4-1-03 tb,pcApril 1, 2003
On the above date New Scandia Township Planning Commission held their regular monthly
meeting. The following New Scandia Town Board Members were present: dice Chairman, Paul
Rasmussen, Lisa Crum, Michael Hinz and Nancy Madden. Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt absent.
Jane Paskvvan-Variance
The Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the following variances to
Jane Paskvan, 18605 Langley Court North, Marine, MN 55047. Lots 10, 11, 12, Block 4 of Bliss
Plat, First Division. The variances are based on the revised plan submitted on this date. 1) Lot
Size 2.5 acres to 12,376 square feet, 2) Road Frontage 150 feet to 149 feet, 3) Road Setback 40
feet to 21 feet, 4) Lake OWH Setback 100 feet to 14 feet to the south and 71 feet to the east, and
5) Sideyard Setback 10 feet to 6.4 feet. Grounds are that there is an existing structure.
Conditions are the construction is done according to the plan presented, the applicant work with
the Carnelian -Marine Watershed District (CMWD) for Best Management Practices (BMP) to
assure water flow remains as pure as possible and not impact the lake or neighbors. Findings are
it is a reasonable use of the property. A permit must be obtained from the CMWD.
Michael Hinz made a motion to accept the Planning Commission recommendations. Nancy
Madden seconded the motion. Nancy Madden made the following amendment: The
addition of the garage must match the house. Michael Hinz seconded the amendment and
motion adopted unanimously. Motion and amendment adopted unanimously.
Brian Iverson -Concept of a Major Subdivision
Mr. Brian Iverson, Iverson Real Estate Corp., 938 SE 10"' Avenue, Forest Lake, MN. 55025,
presented a concept of a cluster development for 60 acres on Oxboro Avenue. The plan showed
11 lots of 2 to 3 acres, two outlots for the 60% open space required, and a road bisecting the
property. The plan did not represent a cluster development as the open space was scattered all
over the parcel and there was no focal point. Mr. Ellis' opinion that Mr. Iverson's original plan
of five 5 -acre lots and one large lot fit this parcel better, but did not work under the current
zoning. Mr. Iverson was asked if he would consider implementing the five acre plan if the zoning
were changed. The Township has been reviewing the Development Code and may be making
some changes in the near future that could affect this development.
Wyldewood Acres -Concept of a Major Subdivision
Mr. Steve May started by addressing concerns outlined in a letter from Dennis Seefeldt,
Chairman of the Town Board, who could not be present at the meeting. Mr. Seefeldt expressed
that seven streetlights would not be adequate and Mr. May indicated he thought 7 to 8 streetlights
would not be adequate and Mr. May indicated he thought the 7 to 8 streetlights were deemed
adequate at the March 4 committee meeting. Mr. May stated that he did not wish to develop the
park land and path to the school property, but would do it in lieu of park fees. Mr. May also
indicated that there is a significant cost difference of approximately $250,000 to $300,000
between an Urban versus Rural Street. Leo Optaz addressed changes to the plat on a survey dated
March 11, 2003, specifically the movement of the road to the west and placement of the septic
system in Outlot A to the north of the road and which also creates a barrier between the school
property and the road. The park area was placed next to OutLot A,
New Scandia Town Board
April 1, 2003
Page 2
which would provide for the soccer fields, a tot lot, and a path to the school property on the south
side of the soccer fields. Mr. Optaz acknowledged the memo from the Township Engineer, Tom
Peterson, regarding the road and had no problems with his recommendations. The road is
planned for 24 foot wide with 2 feet wide gravel shoulders and ditches. Mr. Optaz also addressed
the letter from the Town Planner, Richard Thompson. Item B.1. The water body in the northwest
confer is marked as a wetland. Item B.2. The aerial photo requested has been submitted. Item
C.1. The township owns a road easement to the road to the south. Also, the eastern cul -du -sac
should be designated temporary with enough road dedicated to square it off in case it ever needs
to be extended. C.2. Mr. Optaz stated they would prefer bituminous surfacing for paths, but the
Planning Commission and Town Board would prefer concrete sidewalks. The sidewalks could be
installed after driveway placements were determined. Item D. The developer is fine with a
combination of land dedication and cash for park fees. Item E. The parcel has already been
rezoned from AG to VC. Item F. Mr. May indicated homes are custom built with the same layout
not allowed more than twice in a development. Homes will start at $350,000. The design of the
townhomes has not been decided. Karla Cross, North American Wetland Engineering presented
information on the treatment system. The area will have more backup area than is required in a
normal infiltration bed system. Connexus Energy will operate and maintain the system. It is
State Disposal System (SDS) so permit and a Monitoring and Mitigation Plan is required by the
MPGA. The system is designed for 9,000 gallons per day. It is pressure sewer system with each
house having a lift station going to a force main along the roads. There will also be two 5,000
gallon septic tanks with filters. The area will need to be fenced.
In summary the four issued remaining are; l) Is finishing the path to the school's property town's
responsibility, as it will reside on township parkland. 2) Concrete versus bituminous surfacing for
the paths. The Town prefers concrete. 3) Urban versus Rural Street Design. The Town preferred
a Rural Street Design. 4) Streetlight spacing -how many and how far apart. The Town is to
consult with the Township Engineer.
Dol res Peterson
New Scandia ownship Clerk