11-19-02 tbNovember 19, 2002 New Scandia Town Board regular meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were present: Dennis Seefeldt, Chainnan, Paul Rasmussen, Vice Chairman, Lisa Crum, Michael Hinz and Nancy Madden. Lisa Crum, Suprevisor took the Oath of Office and Dermis Seefeldt introduced Lisa Crum to the residents attending the meeting. Ms. Crum was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Supervisor, John Martineau. A letter of resignation was read from John Martineau and the Township Board thanked Mr. Martineau for the years of service to New Scandia Township. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the following consent agenda. 1. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 10-15-02, 10-28-02 and Planning Commission 11-05- 02. 2. Balance September 30, 2002 $1,432,309.81 Receipts 70,874.19 Expenditures 189,960.92 Balance October 31, 2002 $1,313,223.08 Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Ross Thomas presented pictures and reviewed the project of upgrading the South Balifield for his Eagle Scout Award. New Scandia Town Board expressed their appreciation for the excellent improvement of the ballfield. Tom Peterson/Township Engineer A letter was received form Jeffrey Youngquist regarding the turn -around on Norrell Avenue stating the school bus can not turn around at the site. It was agreed that Dennis Seefeldt and Michael Hinz would meet with Gerald Moe who lives at the end ofNorrell to see if it would be possible to turn the bus around at Mr. Moe's driveway. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the buried telephone cable for Frontier Communications on Pomroy avenue, 185th Street and Mayberry Trail. Michael Binz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the buried electrical cable for Connexus Energy on 205th Street. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Parks and Recreation/Paul Rasmussen Mr. Jerry Fredrickson representing Scandia Elementary P.T.O. requested funding for the Playground Equipment at the Scandia Elementary. Mr. Fredrickson was infonned that the schools are supported through taxpayers monies and that the township is also supported through taxpayers monies. It was agreed no funding would be allocated at this time, but the committee should return in May and report on funding status. New Scandia Town Board November 19, 2002 Page 2 The proposal of donated property on Quinnell Avenue in the Otisville area was reviewed and it was reported that Dunrovin Retreat are considering the proposal of the property proposal that shall not be developed, but a possible park area. Amy Middleton/Grant Funding for 201 Septic Systems Ms. Middleton representing MMC Associates reviewed Funding Research for Carnelian Marine Watershed District for 188t" Street and 182"d Street for possible upgrading of 201 Septic Systems in the area. Vice Chainnarn, Paul Rasmussen Committee Member to review handing for the 201 Septic System requested the need for a resident on 188th and 182"d Street to be appointed to the committee and also a person to facilitate the discussion on the proposal. Keith Greenwald/CUP and Building Permit Rob Olson, Attorney represented Mr. Keith Greenwald who had applied for a Conditional Use Permit in February of 1999 to operate Keith's Landscaping and Excavating. Mr. Greenwald had applied for a building permit through the township office and he had been informed the CUP had expired and the ordinance had changed regarding the material of the building since 1999. Mr. Olson stated that Mr. Greenwald had been using the property since he applied for the CUP. The Architectural Committee had approved Mr. Greenwald building plans and landscape plan. Nancy Madden made a motion to allow Keith Greenwald to proceed with his project at Hawkinson Business Park and Mr. Greenwald must install a 4 -foot brick front on the building. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Michael Nagle/Temporary Buidling Michael Nagle had received a stop work order from New Scandia Township Building Inspector for the construction of a temporary building to store two trucks and a camper. Mr. Nagle was requesting that he be allowed to finish his building and be able to use the temporary building over the winter. Mr. Nagle was informed the Town Board would be setting a precedent if they would allow this and under the State Building Code no temporary buildings are allowed. Mr. Nagle stated he wanted to protect the vehicles over the winter and he was informed he would have to find off site storage for the vehicles. Skip Stromberg/Letter Hall Rental A letter was received from Skip Stromberg regarding hall rental fees. The rental fees were discussed for the Fund Raiser that was held by the Hilltop Water Company in November. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to charge a rental fee to the Hilltop Water Company for the Fund Raiser that was held at the New Scandia Community Center. Nancy Madden seconded the motion. Motion defeated by the entire board. New Scandia Town Board November 19, 2002 Page 3 Nancy Madden made a motion that New Scandia Township charge a rental fee in the future to Hilltop Water Company as it is a privately owned company. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Incorporation Committee The following persons shall consist of the Incorporation Committee: Michael Hinz, Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn, Kevin Nickelson and Bruce Swenson. Salary Review for the Year of 2003 A letter was read from Brian Jemelka requesting an increase for hospitalization. This would present a problem with pay equity and it was suggested that Ms. Firkus review the Medical Reimbursement Plan. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to authorize David Hebert to prepare a salary increase for township employees at a 2.5 increase for the year of 2003. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn. Dolores Pete New Scandi ownship Clerk V