2-05-02 tb,pcFebruary 5, 2002
On the above New Scandia Township Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting.
The following Board Members were also present: Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Michael
Hinz, Nancy Madden and John Martineau. Absent: Dermis Seefeldt.
Timothy Beimert/Preliminary Plat Roman Empire
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the Preliminary Plat of Roman
Empire for owner Helen Beimert, 23877 Manning Trail, Scandia, MN 55073 and applicant
Timothy Beimert, P.O. Box 207, Chisago City, MN 55013. That part of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Section
6, Township 32, Range 20. On the grounds that this is a reasonable use of the property.
Conditions are: 1) Right-of-way for Manning Trail North is dedicated to Washington County via
the plat, 2) Driveway locations must be approved by Washington County, 3) Septic locations
must be reviewed and approved by Washington County, 4) Wetland and delineation's and
easements are reviewed by the Town Engineer, and 5) Park dedications is taken in cash -in -lieu of
land for this plat. Findings are the proposed lots meet the zoning requirements for an Agriculture
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Roman Empire for Helen
Beimert owner and Timothy Beimert applicant as Planning Commission recommendations.
Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
John Martineau/Rezone from Agriculture to Semi -Rural
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to deny the request for John Martineau,
20190 Olinda Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. The SE'/4 of the SW '/4, that part of the SW '/4 of the
SE i/4 and those parts of the SW '/4 of the SE'/4 and Govt. Lot 1, Section 22, Township 32.
From Agriculture to Semi -Rural on the grounds that it is not consistent with the Comprehensive
Nancy Madden Madden made a motion to table the request until February 19, 2002 for the
purpose of preparing written findings for the decision. Michael Hinz seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
"John Martineau signed to wavier the 60 -day rule".
David Herber/Variance
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to table the request for David Herber,
17611 Lisbon Avenue North, Marine, MN 55047. Lot 3, Block 5, Bliss Plat No. 1. The request
shall be tabled until blueprints and dimensions on the changes in the structure are submitted, and
Mr. Herber agrees in writing to waiver the 60 -day rule.
No action was taken by the Town Board. "David Herber signed to wavier the 60 -day rule".
Edward Erickson/Concept of Minor Subdivision
Mr. LaVayne Dupslaff, Landmark Surveying, Scandia, presented a request for Edward Erickson,
13351205 1h Street North, Marine, MN., to divide one 20 acre parcel from a 54.4 parcel. A new
driveway has been built to give access to new Parcel B from 205'1' Street. While Parcel A abuts
205th Street, the driveway currently crosses the neighbors land to the street. Mr. Erickson is
negotiating with the neighbor to obtain the necessary land for access to 205t" Street. Another
problem with Parcel A is another neighbor's house residing partially over the property line and
possibly their septic system. Mr. Erickson will be contacting the neighbor to resolve the problem.
Also submitted was a ghost plat showing 3 lots of 20 acres each on Block 1 and Block 2 two
parcels of 20 acres and four parcels of 3 acres each with a new road ending in a cul -du -sac. The
Planning Commission discussed changing the proposed road to give 300 feet of road frontage to
Parcel B.
Sand Lake Overlook/Final Plat Approval
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant final plat approval of Sand Lake
Overlook on the grounds that all requirements have been met and it is the best possible use of the
land. Conditions are: 1) A Development Agreement submitted and approved by the Town Board
is necessary, 2) Submit an Opinion of Title within 30 days of submission of final plat to the
County Board for approval, 3) On final plat the lowest floor elevation of the building shall be
shown for all lots abutting -a water body with elevation at least feet above the 100 flood
elevation; and 4) A Letter of Credit. Findings are it meets all requirements.
Michael Hinz made a motion to adjourn. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia ownship Clerk