9-04-01 tb,pcSeptember 4, 2001
On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly
meeting. The following Board Members were also present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt,
Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, Nancy Madden and John Martineau.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve Ordinance No. 73 to
amend the Lot Averaging section of New Scandia's Development Code to set the
minimum lot size as 2 acres and minimum frontage on a public road of 160 feet on
parcels between 2 and 4 acres and, 250 feet on parcels greater than 4 acres but less than
5.0 acres, and 300 feet on parcels of 5.0 acres or greater.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation to approve Ordinance No. 73. Nancy Madden seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the preliminary plat of
St. Croix Heights for Mr. Robert Beugen, 2300 Central Avenue NE, Minneapolis, MN
55418. A portion of the .plat, Outlot A and 150 feet of the proposed Pheasant Avenue is
located in New Scandia Township. Legal: that part of the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section. On
the grounds this is a reasonable use of the property. Conditions are: 1) dedicate to New
Scandia Township 33 feet of right-of-way for 240th Street, 2) Pheasant Avenue be
developed to New Scandia's specifications and standards, 3) Franconia Township agrees
by necessary legal documents to assume all of the maintenance for the 150 feet of
Pheasant Avenue North in New Scandia Township, 4) Outlot A is restricted from any
development and tied to a buildable lot. Findings are no variances are required. This
motion was amended so that Outlots A and B are tied with Lot 8, Block 2 with deed
restriction so the lots cannot be sold separately from Lot 8, Block 2 or a Home Owners
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the preliminary plat of St. Croix Heights
with recommendations by the Planning Commission. Nancy Madden seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve variances to construct
an addition to exiting dwelling for Steve and Irene Kronmiller, 13450 188th Street North,
Marine, MN 55047. Lot 1, Anderson Big Lake Addition and Lot 14 Anderson Big Lake
2nd Addition. 1) Lance Frontage from 150 feet to 103 feet existing: 2) Lot size from 2.5
acres to .74 acres existing; 3) Lake Setback from 100 feet to 72 feet existing; 4) Shed size
New Scandia Planning Commission
September 4, 2001
From 120 square feet to 141 square feet existing; and 5) Road Setback from 40 feet to 22
feet existing, on the grounds that the property is currently being put to reasonable use, the
proposed variances simply confirm existing situations and were not created by the present
landowner, and it will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Conditions
are: 1) The proposed addition of the new screen porch be in line with the existing deck
and not be closer to the Ordinary High Water (OHW) line than 78 feet; 2) The remodeled
structure be connected to the Anderson -Erickson sewer system; 3) The dilemina created
by the current reconstruction of 188t' Street and the existing driveway located on the
unplatted Elm Street right-of-way be successfully addressed by a positive response to the
Kronmiller's separate request for a land trade; 4) Meet BMP recommendations of the
CMWD; and 5) Newly remodeled home not exceed 35 feet height standard.
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Planning Commission
recommendations for Steve and Irene Kronmiller addition to existing dwelling.
Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variances to Patrick
Kelley, 18601 Lamar Avenue, Marine, MN 55047. Lots 13, 14, and 15, Block 3, Bliss
Plat First Division. Lot Size 2.5 acres to .47 acres and Road Setback from 40 feet to 32
feet for the construction of a new home on the grounds that it is a reasonable use of the
property. Conditions are: 1) The fence not be built until there is legal resolution of the
north property line dispute,2) No deck is built and the house meets the 10 foot sideyard
setback, and 3) Erosion control measurers be used to prevent runoff to the east. Findings
are there is a hardship due to the size and configuration of the lot, and there is a good
chance the applicant will own Lot 12 eventually.
Nancy Madden made a motion to accept the Planning Commission
recommendations for Patrick Kelley to construct a new dwelling with variances.
Paul seconded the motion. Dennis Seefeldt stated Patrick Kelley should come in for
a Conditional Use Permit for the fence. Mr. Kelley stated he would wavier the 60
day rule for the fence. John Martineau made the following amendment to the
motion to develop Best Management Practice for erosion control and contact
Washington Soil and Water Conservation for the management. Dennis Seefeldt
seconded the amendment and amendment adopted unanimously. Vote on the
motion with amendment minus the reference to the fence adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Planning Commission
September 4 2001
1 1,UJUNE' ;;1lik
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the Preliminary Plat of
Lindgren Overlook for applicant, Gonyea, Lakes and Land Development Gonyea Homes,
Inc., 50 Groveland Terrace, Minneap� olis, MN 55403. Owner, Nathan Lindgren
Estate/Harvey Lindgren, 11000 218t' Street, Scandia, MN 55073. On the grounds it
meets all town ordinances. Conditions are as follows: 1) The town engineer review and
approve the grading, drainage and erosion control plans; 2) The town engineer review
and approve road plans and stop sign recommendation; 3) Receive approval from the
Carnelian -Marine Watershed District; 4) Receive DNR approval for the land in the
Shoreland District; 5) Soil testing be approved by Washington County for the installation
of an on -site sewage disposal system for each buildable lot; 6) Wetlands delineated and
drainage easements dedicated to the Township; 7) Thirty-three feet of road right-of-way
from the centerline of 197t" and 199th Street North be dedicated to the Township; 8) The
road built to town specifications; 9) Dedicate park land or cash in lieu of park land; (10
Landscape plan submitted. Prior to Final Plat approval, the following conditions must be
met: 1) A development agreement submitted and approved by the Town Board; 2)
Submit an Opinion of Title within 30 days of submission of the final plat to the County
Board for approval; 3) On the final plat, the lowest floor elevation of the building shall be
shown for all lots abutting a body of water such elevation shall be at least two feet above
the 100 year flood elevation, 4) Letter of credit. Findings are it is a reasonable use of the
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Lindgren
Overlook with the Planning Commission recommendations. Michael Hinz seconded
the motion. Nancy Madden made the following amendment to the motion. The
Township shall receive cash in lieu of land. Paul Rasmussen seconded the
amendment and amendment adopted unanimously. Motion and amendment
adopted unanimously.
Continuance of August Public Dearing For Amendments To Development Code
The Public Hearing from August 7, 2001 meeting was continued to consider the
following changes to New Scandia Township's Development Code: 1) Confirmed horse
training facilities are not permitted in the SFE and SR Districts; 2) Large lot subdivision
of a 20 acre parcel from a 40 acres or larger parcel stays as is, but the 20 acre parcel may
be further subdivided at some future time; 3) Lot averaging permitted in SR District with
a minimum of 2 acres, 4) Added a clause to Section 9.4 Exterior Storage prohibiting the
exterior storage of more than four (4) automobiles or trucks per dwelling unit; 5) Require
New Scandia Planning Commission
September 4, 2001
monople or stealth towers for wireless communication facilities; 6) Continued to prohibit
Open Space Design in Shoreland Districts; 7) Travel Trailer/RV Campgrounds prohibited
in all Zoning Districts -remove section 10.33 from the code.
Meeting adjourned.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia ownship