8-07-01 tb,pcAugust 7, 2001
On the above date New Scandia Township Planning Commission held their regular
monthly meeting. The following Board Members were also present: Dennis Seefeldt,
Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Michael Hinz, Nancy Madden and John
Parick Reicherts-DU Rule
Mr. Patrick Reicherts consented to waiving his right to the 60-day rule for action on his
variance request. The Planning Commission tabled Mr. Reicherts request until
September 4.
Public Hearing For Amendments To New Scandia 'Township Development Code
A Public Hearing was held to review the proposed changes to New Scandia Township.
Development Code. Some of the major changes in Chapter One were: Definitions of
grazeable acres and of wild/exotic animals. Chapter Two: Sec 3.3-AG District minimum
road frontage changed to 300 feet for lots of 3 + acres, and anew Item (2) (C) added to
cover parcels that don't have much or any road frontage. Mr. Nickelson stated the item
conflicts with the minimum design standard in Chapter 3 states each lot must have road
frontage, and he asked how driveway easements would be tracked on future subdivision
of the parcels. Sec. 4.2-SR District would eliminate horse training facilities as an
allowed use; Sec. 9. 4 — Exterior Storage clarified; Sect. 9.-5 Remove Certificate of
Compliance on fences within 3 feet of property line, but still required by the County; Sec.
10.12-Mr. Nickelson said golf driving range should not be allowed in AP District and
Sec. 10.24 should define domed versus open golf driving range; Sec. 10.30 added for a
swimming pool ordinance; Sec. 11-2-eliminate Cluster/OSD in Shoreland Overlay. It
was suggested it be rewritten to allow Cluster/OSD, but with no lots on the lakes, and list
the Recreational and Natural Environment in left column; Sec. 12.10 it was suggested an
example picture be placed in the OSD section. Chapter 3- eliminated many requirements
from Sec. 6.1 for Concept Review of a plat.
Planning Commission recommended to the Town Board to continue the Public Hearing
to September 4, 2001, so the Development Code would be reviewed to resolve the issues
It was agreed to continue the Public Hearing to September 4, 2001 and schedule a
workshop to again review the Development Code on August 28t" at 7:00 p.m.
The Planning Commission recommended to the Town Board to prepare a Draft
Ordinance for Lot Averaging and hold a Public Hearing to consider an amendment to
Section 4.3 of chapter 2 of the New Scandia Town Development Code.
Meeting adjo
Dolores Peterson, N w Scandia Township Clerk