7-15-03 tbJuly 15, 2003 New Scandia Town Board was called to order by Chairman, Deimis Seefeldt. The Clerk administrated the Oath of Office to the newly appointed Supervisor, Blair Joselyn. The following Board Members were present: Dennis Seefeldt, Chairman, Michael Hinz, Vice Chairman, Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the following consent agenda: 1. Clerk's minutes have been presented for 06-17-03, 07-01-03 and 07-08-03 Town Board and 07-01-03 Planning Commission 2. Treasurer's Deport Balance May 31, 2003 Receipts Expenditures Balance June 30, 2003 $1,497,661.01 41,815.14 324,483.29 $1,214,992.86 3. Approval of payment for July Vouchers Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Tom Peterson/Township Eneineer Tom Peterson stated the survey has been completed for drainage problem of the �c property on Quinnell Avenue. A ditch -or swale must be constructed and the township must acquire permission from Sherwood/Gabrielson property owners for the construction on their property. Bob Ryan and Chris Lange reviewed the problems of not clearing brush on the roads of Pilar and Pennfield and the blind spot to east when they enter on Pilar. Ms. Lange and Mr. Ryan were informed that the neighbors do not want any brush clearing and the township does not have any road right-of-way on the two roads. The township office would contact,Jolm Morrison to keep the area clear of brush. Ms. Sharon Douglas, 18470 questioned problems with drainage on Norrell Avenue causing. stagnant water and mosquitoes breeding in the pond. The township office would contact Minnesota Mosquito Control to spray the area. A group of residents surrounding Goose Lake were present regarding the high waters on Goose Lake and the elevated surface of the lake is eroding the shoreline. The residents were requesting a restriction during times of high water levels that would limit boats to a no -wake speed. The township would review a possible ordinance and it was suggested the homeowners try to resolve this issue. Fred Hemonen stated he had lost several large trees when the culvert was plugged on Newgate and the loss of his trees was the township's responsibility. Dennis Seefeldt asked permission to view the site and determine the situation. New Scandia Town Board July 15, 2003 Page 2 Bids were presented for culvert replacement on 209th Street, Quint Avenue, 205th Street, Newgate Avenue North, Lakamaga Trail and Pilar Road North for the amount of $22,384.60. It was agreed to receive other quotes for the culvert replacement. Feasibility Report for 2004 Road Project Nancy Madden made a motion to direct David Hebert to prepare a resolution for a Feasibility Report for the 2004 Road Project. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Lisa Crum/Park and Recreation Ms. Crum stated the Park and Recreation Committee have expressed their desire to increase the Park Fees from $1000.00 per lot to $2000.00 to $4500.00 range. A park tour was set for September 21St. Ms. Crum was informed that the users of the Skate Park were not using safety equipment. Lisa Crum made a motion to accept the memorial in Paul Rasmussen's name from Bonestro Engineering for the Park and Recreation fund. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Michael Hinz/Road Supervisor Mr. Hinz reported that David Brown has resigned from the Road Committee. It was agreed to advertise for the position of Road Committee and Park and Recreation Committee. Tom Domaro/Dock Ordinance Mr. Domaro requested that New Scandia Township consider a Dock Ordinance for Big Marine Lake due to problems he had incurred with a placement of a neighbor's dock. It was agreed that this issue would be discussed at the July 29th Development Code Workshop meeting. Tri-Star Truckin2/Violations Mr. Charlie Schwartz was present due to the violations of Tri-Star Trucking. Restrictions on the Conditional Use Permit stated no outside storage and Mr. Schwartz was in violation of his permit. Mr. Schwartz was infonned that the area had to be in compliance by July 22, 2003. Purchase of Hermina Rasmussen Properly Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the purchase agreement for the Hermina Rasmussen property in the amount of $180,000.00 with 6% interest and a Life Estate. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. New Scandia Town Board July 3, 2003 Page 3 Michael Gabler/Application of Herbicide on Dawns Mr. Gabler presented a letter signed by six (6) residents regarding the application of herbicide on township property. The letter expressed concern about posting warning signs, health risks and environmental threats posed by the use of common lawn herbicides. Mr. Gabler was informed the township would probably continue to apply chemicals during periods of low -use in the parks and post the area when sprayed. It was suggested Mr. Gabler contact the Park and Recreation Committee and Rural Landscape Committee about his concerns. Nancy Madden Madden made a motion to adjourn. Dolores Peterson New Scandia wnship Clerk