4-20-04 tbApril 20, 2004 New Scandia Town Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Dennis Seefeldt. The following Board Members were in attendance: Dennis Seefeldt Chairman, Michael Hinz, Vice Chairman, Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn and Nancy Madden. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the following consent agenda with correction on 04-06-04 Planning Commission. 1. Clerk minutes have been presented for Town Board 03-16-04 and Planning Commission 04-06-04 2. Treasurer's Report Balance February 29, 2004 $1,571,972.86 Receipts 35,020.30 Expenditures 71,542.46 Balance March 31, 2004 $1,535,450.70 Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Fire ChieVSteve Spence Mr. Spence reviewed the proposed hourly pay proposal for New Scandia Firefighters/First Responders. The hourly rates would be $8.00 for probationary firefighters, $9.00 base for incentives and acknowledgement of skill levels. Emergency Medical Technician would be $1.00, Firefighter II be $1.00 and becoming an officer would be $1.00. This would give them five pay levels from $8.00 to $12.00 per hour. Fighters would receive no hourly pay for attending First Responder, Emergency Medical Technician, Firefighter I or II classes. They would receive a bonus of $100.00 for successful completion of the courses. The township would pay only for actual calls, required training and required meetings. This system is not intended to replace the monthly salary received by the chief and assistant chiefs. Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the Hourly Pay Proposal for the New Scandia Firefighters/.First Responders and the starting date shall be as soon the budge allows with a starting date that will be no later then January 1, 2005. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion. Lisa Crum yes, Blair Joselyn yes, Nancy Madden yes, and Dennis Seefeldt. Michael Hinz abstained, motion adopted. Fuel Tank and Equipment Bid Estimate Mr. Spence reviewed the estimate bid for the installation of fuel tank and equipment for the New Scandia Fire Department and Public Works Building in the amount of $3732.00. The township does not have to pay the federal fuel tax on highway diesel and no state tax or federal tax on non - highway diesel. The pad and electric was estimated at approximately $2110.00. No action was taken by the Town Board on this issue. New Scandia Town Board April 20, 2004 Park and Recreation/Blair Joselyn Mr. Joselyn informed the Town Board that the Park and Recreation Committee have rated the Proposals for the Park, Trail, Open Space and Recreation FacilitiesPlan. Mr. Joselyn stated a Workshop has been sent for May 10, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. with the Town Board and Park and Recreation Committee. Mr. Joselyn reported on the Hay Lake Shelter site and he stated we heed a plan for the parking lot area plus the dedication of the old right-of-way. Mr: Joselyn also questioned if the Hay Lake site has been dedicated as a park. Parrish Road Designation Mr. David Hebert, Township Attorney made reference to the letter he had addressed to Dennis Seefeldt Chairman of the Town Board dated April 9, 2004. He stated the current designations grew out of the deliberations of the Growth Management Task force in 1997 in connection with the adoption of the Transportation System Element of the Town's Comprehensive Plan update. In 1997 the Task Force reviewed the Transportation element, including the classification system of the Town roads as shown on a map included in the materials presented. Some roads previously given consideration as collector roads were changed to residential streets. The map was included in the transportation element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted. The collector- residential designations as shown on the map were used in the 1999-2002 road projects, which followed the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and these designations are being used in the 2004 road project. Mr. Dennis Seefeldt reported the results of 10 hours of counting vehicles on Parrish Road. He stated during the ten hour period a total of 69 vehicles entered and existed Parrish off Olinda and Highway 97. Mr. Seefeldt stated it appeared that vehicles are taking a "short cut" to avoid the north end of the town and the Olinda/Highway 97 intersection that they are using 220th Street as Mr. Seefeldt stated it appeared that vehicles are taking a "short cut" to avoid the north end of town and the Olinda/Highway 97 intersection that they are using 220tt' Street as the road to do so. Michael Hinz stated the Road Committee committed that Parrish Road could be considered a Collector Streets. Nancy Madden made a motion to leave the designation of Parrish Road as a Non -Collector Road with the consideration of the findings in the letter from David )Hebert, Township,,,.., Attorney dated April 9, 2004 and the memo from Dennis Seefeldt Chairman of the Town Board regarding Parrish Road Re -Classification. Mr. David Hebert Township Attorney letter dated April 9, 2004 with the following attached information, l) Growth Management Task Force Memorandum dated April 19,1997, 2) Growth Management Task Force Minutes dated April 22, 1997, 3) Transportation Plan Element of Comprehensive Plan, 4) Resolution Adopting the Comprehensive Plan dated October 20, 1998, (5 List of Collector Streets and Residential Streets -1999 Road Project, 6) List of Collector Streets and Residential Streets -2002 Road Project and the memo from Dennis Seefeldt in reference to the Re -Classification of Parrish Road. