5-6-03 tb,pcMay 6, 2003 On the above date New Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting. The following Board Members were also present: Dennis Seefeldt, Chairman, Lisa Crum, Michael Hinz and Nancy Madden. Absent: Vice Chairman, Paul Rasmussen. �,, Planning Commission made motion to recommend to the Town Board that the application to rezone Part of Lot 19 of Auditors Plat No. 6. From Retail Business to General Business and a subsequent CUP for light manufacturing be approved. On the grounds that: 1) It would seem in keeping with the New Scandia Township's Comprehensive Plan stated goals "to build upon and expand the economic niche of the Town Center as a unique historic and cultural destination; 2) Scandia has long sought to retain its agrarian Village Center "curio" by finding new and compatible ways and uses for historic structures; 3) The cross-roads corner of Olinda and Oakhill is truly the historic hub of a once bustling Village Center consisting of Scandia Mercantile, the old State Bank, Elim Church and Elim Cemetery; 4) The Hilltop Water Company building truly represents our community roots. Once gone it can never be replaced. Condition are: 1) That Minnesota Statues, Sec. 1031, Sub. 5 and rules 4720.5100 to 4720.5590 regarding "Well Head Protection" continue to be adhered to; 2) That the sewage treatment issue be satisfactorily resolved, meet all applicable codes without undue cost to New Scandia Township; 3) Proposed "rehabilitation project" shall meet or exceed all minimum standards of the Minnesota Building Code, the Minnesota State Uniform Fire code, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Washington County Individual Sewage Treatment regulations; 4) No outside storage of materials and finished products or equipment be permitted; 5) The maximum number of on site employees not exceed three; 6) The delivery of materials and supplies and outgoing finished products be scheduled as to create minimal interference with neighboring businesses and/or residences; 7) Established work day hours shall occur during normal business day of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; 8) That rehabilitation design reflects maximum effort and the use of the appropriate "state of the art" equipment to minimum noise, implement dust and sawdust control, properly vent exhaust and/ or fumes so as reasonable clean air standards are met" 9) That on site storage of flammable materials, stains, varnishes, solvents, etc. at no time exceed a total of five gallons and are always stored as required by applicable codes and that no spray booth operation be installed on site; and 10) That signage, visual advertisement, etc. meet all existing Township codes and regulations. Findings are: 1) The New Scandia Township Comprehensive Plan includes, among it policy recommendations, the provision of gradual and contiguous addition of commercial development to the Village Center as unique historic and cultural destination; 2) The zoning ordinance states "the purpose of this district is to provide an area for a general mix retail/commercial business"; 3) The Hilltop Water Company building is one of a kind. Its historic design and character and its ambiance are on of the few actual reminders of our agrarian past; 4) The proposed actions will have no impact on the function or normal operation of the well now providing water for 20 shareholders; 5) The delineation of business zones in the Tillage Center is at best confusing and fragmented. Over the years, lines and function have changed and have served the small portion of the community in many different ways; 6) The parking area referred to in application rhetoric is currently owned by Hilltop Water Company and enjoys shared use by neighborhood inhabitants. Ample additional parking exists in the area; 7) Regular deliveries of goods and services occur now to those consumers in the immediate area; 8) Seventy percent of the Hilltop Water Company shareholders are in favor of this proposal; and 9) Conditional Use Permits are be definition a means to regulate, control and oversee a host of activities, businesses and occupations. After one year, inspections occur at two-year intervals. This proposal is about saving a valuable historic resource by legal, open negotiable means. New Scandia Town Board Planning Commission Mtg. May 6, 2003 Page 2 Nancy Madden made a motion to deny the request for Hilltop Water Company, Part of Lot 19 of Auditors Plat No. 6 for a rezone from Retail Business to General Business and a subsequent CUP for light manufacturing. New Scandia Town Board shall adopt the findings of the letter regarding the Hilltop Water Company request for rezone and the operation of a light manufacturing from Richard Thompson, New Scandia Township Planner. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. The applicants were furnished with copies of the letter from Richard Thompson, New Scandia Township Planner dated May 1, 2003. M01113VULT4574MM, 0101IRWA01 Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the variance request for Terrance and Jane Dreyer, 23290 Melanie Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. Lot 6, Block 1, Dahlin Estates. Lot Size from 2.5 acres to 1 acre in order to construct a house and garage addition, on the grounds that it is a reasonable use of the property. Conditions are the applicants use proper methods to control erosion and runoff during construction. Findings are the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner and granting of the variance will not alter the character of the locality. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommends for Terrance and Jane Dreyer to construct a addition and garage to existing dwelling. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. ELSIE & JOEL TAGG-PRELEVHNARY PLAT SOUTH SCANDIA SETTLEMENT Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the Preliminary Plat of South Scandia Settlement for Elsie and Joel Tagg, P.O. Box 203, Lino Lakes, MN 55014. The West' 845 feet of SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 and that part of the SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section 22, Township 32, Range 20. Street location 20190 Olinda Trail. As a standard subdivision with lot averaging consisting of five lots between 2 and 3 acres and a 50 -acre lot per certificate of survey dated May 15, 2003, on grounds that the plan meets the Township standards for lot averaging subdivision. Conditions are: 1) Document the path of each drainageway from the proposed development to the first DNR protected Water within one mile of the project, if applicable. If not applicable, that should be stated; 2) The one -acre buildable area of each lot, excluding slopes over 25% shall be noted on the plat; 3) Areas intended to be -dedicated or reserved for public use including the size of such areas in acres should be shown. If no such areas are intended, that should be noted; 4) Road striping, signage is completed per Washington County letter of 4/22/03; 5) Right-of-way dedication is executed per Washington County letter 4/22/03; 6) Township Engineer's requirements 1,3,4 and 5 are executed per his letter 4/16/03; 7) Remove shed on Lot 3; 8) Finalize CMWD agreement; 9) Use Best Management Practices to protect wetlands during construction; 10) Letter of Credit and Development Agreement are submitted prior to final plat approval. Findings are it is a reasonable use of the property. With the following amendments: 1) All recommendations by the County at concept be incorporated into the preliminary plat; 2) Convey New Scandia Town Board Planning Commission Mtg May 6, 2003 Page 3 wetland easements to township on plat; 3) 50 acre lot cannot be developed as part of agreement; 4) Screening trees along Olinda Trail are protected in the Development Agreement, a conservation easement or outlot; and 5) Park fees are paid in cash in lieu of land. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for approval of Preliminary Plat of South Scandia Settlement. Lisa Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. . R • ' . loot 10 . .11' :moi K11041 Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant variances to Christopher and Karina Hipp, 19077 Layton Avenue North, Marine, MN 55047. Lots 3 and 4 Block 1, Holiday Beach 2"d Plat. Lot Size 2.5 acres to .64 acres and Load Setback 40 feet to 5.1 feet for the construction of a house and garage. Grounds are it is reasonable use of the property. Conditions are they receive a permit from the CMWD. Findings are a hardship exists due to lot size which were lots of record before the current zoning and there is no opportunity to expand to the north or the south, and the variances will not alter the characteristics of the neighborhood. The following amendment was added: To lower the ridgeline of the house by two feet. Michael Hinz made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendations for Christopher and Karina Hipp. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Meeting adjourned. Dolores n New Scandia Township Clerk