10-28-03 road hrgOctober 28, 2003
On the above date New Scandia Township held a Public Hearing to consider the making of an
improvement on the following streets and roads in New Scandia Township.
1. Oren Avenue North from State Highway 97 to its northerly end
2. 240th Street North from Pleasant Avenue east to State Highway 95
3. Nolan Avenue North from Oakhill Road North to 236th Street North
4. 23 6t1' Street North
5. Morgan Avenue North
6. 238t'' Street North from Melanie Trail North to Morgan Avenue North
7. 213th Street North from Oren Avenue North it its easterly end
8. Pemlfield Avenue North from 215t" Street North to its northerly end
9. Parrish Avenue North
10. 215th Street North from Parrish Avenue North to its easterly end
11. 239th Street North from Lofton Avenue North to its westerly end
12. 239th Court North
13. 218th Street North from Lofton Avenue North to its westerly end
14. 218t'' Court North
15. Meadowbrook Avenue North from State Highway 97 to its northerly end
16. Meadowbrook Avenue North from Melanie Trail North to 238th Street North
17. Novak Avenue North from State Highway 97 to its northerly end
18. 230th Street North from Nolan Avenue North to its westerly end
19. 230th Street North from Nolan Avenue North to Oldfield Avenue North
20. Pomroy Avenue North from 240th Street North to its southerly end
21. Picket Avenue North from 240th Street North to its southerly end
The following Board Members were present: Demos Seefeldt, Chairman, Michael Hinz, Vice
Chairman, Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden.
David Paul, 23920 Pickett Avenue expressed his concerns regarding the assessment policy and he
stated it is not equitable.
Paul Nitschke, 11747 239t1i Street questioned why the township classifies collector and non -
collector streets.
Joann Benick stated Meadowbrook is being bituminous surfaced and why did the township not
include 213th Street.
A group of residents located on Parrish stated that Parrish should be classified as a collector
Joint Lindell, 11240 218t" Street stated he did not want the road surfaced and likes the gravel
road. He expressed his concern with speeding on the road when the road is surfaced.
Rob Feller representative Archie Forsell stated that Mr. and Ms. Forsell are in nursing homes and
the land is in the courts as of this date.
Francis Lutz, 11720 239th Street owns three lots in Shady Oaks and he questioned if each lot
would be buildable.
New Scandia Town Board
October 28, 2003
Page 2
James Dreher, 23497 Meadowbrook and Pet Neilsen, 23023 Meadowbrook both stated that
Meadowbrook should be a collector road and Mr. Dreher stated he would not have 3 parcels as he
has a lot of wetlands on his property.
Carol Duran and Ben Betz, 22667 Nolan Avenue stated she does not want bituminous surfacing
and also concerned about the speed after it is surfaced.
Anita Quigley, 14291 Oakhill Road, stated there is no road frontage that meets her property on
Jol-m McKinnon, 22513 Nolan stated that it is progress to bituminous surface the township roads
and that the residents on Nolan have waited years to be on the road project.
Paul and Antoninette Nitschke, 11747 239`x' Street stated that the assessment should all be the
same on the roads. 50% on collector and 50% on non -collector.
Dennis Seefeldt closed the Public Hearing.
Quotes for Installation of Culverts for 2004 Road Project
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the quote of $49,000.00 for the installation of
culverts for roads that are in the 2004 Road Project. Michael Hinz seconded the motion
and motion adopted unanimously.
Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn.
Dolores Peterson
New Scandia To nship Clerk