9-2-03 tbSeptember 2, 2003
New Scandia Town Board regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman Dermis
Seefeldt. In attendance were Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn and Nancy
Madden. Vice Chairman Michael Hinz was absent.
Sherrill Reid/Animal Control
Ms. Reid presented a proposed Guideline for Animal Control Officer for New Scandia Township.
There appeared to be a discrepancy in fees charged from the Humane Society for Companion
Animals and Ms. Reid would review the charges with the Humane Society for Companion
Animals. Ms. Reid was also informed the township ordinance does not include cats and she does
not have the authority to transport cats to the Humane Society for Companion Animals.
Pastor Scott Westphal/Elim Lutheran Church
Pastor Scott Westphal presented a drawing of a sign for Elim Lutheran Church was proposing to
install at the corner of Highway 97 and Olinda Trail/Peterson Parsonage site. Pastor Westphal
was informed that New Scandia Township has been enforcing the sign ordinance for the past
three years and the location of the sign does not comply with the township ordinance.
James Lindberg/Vegetation Barrier
Mr. Lindberg presented a voucher in the amount of $570.00 for the placement of a vegetation
barrier around the metal fencing at the Scandia Lighted Ball Field along.Olinda Trail. This fabric
would eliminate weed whipping the grass along the metal fencing.
Blair Joselyn made a motion to authorize payment in the amount $570.00 for the fabric at
the Scandia Lighted Ball Field. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted
Connexus Energy
Lisa Crum made a motion to approve the underground electrical distribution line across
Old Marine Trail for the connection of the Hay Lake Shelter and approve the electric
service request at 19540 Old Marine Trail/Hay Lake Shelter at the cost of $1789.00. Dennis
Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
Frontier Communications
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the underground telephone cable at 13159
Lakaaga Avenue. Blair Joselyn seconded and motion adopted unanimously.
Connection to 201 Septic System
Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the connection to the 201 Septic System for Italia
Continenza, 13380 188th Street, Marine, MIST and the connection fee shall be $3200.00.
Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously.
New Scandia Town Board
September 2, 2003
Page 2
Swenson Recvclin
Blair Joselyn made a motion to accept the termination of Swenson Recycling as of
September 27, 2003. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted
Marine -On -St -Croix Watershed Management Oreanization
Nancy Madden made a motion to send a letter of support to the Marine -On -St -Croix
Watershed Management Organization for a grant application regarding storm water
management control upstream of Highway 95 at the north fork of Falls Creek. Dennis
seconded the motion. Blair Joselyn, yes, Nancy Madden, yes and Dennis Seefeldt, yes.
Lisa Crum was not present when this motion was passed.
Nancy Madden made a motion to adjourn.
Dolores Peterson
New Scan Township Clerk