5-07-02 tb,pcMay 7, 2002
On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The
following Board Members were also present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul
Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, Nancy Madden and John Martineau.
Dennis & Pamela Anderson -Minor Subdivision & Variance
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the Minor Subdivision to Dennis
C. and Pamela A. Anderson, 16141 Scandia Trail North, Scandia, MN 55073. SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of
Section 13, Township 32, Range 20. To divide a 20.2 acre parcel into three parcels of 5.03, 3.41
and 11.75 acres on the grounds that the division meets the zoning requirements. Conditions are:
Parcel C is combined with the adjacent Anderson parcel to the east; 2) Driveway access is
approved by the Minnesota Dept. of Transportation prior to the subdivision being filled with the
County; 3) The corn crib and red shed are removed; 4) A variance is granted allowing the barn
and garage to remain on the grounds the barn is in good shape, contributes to rural character and
is well screened; and park dedication fees be paid in lieu of land 5) require the legal description
discrepancy is resolved. Findings are it is a reasonable use of property.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendation
eliminating number 5 that will omit to require the legal description discrepancy is resolved
as a condition of approval. John Martineau seconded the motion. Dennis Seefeldt made the
following amendment: 1) the variance allowing the barn on Parcel A, this variance shall
only be in effect as long as the barn is in good repair. Paul Rasmussen seconded the motion.
Motion with amendment approved unanimously.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia To reship Clerk