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion with the following voting yes, Lisa Crum, Blair Joselyn, fancy Madden, Dennis Seefeldt. Michael Hinz voted no. Motion adopted. New Scandia Town Board April 20, 2004 Page 3 The information made reference to in the minutes for Parrish Road are on file in the township office under Parrish Road. Mr. Ron Boesel requested a written explanation from the Town Board and Mr. Boesel was informed the Town Board based their decision on the information submitted by the Township Attorney and the information submitted by Dennis Seefeldt Chairman of the Town Board. Mr. Boesel was also informed that the township has incurred enough funds on the study. Gravel Bid The following bid was received from Dresel Trucking Inc. Modified $5.93 per toil, limesonte $10.04 per ton, Class 5 or 6 $8.25 per ton. Michael Hinz made a motion to award the Gravel Bid to Dresel Trucking Inc. for the year of 2004. Lisa Crum seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Seal Coatins Tom Peterson listed the following streets for seal coating: 1) Mayberry, 2) Meadowbrook, 3) Lofton, 4) 205th Street, 5) Oxboro, 6) Maxwill, (7 220th Street, 8) end of Lakamaga Trail. The estimated cost is approximately $90,000.00. Blair Joselyn made a motion to advertise for bids for the seal coat of township roads. Nancy Madden seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. 197th Street Mr. Gary Orlich stated that 197th Street is in need of new surface and sub -grade. Tom Peterson would contact Universal Construction for the possibility of an addition to the 2004 Road Project. Bonding for 2004 Road Project Todd Hagen from Ehlers and Associates, Inc. and Monte Eastvold from Northland Securities were present and reviewed bonding for the 2004 Road Project. Bids for the Lighted Ball Field The following is the bid tabulation for the Ball Field bighting Project: Contractor Bid Amount Alternate No. 1 Collins Electrical Systems, Inc. $69,494.00 $4,125.00 Honda Electric, Inc. $71,420.00 $4,500.00 Millner Electric Co., Inc. $72,990.00 $3,500.00 A.A. Hanson Electric, Inc. $74,000.00 $2,500.00 Vinco,Inc. $76,582.93 $6.844.45 Forest Lake Contracting, Inc. $77,400.00 $4,000.00 New Scandia Town Board April 20, 2004 Page 4 Michael Hinz made a motion to award the bid to Collins Electrical Systems, Inc. with a base bid of $69,494.00 and not include Alternate No. 1. Nancy Madden seconded the motion. Blair Joselyn, yes, Michael Hinz, yes, Nancy Madden, yes, and Dennis Seefeldt, yes. Motion adopted. The City of Marine had requested the existing lights and poles and it was agreed the City of Marine could have the exiting lights and poles for the removal. Parking Lot and Sidewalk The Community Center Parking Lot was discussed and it was the consensus of the Town Board and Engineer the lot was in need of an overlay. Mr. Peterson would contact Universal Contracting as a possible alternate to the 2004 Road Project. A quote was submitted in the amount of $6,000.00 to replace part of the sidewalk at the Community Center entrance. No action was taken on this item. Resolution Number 4-20-04-1 Forfeited Land Blair Joselyn made a motion to adopt Resolution Number 4-20-04-1 Authorizing Conveyance of Forfeited Lands to the State of Minnesota. Nancy Madden seconded the motion. Blair Joselyn, yes, Michael Hinz, yes, Nancy Madden, yes, and Dennis Seefeldt, yes. Motion adopted. Bond Counsel for the 2004 Road Proiec Nancy Madden made a motion to appoint Kennedy and Graven the Bond Counsel for the 2004 Road Project. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion. Blair Joselyn, yes, Michael Hinz, yes, Nancy Madden, yes, and Dennis Seefeldt, yes. Motion adopted. Incorporation Committee Michael Hinz made a motion to appoint Kevin Nickelson, Peter Schwarz and LaVayne Dupslaff to the Incorporation Committee. Nancy Madden seconded the motion. Blair Joselyn, yes, Michael Hinz, yes, Nancy Madden, yes, and Dennis Seefeldt, yes. Motion,, adopted. St. Croix Valley WWII Veterans Dedication Committee Dennis Seefeldt made a motion to acknowledge the community celebration to honor the World War H Veterans in our area to be held on Saturday, May 29, 2004, at the Stillwater VFW. Blair Joselyn seconded the motion and motion adopted. Blair Joselyn, yes, Michael Hinz, yes, Nancy Madden, yes and Dennis Seefeldt, yes. Motion adopted. April 20, 2004 Page 5 Connexus Energy Nancy Madden made a motion to approve underground electrical distribution line along 205th Street from County Road 3. Dennis Seefeldt seconded the motion. Blair Joselyn, yes, Michael Hinz, yes, Nancy Madden, yes and Dennis Seefeldt, yes. Motion adopted. Frontier Communications Nancy Madden made a motion to approve the buried service wire on Oakhill Road North for Frontier Communications. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted unanimously. Blair Joselyn, yes, Michael Hinz, yes, Nancy Madden, yes and Dennis Seefeldt, yes. Motion adopted. Patrick Kelley/House Removal Nancy Madden made a motion that Mr. Patrick Kelley, 18601 La Mar Avenue, Marine, MN shall be allowed an extension of the home removal for sixty (60) days. If the home is not removed by July 1, 2004 it shall be removed by the township and certified to the real estate taxes. Michael Hinz seconded the motion. Blair Joselyn, yes, Michael Hinz, yes, Nancy Madden, yes and Dennis Seefeldt, yes. Motion adopted. Asthma Awareness Day Proclamation Nancy Madden made a motion to adopt the Asthma Awareness Day Proclamation on May 5, 2004. Michael Hinz seconded the motion. Blair Joselyn, yes, Michael Hinz, yes, Nancy Madden, yes, and Dennis Seefeldt, yes. Motion adopted. Nancy made a motion to adjourn. Dolores Peterson New Scanea Township Clerk