7-1-03 tb,pcJuly 1, 2003
On the above date New Scandia Township Planning Commission held their regular scheduled
meeting. The following New Scandia Township Board Members were present: Chairman,
Dennis Seefeldt, Lisa Crum, Michael Hinz and Nancy Madden.
Albert L. and Virginia M. Augustine -Minor Subdivision
The Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to approve the Minor Subdivision for
Albert L. and Virginia M. Augustine, 13930 Scandia Trail, Scandia, MN 55073. The NW 1/4 of
SE'/4 of Section 15, Township 32, Range 20. GEO: 15-032-20-42-0001. To divide a 30.04 acre
parcel into parcels of 3.00 acres and 30.04 acres on grounds that it meets all requirements of New
Scandia Development Code. Conditions are: 1) Septic systems are approved by the County for
Parcel A. Findings are: 1) This is a reasonable use of the property.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Minor Subdivision for Albert L. and Virginia
M. Augustine. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Wvldewood Acres -Preliminary Plat
Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board to grant the Preliminary Plat approval for
Wyldewood Acres. Owner, Vincent Turnblad, 305 Laurie Court, Stillwater, MN 55082 and
applicant, Steve May, Classic Home Design, 6750 North Stillwater Boulevard, Stillwater, MN
55082. SE' /4 of SE 114 of Section 15, Township 32, Range 20. NE '/4 of Section 22, Township 32,
Range 20. GEO: 22-032-20-11-0001 and 15-032-20-0001. On grounds that it is a reasonable use
of the property based on the RLK Kuusisto LTD Preliminary Plat drawings dated April 29t'' and
30t", 2003 and drawings submitted with the same dates revised 06/30/03. Subject to the -following
conditions: 1) Approval of Water Management Authority responsible for the platted property, 2)
Soil testing approval by Washington County for a community on -site -sewage disposal system and
system design approval by MPCA, Washington County and Scandia Township Engineer, 3)
Complete wetland delineation on survey approval by Washington County, 4) Thirty-three feet
from the center line of all roads to be dedicated to the Township, 5) Deeds submitted to the
Township for road purposes and drainage easements, 6)New roads, sidewalks curbs, gutters and
streetlights built to Township's Village Center specifications and approved by the township
engineer, 7) Dedicate public parkland or cash in lieu of land, 8) Approval of drainage, holding
ponds, grading and 100 -year flood elevations as well as erosion control plans by Washington
County or State Agency, as required, 9) Landscape plans approved by the Township, 10) Access
to county and state roads approval by Washington County Department of Public Works and/or
MNDot, as required, 11) Removal of all existing structures, 12) Minimal removal or disturbance
of existing trees, 13) Clarification and resolution of, A. Ownership and long term maintenance of
community septic system. B.Ownership, location (including required setbacks) of community
wells and long term maintenance. C. Proof of access to 205th Street North. D. Documentation/
Agreement tying all outlots to other lots in plat to prevent tax forfeit. E. Ownership of lot 5 with
planned town homes. Findings are: That if and when all above conditions are met and resolved,
the Township ordinances are satisfied. If Connexus acquires the ownership and operation of the
community septic system and if Connexus cannot or will not maintain the system then the
ownership and operation of the system shall revert back to the homeowners.
New Scandia. Township Planning Commission
July 1, 2003
Page 2
The township shall require eight (8) streetlights. 1) Delete item number five (5), 2) Item number
6 the wording shall be Urban Design Streets with Concrete Curb and Gutter, 3) Item 5, park fees
shall be $20,000.00 and dedication of park as shown on the plat.
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Planning Commission recommendation for
the Preliminary Plat of Wydlewood Acres. Michael Hinz seconded the motion. Michael
Hinz made the following amendments: Prior to final plat approval, the following conditions
must be met: 1) Articles of Incorporation for Home Owners Association, 2) Declaration of
Protective Convents, 3) By-laws of Home Owners Association, 4) Development Agreement,
5) Letter of Credit. Dennis Seefeldt made the following addition to the amendment: 1)
Seven (7) streetlights shall be placed on Odell Avenue and two (2) streetlights on 210th
Street. The amendment made by Dennis Seefeldt was not approved. Nancy Madden
seconded the amendment by Michael Hinz. Motion and amendment was approve
Mr. Charles Ellis gave his resignation from the Planning Commission. Mr. Ellis has served on
the Planning Commission for seven (7) years and has been a very dedicated member and New
Scandia Township shall miss his expertise on the Development Code.
Dol res Peterson
New Scan dTownship Clerk