9-04-01 tbSeptember 4, 2001
The regular New Scandia Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis
Seefeldt. The following Board Members were also present: Vice Chairman, Paul
Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, Nancy Madden and John Martineau.
Vacation of 3rd Avenue/Plat of Scandia
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve Resolution No. 9-4-01-01 a Resolution
vacating part of 3rd Avenue in the Plat of Scandia. Nancy Madden seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Harold Johnson Road Right -Of Way Bituminous Removal
Mr. Johnson had requested to remove a small portion of bituminous surfacing which he
claimed was applied on his private property in connection with the 1999 Road Project.
A letter had been received from David Hebert, Township Attorney stating under
Minnesota Statutes 160.05 provides that when any road or portion of a road has been
used and kept in repair and worked for a least 6 years continuously as a public highway
by a road authority, it shall be deemed dedicated to the public to the width of the actual
use. In the Attorney's opinion, if the road has been maintained for the required number
of years, the Town had the legal right to apply the bituminous surfacing as it did and
should not be removed.
Ms. Madden stated she has concerns about the property as the township has graded her
property for years and will this area also be bituminous surfaced. Mr. Johnson stated that
former Board Member, Robert Jensen and Township Engineer, Tom Peterson had
informed Mr. Johnson that the bituminous surfacing would be remove. Mr. Johnson
expressed his concerns about buildings and fences on Township right-of-way.
Nancy Madden made a motion to remove the bituminous surfacing on Harold
Johnson property. John Martineau seconded the motion and motion adopted
unanimously. Nancy Madden, yes, John Martineau, yes:' Dennis,Seefeldt,
Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, opposed. Motion was not adopted.
Resolution For The 2002 Road Improvement
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve Resolution No. 09-04-01-02, Ordering
Preparation of Report on Improvement for 2002. Paul Rasmussen seconded the
motion and motion adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Town Board
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Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements
Quotes were received for miscellaneous drainage improvements on the following streets:
22145 Kirk Avenue, 195 Ih Street, Mayberry and 21450 Novak. Peterson Excavating,
$7286.00 and Scandia Trucking, $8,839.50.
Nancy Madden made a motion to accept the quote from Peterson Excavating, Inc.
for the total bid of $7,286.00. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Drainage Easement/Lois Miller
Nancy Madden made a motion to compensate Lois Miller $300.00 for the drainage
easement which is required to convey storm water runoff to Marine Bay (Jellum's
Bay) as part of the road realignment 188 th Street. Michael Hinz seconded the
motion and adopted unanimously.
Citizens Communications
John Martineau made a motion to approve the telephone cable installation for
Citizens Communications on Oxboro Avenue and Parrish Road. Paul Rasmussen
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Deletion Of Assessment On Forfeited Land
Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to approve the Resolution for Deletion of Assessment
for Project 9999 as this parcel of land has been forfeited. Michael Hinz seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Revise Trench At Old Maintenance Building
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to instruct John Morrison to revise trench at the old
maintenance building, so the building does not have to be heated. If Morrison is
unable to do work he should receive quotes for the job. Nancy Madden seconded
the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn.
Dolores Pe son
NewScan is son i�aTownship (Clerk