10-7-03 tb,pc0&
October 44, 2003
On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The
following Board Members were also present: Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael
Hinz, Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden.
Donald Jensen -Variance
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to Donald Jensen,
3322 Cleveland St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418. Lot 1, Sandgren Addition. Street address
23375 Lofton Avenue North, Scandia, MN 55073. To construct a second addition, garage, and
deck to the existing dwelling. 1) Lot Size 2.5 acres to 13,156 sq. feet, 2) Road Frontage 160
feet to 100.4 feet, 3) Road Setback from right-of-way 45.5 feet to 34.3 feet, and 4) Lake
Setback 100 feet to 42 feet for structure and 32 feet for the deck. Grounds are the size of
the lot and lot frontage are pre-existing conditions. Conditions are 1) whereas the property
has no alternate drainfield site, therefore the addition must be no greater than 50% of
existing building value, excluding the costs of the attached garage, 2) approval from the
County for Individual Septic Treatment System (ISTS), and 3) after driveway is moved, the
existing driveway and culvert are removed, and the ditch restored to allow water flow.
Findings are it is a reasonable use of the property and will not affect the character of the
neighborhood, and it is considered a hardship not to have a garage in New Scandia
Township. Also, the garage would not affect the performance of the ISTS.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations.
Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Laurel Zepeda-Variance_,
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to Laura Zepeda,
18814 Layton Avenue North, Marine, MN 55047. Block3, Lot 12 Bliss Plat 2 Division. To
approve the variances to construct an addition on the back of her home on an existing bomb
shelter foundation on the grounds that the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique
to the property not created by the landowner and variances if granted will not alter the character
of the locality. Variances granted are 1) Lot Size 2.5 acres to 16,266 square feet, (2 Road
Setback 40 feet to 36 feet, and 3) Sideyard Setback 10 feet to 4 feet. Conditions are 1) lots
all be combined under one parcel number, 2) runoff to be directed toward vegetated areas,
and, 3) implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) as recommended by CMVM.
Findings are improvements do not change the footprint of the home and are a reasonable
use of the property.
Michael Binz made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations. Lisa
Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.]
Gary Droubid-Variance
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variances to Gary Droubie,
12124 Lakamaga Trail. That part of the N'/2 of Govt. Lot 29, Section 29. To construct a second
story and a porch. 1) Lot Size 2.5 acres to 1.57 acres, and 2) Lake Setback 100 feet to 29.5
feet. Grounds are the variances provide no greater infringement on the setback to the
New Scandia Planning Commission
October 7, 2003
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Ordinary High Water Mark, nor exceed the 25% impervious surface standard, and the lot
size is an existing condition. Conditions are 1) the proposed addition extend no further than
than the current deck and foundation toward the lake, 2) owner obtain a permit from the
CMWD, and (3 the owner work with Watershed District on a storm water management
plan and possible native buffer restoration. Findings are the project will further enhance
the already very pleasant character of the neighborhood.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendation. Nancy
Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. The motion was opened
for the following amendment: Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to remove the 200 foot
accessory building as the parcel has 3 existing accessory buildings. Nancy Madden
seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Steve M. Levalm-Minor Subdivision
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the Minor Subdivision to Steve
M. LeVahn, 23230 St. Croix Trail North, Scandia, MN 55073. That part of SE i/2 to SE 1/4 of
Section 1, Township 32, Range 20. To approve the Minor Subdivision request as presented
on Certificate of Survey dated September 13, 2003 on the grounds that the subdivision
meets the zoning for the area. Conditions are 1) Soil testing be approved by Washington
County for the installation of an ISTS for each buildable lot, 2) Wetlands must be
delineated on the survey, 3) Deeds must be submitted to the Township for wetland/drainage
easements, 4) Cash will paid in lieu of land for park fees, 5) A driveway permit be issued by
NINDOT for access to St. Croix Trail, 6) One acre of contiguous land is buildable, 7) All
setbacks are met, and 8) A surveyed description be provided for the new driveway. Findings
are the subdivision meets all applicable requirements and is a reasonable use of the
property. A variance for the barn on Parcel B from 1,000 square feet required to 1,500
square feet existing and a Road Setback variance for the house on Parcel B from 75 feet to
53.5 feet. Findings are the existing house and barn are fairly sound structures and should
be kept where they are.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations.
Michael Hinz seconded the motion. The addition to the motion that the accessory buildings
be removed from Parcel B and C. Dennis Seefeldt made the following amendment to table
the motion to consider the driveway entrance on Parcel C. Blair Joselyn seconded the
amendment. Dennis Seefeldt and Blair Joselyn yes. Nancy Madden, Lisa Crum and
Michael Hinz voted no, amendment failed. Vote on the motion Lisa Crum, yes, Nancy
Madden, yes and Michael Hinz, yes. Dennis Seefeldt, no and Blair Joselyn, no. Motion
adopted. t
Michael and Shirley Nagle -Variance Hearing Reconvened
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variance to Shirley and
Michael Nagle, 18884 Layton Avenue North, Marine, AIN 55047. Lots 6,7,8,19 and the
North 200 feet of 18, all in Block 3, of the Bliss Plat, Second Division.
New Scandia Planning Commission
October 7, 2003
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Lot Size variance from 2.5 acres to 1.4 acres for the construction of a porch and garage on
the grounds that the plight of the landowner due to lot size was not created by the
landowner. Conditions are 1) all lots must be combined into one tax parcel, 2) the building
on Lots 9 and 10 is to be removed by May 1, 2004,3) must meet sideyard setbacks of 10
feet, and 4) property owner must submit a certified check of $2,500 to the Township to be
held until May 1, 2004 or until the garage on Lots 9 and 10 is removed, whichever is sooner.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations.
Lisa Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Patrick Reicherts-CUP to Operate Bit Marine Lake Store
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the variances to Patrick
Reicherts to operate Big Marine Lake Store, 19261 Manning Trail, Marine, AIN 55047.
Part of the SE 1/4 of Section 30. To operate one year with primary use being off -sale liquor
with secondary use of bait, general groceries and gasoline. It was also recommended that
variances for exiting conditions of Lot Size 2.5 acres to 2 acres, Sideyard 10 feet to 7.5 feet,
and Road Setback 40 feet to existing be approved on the grounds that the property has a
history as a general store/retail sales. Conditions are 1) Do Not Enter signs on north
easement access and clearly marked No Parking, 2) obtain a license to sell Off -Sale Liquor,
3) approval of septic system by the County, 4) obtain permits for storage and handling
of flammables, 5 County approval of road entrances and exists, 6) meet Township and
County signage requirements, 7) meet Township and County lighting requirements, 8)
where possible retain or enhance historic nature of building, 9) proposed addition and
outbuilding construction to mirror existing structure, 10) reasonable business hours shall be
established, 11) Township parking standards shall be met as shown on site plan dated
September 25, 2003, and 12) landscaping is done according to site plan submitted. Findings
are itis a welcome and reasonable use of the property.
Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations. Blair
Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
Dolores Peterson
New S
candi ownship Clerk