5-20-03 tbMay 20, 2003 New Scandia Town Board was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were present: Chairman, Dennis Seefeldt, Lisa Crum, Michael Hinz and Nancy Madden. Absent: Vice Chainnan, Paul Rasmussen. Acting Vice Chairman Nancy Madden made a motion to appoint Michael Linz, Acting Vice Chairman due to the absence of Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Consent Aeenda Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the following consent agenda: (1) Clerk's minutes have been presented for 04/15/03 and 05/06/03 Town Board and 05-06-03 Planning Board (2) Treasurers Report Balance March 31, 2003 $1,562,626.78 Receipts 29,728.52 Expenditures 52,993.77 Balance April 30, 2003 $1,539,361.53 3. Approval of May vouchers Michael Linz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Tom Peterson/Township) Eneineer Wvldewood Acres A discussion was held regarding Urban or Rural Street Design for the plat. Mr. Peterson stated Urban Design is a much better design with concrete sidewalks. Steve May the Developer of felt a decision had been made at the April 1, 2003 Planning Commission that the Street Design be Rural. Mr. May was informed that the minutes stated the issues remaining are; (1 Is finishing the path to the school's property town's responsibility, as it will reside on the township parkland (2 Concrete versus bituminous surfacing for the paths. The Town prefers concrete. 3) Urban versus Rural Street Design. The Town preferred a Rural Street Design. (4 Streetlight spacing - how many and how far apart. the Town is to consult with the Township Engineer. Dennis Seefeldt made a motion that the Street Design for Wyldewood Acres should be Urban Design. Nancy Madden seconded the motion for discussion. Mr. Seefeldt addressed the following items: (I From the first discussion almost two years ago the parties involved were told if the parcel was rezoned to Village Center it would have to connect to current Village Center and look like the Village Center with sidewalks, streetlights and streets, (2 This is not a transition zone or rural area it is Village Center; (3 Streetlights and sidewalks do not go with Rural Street Design; (4 Cost is about a wash on slightly higher for New Scandia Township Board May 6, 2003 Page 2 Urban Street Design, but according to Sand Lake Overlook Developers the value of the lots would increase $15,000.00 to $20,000.00; (5 In current corrections to Development Code we have clarified what is required in Village Center Developments and to allow this would set a negative precedent; (6 This Development will eventually connect to Village Center and should look like the Village Center; (7 A lot of the area is at a 7% slope which will make establishment and maintenance of ditches without the threat of erosion almost impossible; (8 The Township has taken care of snow removal on the sidewalks, so plowing snow in a curb/gutter scenario is not a problem; (9 This Development affects me more then any Board Member or Planning Commission Member as I will see it night and day, but I did not buy the view and I fully support this Development under the conditions above; (10 I also would have no problem with street lights at the same density as the Village Center, because it fits with the vision for the Village Center. (11 The street lights will be a credit to the owner, developer and something the Town Board can be very proud of; (12 We have received many compliments on the work we have done with the lights, sidewalks, etc. and at last weeks workshop Wayne Schmitt complimented us on everything that has been done in the Village Center; (13 Driving into the Development up the hill off of Highway 97 a person should get a sense and feel of city curb, lights, sidewalk, Christmas decorations, shoveled sidewalks and not just another Development; (14 In summary the cost of the sidewalks and lights are the only large cost being incurred by the Developers in return for the (20) twenty lots gained by the rezone. Therefore for all the reasons listed above I ask for your support on this motion. The motion was adopted unanimously. Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to establish a Public Right -®f --Way off of 205th Street. A variance is not required from the width as 60 feet is adequate for the road. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Tom Peterson reported that the Road Repair Project with the bid from Tower Asphalt in the amount of $33,600.00 would exceed at least $30,000.00 overbid do to the increase of problems with some of the roads. Tom Peterson was directed to view the drainage problems and recommend a solution for John Sec on Quinnell Avenue and Richard Topual 185`x' Street and Manning. Ditch Repair by Community Center Lisa Crum made a motion to accept the quote from Scandia Trucking in the amount of $9500.00 to repair the drainage problem by the New Scandia Community/Senior Center. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. New Scandia Town Board May 20, 2003 Page 3 Street Realignment 188th Street Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the plan submitted by Tom Peterson, Township Engineer for the street realignment between Kronmiller and Framer on 188Ih Street. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Park and Recreation/Lisa Crum Nancy Madden made a motion to appoint Deb Campobasso for the position of the Summer Program for Youth. Michael Linz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Vacation of Part of 213th Street Michael Hinz made a motion to adopt Resolution Number 5-20-03-01 for the Vacation of Part of 213th Street. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Frontier Communications Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the buried telephone cable for Frontier Communications on 2301h Street and 240th Street. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. David Hebert/Norell Avenue Easement Norell Avenue A letter was received from Theodore J. Meyer, Attorney for Molly Rice stating unless the Township initiates a condemnation action by May 31, 2003, they will commence an action against the Township to compel the Township to compensate Ms. Rice for damages from taking that has occurred. Mr. Hebert would contact Theodore J. Meyer, Attorney. Fred Heinonen/Assessment Appeal David Hebert stated Mr. Heinonen had appealed his assessment for the 2002 Road Project. Mr. Hebert stated there is a technical error in the assessment appeal. Tom O'Gorman/Purchase of Back -Up Area for Septic System Michael Hinz made a motion to allow Tom O'Gorman to purchase a site for back-up septic system on the site New Scandia Township owns in Sandgren Addition for the amount of $1000.00. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Conservation Easement for Manning Overlook Nancy Madden made a motion that New Scandia Township hold the Conservation Easement for the Plat of Manning Overlook. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. New Scandia Town Board May 3, 2003 Page 4 Marine -On -St -Croix Watershed Appointment Nancy Madden made a motion to appoint Douglas Pratt to the Marine -On -St -Croix Watershed. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Scandia Creamery/3.2 Malt Liquor License Nancy Madden made a motion to approve and sign the application for a 3.2 Malt Liquor License for the Scandia Creamery. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn. DoloNs Peterson New Scandia Township Clerk