8-20-02 recon annualAugust 20, 2002 New Scandia Township Annual Meeting was reconvened on the above date. The following Board Members were also present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen, Michael Hinz, Nancy Madden and John Martineau. The Clerk called the meeting to order and called for the election of a Moderator for the reconvened meeting. Tom Obst was elected as the Moderator. The proposed levy of $1, 228,136,00 was presented. Dolores Peterson made a motion to increase the Road and Bridge Fund $10,000.00 for the 2003 Expense Budget. Michael White seconded the motion and motion adopted. Michael White made a motion to approve the following levy for the year of 2003: General $ 173,205 Road and Bridge 370,800 Fire 153,152 Police 70,842 Park 10,215 Community Center 31,522 Watershed 17,400 1999 Road Project 0 2002 Road Project 150,000 Fire Hall/Public Works Bond 175,000 Capital Projects 40,000 201 Projects 0 Uptown Sewer 46,000 $1,238,136 Michael White made a motion to approve the above levy for the year of 2003. Peter Schwartz seconded the motion and motion adopted. Michael White made a motion to adjourn. Dolores Peterson C PC - New Scandia ownship Clerk