3-9-04 annualMarch , 2004 On the above date New Scandia Township held the Annual Meeting. Chairman Dennis Seefeldt, Vice Chairman Michael Hinz, Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden were present from the Town Board. The following Planning Commission Members were also present: Chris Ness Chairman, James Malmquist Vice Chairman, Kevin Nickelson and Peter Schwarz. The Clerk called the meeting to order and asked for the nomination of a Moderator for the meeting. Bruce Swenson was elected. The minutes of the 2003 Annual Meeting were read. Mike White made a motion to accept the minutes for the 2003 Annual Meeting motion seconded and adopted. The Clerk reported the expenditures for the fiscal year was $1,978,160.43. Michael White made a motion to approve the report motion seconded and motion adopted. The Treasurer's reported the revenue for the year of 2004 was $2,025,179.29. Michael White made a motion to approve the report motion seconded and motion adopted. Deputy Cory Reedy Deputy Cory Reedy reported the total number of callsfor New Scandia Township for the year of 2003 was 2142. Peter Nora/Assistant Fire Chief Peter Nora Assistant Fire Chief gave the following report: hi 2003 New Scandia Fire and Rescue responded to 156 emergency calls. 115 of these calls were for medical or rescue assistance and 41 were fire or emergency service related. The department had two members retire Dave Redman and Tom Tuccitto, both had 20 years of service. The Fire Department purchased an ATV (all terrain vehicle) using Firefighter Ball proceeds and a donation from the Scandia/Marine Lions. Operating under the license and medical direction of Dr. David Milbrandt the Rescue Department is now allowed to dispense certain medications in some of the most serious type of medical emergencies. Chris Ness/Planning Commission Chairman Chris Ness Chairman of the Planning Commission reported on behalf of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission processed four (4) conditional use permits, fourteen (14) variance requests with thirty (3 9) variances granted, one (1) rezone which was denied, four (4) minor subdivisions and four (-4) major subdivisions, Manning Overlook, South Scandia Settlement and Wyldewood Acres. A total of 3 plats with 39 lots and 4 town home units. Total building permits 193 including 33 new homes for an average value of $332,840.00. Blair Joselyn/Park and Recreation Mr. Joselyn stated the Town Board is now interviewing for new members for the Park and Recreation Committee. Parks fees collected for the year of 2003 were $20,200.00. A Comprehensive Parks, Open Space, Trail and Recreation Facilities Plan is being developed by the township. New Scandia Annual Meeting March 9, 2004 Page 2 Ms. Marty McKlvey reported on the Cleat Summer Program for children. The year of 2003 was the first year for the program and twenty (20) children participated in the program. Ms. Deb Campobasso reported on the Spark Program Summer Program for children in grades K- 5. The year of 2003 was the first year for the program and one hundred (100) children participated in the program. Mr. Michael White reported on the Skating Facility and stated this is the longest time the township had ice from December 13t" to February 23`d. The facility was very heavily used. John Beattie managed and scheduled the Park Attendants. Forest bake Youth 'Service Bureau/Brian Alm A report was given stating in 2003 the Youth Service Bureau worked with 2,859 youth. hl 2003 the Youth Service Bureau increased the number of youth clients served by 20%. Mr. Alm thanked New Scandia Township for past support and asked New Scandia Township to continue the contract for services at $5,000.00 level on behalf of youth and families from our community. Michael White made a motion to reconvene the Annual Meeting to August 17, 2004. Dolores P n New Scandia Township Clerk