8-06-02 tbAugust 6, 2002
The regular Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The
following Board Members were also present: Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz,
Nancy Madden and Johm Martineau.
Excluded Bingo/Scandia Marine Lions
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the Excluded Bingo Application for
Scandia/Marine Lions for Bingo to be held at New Scandia Community/Senior Center on
Friday, October 25, 202. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted
Duane Biermaier Problems at Residence of 18540 Layton Avenue
Mr. Biermaier informed the Town Board with problems the neighbors are incurring with Tony
Mercado, 18540 Layton Avenue. He stated a camping trailer is on his property and persons are
also living n the trailer. He stated the residents are constantly having large parties with lot of
noise. This has been a problem for approximately one year and the township office has received
many complaints regarding the issue. Mr. Bierinaier was informed to contact Washington
County Sheriffs Department with the problems.
Quote for Regrade of 213th
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the bid of $17,400.00 from Scandia Trucking and
Excavating for the regrade of 213yh Street at Highway 97. Paul Rasmussen seconded the
motion adopted unanimously.
Frontier Telephone Company/Buried Service
John Martineau made a motion to approve the buried telephone service for Frontier
Telephone Company on 238th
Street, Larkspur, Newgate and Mayberry Trail. Michael
Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
R. E. Peterson/Payment Number 6
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve Payment Number 6 to R. E. Peterson for the
Road Project of 188th Street and Norell. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion
adopted unanimously.
Scandia/Marine Lions/StoraLye of Fire Truck in Annex
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve temporary storage of the Fire Truck owned by
Scandia/Marine Lions in the Annex. Scandia/Marine Lions must have Proof of Insurance
and a letter Holding the Township Harmless. John Martineau seconded the motion and
motion adopted unanimously.
August 6, 2002
Page 2
Ordinance Retarding Recreational Motor Vehicles in VillaL,-e Center
James Malmquist presented a proposed Ordinance Prohibiting Recreational Motor Vehicles in the
Village Center. David Hebert, Township Attorney infonned the Board the Recreational Motor
Vehicles are governed under State Statue. It is agreed Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt would contact
Senator Krantz and Bachmann regarding this issue.
Proposed Budget for 2003
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the proposed Budget for the year of 2003 for
New Scandia Township and to be presented at the reconvened Annual Meeting on August
20, 2002. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Appointment of Election Judges
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to approve the appointment of Edith Hadlich and Barbara
Maile as Election Judges. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted
Paul Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn.
Dores Peterson
New Scandia wnship Clerk