. Under the Development Code the township must give a 30-day written notice of the specific violations to be corrected. The violations were discussed which included outside storage consisting of oil tanks and the number of vehicles parked outside of the building. Mr. Hebert instructed the Town Board they must consider the investment that the person has in the business. Paul Rasmussen, Nancy Madden and David Hebert will meet with Charles Schwartz to review violations of the business and propose how to solve the problems with the operation of Tri-Star Trucking. UM1111111dy Dennis Seefeldt reported that there is a bill in the Legislature at the present time that funding from Tax Increment must be contracted by June 30, 2002. Mr. Seefeldt stated the township must meet this deadline for the reconstruction of 188th Street, Norell Avenue, 201 Project for 188th Street, Norell Avenue and Maxwill Bay 201 Project. Funds For Storwater/Water Quality Practices Jeff Berg, Washington County Soil and Water had forwarded information regarding funding for Stormwater Water Quality Practices in a 2002 State Cost Share Program and questioned if New Scandia Township would consider applying for the funds. The township office will contact Mr. Berg and inform him the township is interested if Mr. Berg is willing to prepare the paper work. Residents of New Scandia Township had expressed an interest of having a Special Day to honor Ann Bancroft with the accomplishments of the exploring trip over the past months. The following person volunteered to serve on a committee to explore the possibility of sponsoring a Special Day for Ann Bancroft: Nanycy Madden, Paul Rasmussen, Richard Bohrer and Dolores Peterson. Page 4 Capital Improvement Report Dennis Seefeldt reviewed the Capital Improvement minutes of March 1, 2001. The following short-range (1-5) goals had been accomplished. 1) provide an adequate water supply for the Fire Department; 2) build a New Fire Hall; 3) increase Maintenance Department` storage and improve their work area; 4) remodel Community Center Kitchen; 5) replace Pumper Truck for Fire Department. The only short-range goal left to be completed is to repair Fire Hall roof and septic system. The Capital Improvement Committee has a list of 7 items for a short-range goal and these items should be completedin (1-5) years. The committee is monitoring police protection needs and emergency medical services. Legal Paper For The Year of 2001 Paul Rasmussen made a motion to designate the Country Messenger as the legal paper for the township for the year of 2001. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Weed Inspector For The Year Of 2001 Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to appoint John Morrison as the Weed Inspector for the year of 2001. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Depository For The Year of 2001 Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the following depositories for the year of 2001: Security State Bank and the 3M Fund through the League of Minnesota Cities. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau John Martineau made a motion to donate $4500.00 to Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau. Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau requested the amount of $5000.00 in their yearly letter. The township had budgeted $4500.00 for the year of 2001 and the township will budget $5000.00 for the year of 2002. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. DAores P on ^ i owns�i'pCee can irc